Harry Potter: Super Magic God

Chapter 724 How to teach students in accordance with their aptitude

The shaman educator named Confucius told Zilu, "You have a father and an elder brother. Why don't you ask their opinions and act recklessly?"

The wizard student named Zilu was immediately educated. After you understand and hear a truth, ask your father and brother first.

Another wizard student named Ran You also asked Confucius this question, "Teacher, I heard a very reasonable thing recently. I have been thinking about it for a long time, but I have never known, should I follow these principles?"

Confucius, a wizard educator, immediately instructed Ran You, "Since it is a reasonable thing, of course, after you understand it, you should follow it, and you should do it immediately. What's there to think about?"

The Muggle named Ran You was immediately educated. Once you understand and hear a truth, immediately follow it and do it immediately.

Gong Xihua, another shaman student of Confucius, found out about this, and he was very surprised, "Teacher, why did Zilu ask you, after hearing a truth, should you do it?"

"What you answered is that you should ask your father and brother first. Ran You asked you, and heard a very reasonable thing, should you do it, but you asked him to do it directly?"

The wizard student named Gong Xihua asked very incomprehensibly, "Teacher, this is very unmagical, why did you give the same answer, but a completely different answer?"

It was winter at that time, and the wizard educator named Confucius immediately threw a warming spell on Gong Xihua's body and asked him, "Is it comfortable to use the warming spell in winter?"

Nagong Xihua said, "It's very cold in winter, so if you use the warming spell, it's very comfortable."

Then the educator Confucius threw a few more warming spells, and immediately the wizard student named Gong Xihua couldn't take it anymore, and screamed loudly, "Teacher, it's so hot, the students can't take it anymore."

Then, the educator Confucius told the student, "The use of the magic spell must be based on the current situation. It is not because the weather is cold in winter, and the heating spell can be used indefinitely. Educating students also needs to be based on the situation of the students."

"Zi Lu is a student of the Northern Academy (Gryffindor Academy in the Eastern Magic World). He is brave and reckless and prone to mistakes. To educate the students of Northern Academy, we need to make them think more about things."

"Ran You is a student of Southern Academy (Hufflepuff Academy in the Eastern Magic World), he is cautious and timid and easy to give up. To educate students of Southern Academy, we need to give them more encouragement and increase their courage."

Sure enough, after a few decades, Zilu and Ran had two wizard students, both of whom became very famous wizards in the Eastern Magic World.

But neither Zilu nor Ran You can compare, the sorcerer student named Gong Xihua.

Gong Xihua was inspired by Confucius' educational methods. In the following career, the constant temperature warming spell was developed. In order to ensure that in winter, students can use the heating spell indefinitely, instead of being scalded.

There are many such stories in the "Wizard Family Education Basic Manual", because the book introduces many stories from the eastern magic world, and it is quite popular now.

The change at Hogwarts this time follows the same principle, teaching students in accordance with their aptitude.

Most students are not suitable for studies that are too theoretical and too academic.

The magic of a wizard comes from nature.

They weren't all naturally interested in magic and knowledge, and instead of spending too much time on these students, they couldn't learn everything well. In the end, become the staff of the Ministry of Magic who can't even use the Iron Armor Charm.

It is better to let students spend more time on training, at least let those wizards be able to protect themselves and take care of themselves.

For most wizards, they probably don't need to know anything about the history of magic at all, but they should at least know how to use the Iron Armor.

In the new school year arranged by George, every wizard needs to do his best. Learn the spells you can learn, and master the abilities you can master.

For most wizards. Schools are a screening mechanism, but this screening mechanism is not doing well.

The school has screened out the part of the students who are most suitable for reading, and they have won the title and treatment of top students. They are the part of the people who are most suitable for the school.

But those wizards who were screened out got nothing. They carried the reputation of poor students, but they did not get the correct education and guidance.

And now, after George has screened out those wizards who are suitable for reading and research.

He also hoped to help those wizards who were not suitable for reading and research.

Those wizards who are not suitable for reading and research, they also need education, and even say that they need education more than those high-achieving students.

The top students have this advantage in learning, they are already one step ahead, and they have a bright future in the future.

And those poor students, when they were eliminated by the school's screening mechanism. Neither school nor society has it. It is a major dereliction of duty to provide these poor ordinary people with the correct education.

When these poor students and ordinary people were screened by the school, they were completely thrown into a society that was left to fend for itself.

They must rely entirely on their own efforts to develop their unknown potential.

Once they can't do it, they will become the bottom of the whole world, rejected and eliminated by the whole world and even their own family.

Schools do not provide potential training outside of learning, but the potential of the vast majority of people may not be the potential that schools need.

This simple and rude way of education, while screening out those talents who are excellent for the school. While destroying, those talents that are not suitable for school.

Under this kind of rude education, as many excellent students are screened out, more poor students are screened out.

Their talents are not suitable for the school's basic curriculum, but their time is wasted in the school's basic curriculum.

Carrying the name of poor students, they are pushed into the abyss step by step by the education of the school, and are led to destruction by the education of the school step by step.

The right education, in addition to focusing on the top students. It should also be noted that ordinary and poor students, who occupy a larger number, also need correct education and guidance.

And now, George provides a real education for those students who are not suited for academic study and education.

Of course they are not suitable for academic research, although they cannot get high marks in learning. But they are also wizards, and they can also learn the spells that suit them.

Not every wizard needs to remember the history of magic, not every wizard has to master Potions, but every wizard needs to master Iron Armor, and every wizard needs to master the magic of life.

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