Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 359 The Order of the Phoenix reunites after ten years

After all, Ilvermorny has only been established for a short period of time. Although many places are modeled after Hogwarts, the foundation is not enough.

Especially if there is no powerful boss in charge.

Originally, the situation of wizards in North America was very bad. Not only did the Wizards Congress strictly guard against the interaction between wizards and No-Majs, but there were also wizard traitors like the Purifier family who made it their mission to eliminate wizards.

Those years of being miserable were miserable!

This is just great!

Originally Voldemort didn't know what was happening on the other side of the ocean - after all, his horizons were still small. He stared at the three-acre island of Great Britain every day. He could only look at France and Germany twice more. He couldn't even see all of Europe, let alone the ocean. On the other side!

Unlike Grindelwald, he came from a well-established wizarding family. During his school days, he was expelled by Durmstrang for studying too dark and profound black magic.

Think about it, Durmstrang allowed the study of black magic and even taught black magic, but he couldn't tolerate Grindelwald. That was a hundred years ago! It shows how out of line he was at that time.

This also shows that the family has a good foundation. Even if they cause trouble, it is a world-class event. The goal is to make wizards the masters of the world, which has attracted the International Federation of Wizards to unite most wizards to oppose it.

Unlike Voldemort, who was born as a Muggle orphan and had psychological defects. In the end, he traveled around the world for ten years, going to dangerous and evil places, dealing with the most dangerous dark wizards every day, and learning the most dangerous and evil black magic.

After struggling for ten years, I still couldn't leave Great Britain. Of course, it was mainly Dumbledore who kept him in check.

So of course he didn't know or care about the little magic school in America.

By the way, at that time, the United States had just taken over the status of world hegemon from Great Britain and started to make a fortune.

It's normal not to be taken seriously by Voldemort, a native of England.

As a result, after this resurrection, Voldemort broadened his horizons.

The main reason was the Paris incident during last summer vacation, which suddenly allowed Voldemort to see the wizarding power in the entire Europe, and even the entire world.

At that time, under the call of the International Federation of Wizards, the Ministry of Magic of various countries sent people to help. It also made the short-sighted Voldemort suddenly see the vast land besides Great Britain.

And if you can't do anything on the British Isles in your hometown for the time being, why not go to a remote place and lay some foundation first?

The United States, which needed to cross the ocean, had few experts, and had a developed economy, caught his attention.

As a result, some jokes were made.

Because he couldn't go through formal channels, he had to take a boat. It turned out that he wasn't familiar with it.

Although the Imperius Curse controlled the captain, he took the wrong ship and went directly to Australia!

When he saw a field of kangaroos boxing, he was dumbfounded!

Later, he finally arrived in North America, found a gathering place for wizards, and infiltrated Ilvermorny School.

Originally, he wanted to enjoy being a headmaster first, but then he discovered the snake staff transformed from Slytherin's wand!

This is simply good news from heaven!

For Voldemort, this is simply God's affirmation and support for him - otherwise, how could I have encountered the wand of my ancestors! This is my destiny!

The principal also stopped acting and immediately pulled out the tree.

As a result, news came that the Seven Powers Tournament was going to be held, and Ilvermorny was going to send a representative team.

So, Voldemort controlled the principal with the Imperius Curse, killed the hook-nosed professor himself, took the snake staff, and went to Hogwarts with a team of crooked melons and jujubes.

The snake staff is a purple-quality item that was used by Slytherin thousands of years ago. Even today, when there is no owner, it can turn into a tree by its own magic power to maintain its existence. This thing is quite powerful!

Voldemort had been searching for the Elder Wand but had no clue.

Now, he has a wand that suits him better!

You can imagine how happy Voldemort felt when he was disguised in Hogwarts under Dumbledore's nose, holding a snake staff in his hand, and participating in the judging and level setting again and again.

How many times did he laugh out loud in public!

Of course, happiness is something that is conserved. After being happy for several months, wouldn’t he be in pain?

Now, this happiness has been transferred to Ted's face~

This time, Ted gained nearly 100,000 experience points from the series of tasks in the Seven Powers Contest.

Adding in the leftovers and the explosion of daily income from Utopia users during this period, he had accumulated a total of 180,000 experience points!

Ted: When have we, Ted, ever fought such a rich battle? !

upgrade! Hit him hard!

It takes 78,000 experience points to upgrade from level 12 to level 13. It takes 91,000 experience points to upgrade from level 13 to level 14. A total of 169,000 points. If you add -10% talent reduction, it will be 152,100 points.

"System, upgrade my wizard profession by two levels!"

"Your wizard profession has been upgraded to level 12. You have gained 1 skill point and 1 attribute point... Your wizard profession has been upgraded to level 13. You have gained 1 skill point and 1 attribute point!"

"Attribute points +1 intelligence, +1 spirit, skill points +2 level magic penetration!"

Magic penetration is very important for Ted now. The minimum magic resistance for people like Voldemort is level 6, maybe even level 7 or 8, which is higher than the fire dragon.

If the magic penetration is too low, there is no way to threaten an existence of this level.

Master-level wizards like Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick would be of little help if they were fighting Voldemort.

Perhaps only Snape could have a hand in it.

This is why a few days ago, Ted only chose to hide and use the mirror world to protect the school, because even if he stood up, he would at most attract Voldemort's attention and cause a little interference.

If you use psychic powers, you may have some unexpected effects. If you rely only on magic... Voldemort is a real master of spells, potions, and black magic! Top three in the world!

If Ted had some soul-targeting magic, it might have a miraculous effect on Voldemort, otherwise it would just be soy sauce. It's better not to bring trouble to yourself.

If Voldemort were to target him, it would really make Dumbledore laugh out loud!

Ted is already quite strong now. Even after being upgraded two levels in a row, he can still control his magic power without rioting, and it is very calm.

But he himself could feel that his perception of magic and his control over magic had gone a step further. A feeling that magic is at my disposal!

At level 14, one step further is recognized as a magic master.

Of course, if we talk about combat power alone, Ted is already at the master level. Even ordinary masters can't compare with him!

The seven-wizard tournament was originally a good one, but in the end it was disrupted by Voldemort.

Because of the death of the principal, Durmstrang's students all had gloomy faces when they left.

A group of strong young men dressed in mink, with stubble all over their faces and gloomy expressions, looked dangerous.

The students in Wagadu are similar. After all, the principal's arm is left here. It was fine when I came...

The exchange students from other schools were better off. They all said goodbye to their friends and lovers with red eyes and left reluctantly.

Fleur hugged the little fish-man Ellie, and then hugged Hermione, "Hermione, I will never forget you, you are the best witch..." Hermione was moved.

"However, I won't give up Ted to you just like this!" Fleur said with a bad smile.

Hermione was about to explode with anger. Her breasts suddenly swelled up and pressed against Fleur!

She put her hands on her hips and gritted her teeth in a low voice: "Then give it a try! You have no chance of winning!"

Well, she felt a little guilty when she said this. Because just talking about figure and appearance, I am really not that good.

But the loser does not lose the formation!

Fleur smiled, hugged Ted, and whispered in her ear very affectionately: "You are welcome to come to Beauxbatons if you have time~"

Hermione gasped in anger, and Ted couldn't help but glance twice: his girl has grown up too! It’s just that my clothes are usually too loose and you can’t tell by just looking at them…

After the representative teams from each school left, Hogwarts became much calmer.

Just like the empty and powerless sage time after a period of carnival.

The little wizards stopped fussing and went to class quietly, counting the days every day and waiting for the holiday.

Due to the Seven Powers Tournament, this year's school Quidditch match and final exams were all cancelled.

Without exams, students are naturally relaxed.

Another week passed, and finally it was Friday, a holiday.

Originally, Ted planned to spend this holiday with Hermione... discussing more about the philosophy of life.

Of course we can't let Mr. Granger know.

Hermione was naturally looking forward to it... and in order to keep a close eye on Fleur, she decided to stay by Ted's side as much as possible.

As a result, on the day of the holiday, before leaving, Phoenix Fox brought him a letter.

Dumbledore's letter told Ted to go to a place to attend a meeting with his friends this afternoon.

Ted's first reaction after reading the letter was to go find Dumbledore and just go to the meeting by himself - why would he bring his friends in for such a thing? They are still children!

But on second thought, Dumbledore would not agree.

How could he let Neville be idle after he had trained the savior and golden boy for so many years.

Besides, with Voldemort's temperament, Neville had nowhere to run.

Besides, the soul fragment in Neville's forehead didn't allow him to stay out of it.

As for Ron, Hermione, and Harry... they have nowhere to hide from this matter that has shaken the entire magical world of Great Britain.

Moreover, if he and Neville joined in, it was impossible for them to watch from the side. They were naturally junior members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Old Deng, I still overestimate your bottom line!"

Ted told his friends about this on the Hogwarts Express leaving school.

The friends were all very excited.

They were naturally different from their half-believing classmates about the news of Voldemort's resurrection. They definitely believed that Voldemort had made a comeback.

Speaking of which, they had been fighting against Voldemort directly or indirectly since the first grade.

This is also...cannot be avoided.

Only Malfoy's face was a little pale. After all, under his father's teachings, he was too aware of Voldemort's power and too fearful.

Do you actually want to go against the Dark Lord? He spat and suppressed his fear.

Originally, Ted wanted to ask Jerry to quit and not go through this muddy water.

But I’m not going to say it now.

Jerry couldn't possibly agree to it, abandoning his friends and hiding on his own because of danger?

That's insulting to him.

Besides, if there was an accident on his side, Jerry wouldn't even think about it.

People like myself were already on the chariot.

Ted looked at the excited friends who could not calm down and warned: "I have to remind you that although we have been allowed to participate in the meeting and have been recognized to join the cause of fighting against Voldemort, we are not the main force. If With preparation or encounter, you can deal with some Death Eaters, but don't ignore the danger!"

"Understood!" Ron shouted, "Safety first!"

"That's right, only by protecting yourself can you attack the enemy." Jerry continued.

Ted couldn't help scratching his head. How did he inadvertently instill "Gou Dao" into his friends in the past few years? I never said that!

This can only be taught by words and deeds! The friends learned very well.

There are really no impulsive behaviors and actions like those in the original work.

Even Neville and Harry know the principle of running first if you can't beat them, and they won't take action easily if you're not sure.

It's not bad, you can't go wrong with caution.

In the afternoon, Ted and the others passed through disguises and made several circles under the cover of magic. Then, in a small alley in south London, they arrived at the secret base of the Order of the Phoenix through the portkey.

In the original book, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​based in the Black ancestral home.

Because the place was heavily protected and Sirius was a wanted criminal, it was impossible to inherit the ancestral home in an upright manner. It was better to put it out for everyone to use and increase its popularity.

But not now!

Sirius's family is fine, and his wife just gave birth to a fat boy.

Collections in the house that were a little too weird and dark were put away—like the house elf head hanging on the wall—for fear of scaring the children.

In this case, would you hold a meeting at someone else's house? That's so damn inhuman.

Therefore, the base is in this unknown house.

In fact, the Order of the Phoenix has no shortage of houses.

Not to mention that houses are not valuable in the magical world, especially the safe houses set up in some remote places. There are a lot of them.

Besides, when the first generation of the Order of the Phoenix was formed, there were quite a few people there.

Now only a few of the first generation have died, and many people have left their inheritance to the Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore can build ten of these secret safe houses in one go!

When Ted and the others arrived, many people had already arrived.

Sirius, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Lupine, Snape, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid...

There are also some people I have seen but are not familiar with, such as Mad-Eye Moody, the Auror Captain Kingsley Shacklebolt, Dedalo Digg, Effias Dorje, Mundungus Fo Leitch et al.

Like Mundungus Fletcher, Ted often encounters him in Hogsmeade.

This old boy is a second-rate dealer and a black marketeer. He also works part-time as a petty thief and an information dealer.

In short, he is not a decent person.

In the original work, this old boy stole Slytherin's locket and sold it for money, which forced the Iron Triangle to risk the Ministry of Magic to steal back the Horcrux.

It can be seen that Dumbledore can be regarded as a meritocracy and not stick to one standard.

It can be used by robbers and thieves. There is no waste in the world, only misplaced things. Even a piece of toilet paper has its use.

Harry and the others saw acquaintances and greeted each other happily. It felt like I had finally grown up and participated in big events.

But Sirius and Snape were not very happy to see them.

Although they understand that they cannot escape this turmoil, it still makes them feel very uncomfortable to let their next generation participate in such an action.

The reason why we fight, why we pay so much, and why so many people die because of this, isn't it just to give our children a happy life? But now even children are getting involved in the fight!

When Dumbledore arrived belatedly and appeared with a "pop", he could feel the solemn atmosphere and the vague resentment.

Especially Snape, who was the most resentful and stared at Dumbledore.

When he defected to Dumbledore, he failed to save Lily. Now he wants to bring Lily's daughter into the war. This old guy is really not worthy of trust!

Sirius wasn't very happy either, but he could understand.

Dumbledore nodded to everyone: "I want to say that I am happy to see you all, but I am actually not happy at all. If it were in other places, I would naturally be extremely happy. But here, in this capacity and in this situation I will feel very sad when I see you next time."

"Tom is indeed not dead yet, he is back again. The war will start soon!"

"War is cruel, and maybe some of us will die. But the initiative is not on our side, and he will not give up. We must prepare early..."

When the Order of the Phoenix reunited after ten years, Dumbledore talked about his investigations and conclusions over the years.

"When Ted and his friends were in first grade, Tom attached himself to the back of Professor Quirrell's head and returned to school. At that time, I knew that as the principal, I should keep him out of the school. But I couldn't, I had to Find out how he managed to survive..."

"It wasn't until the second grade that Ted got a destroyed diary. A diary that was penetrated and destroyed by the basilisk's fangs. That was the one that Tom used back then. He made that thing into a Horcrux! We Finally found out what he did..."

Horcruxes have been a source of magic for a long time.

In Slavic folklore there is a monster called Koshei.

In order not to be easily killed, it hid its soul in a needle, and then hid the needle in an egg. The egg was placed in a wild duck, and the wild duck hid in the body of a hare. The hare was hidden in an iron box. The iron box was hidden in an oak tree that grew on an isolated island.

This is the original simulated object of Horcrux.

Just like Muggle bionic technology, many magics are developed by wizards by imitating the abilities of magical animals and magical creatures.

"We must find all the Horcruxes and destroy them. Otherwise Tom will keep coming back to life!"

Thanks to the book friend "Xiaoyao Daluo Immortal Chu Ritian" for the 500-point reward.

Thanks to book friend "Sleepy Monster" for the 100-point reward!

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