Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 437: Poor (Part 2)

This powerful creature named Qiqi, I do not know where it originated from the star screen world.

In addition to possessing the terror force that makes Lei Luo's body also aim, it seems to have certain habits of **** shells. It likes to push some medium-sized floating islands in the second blockade. I don't know where the ultimate purpose is.


After looking back at Lei Luoxing with a grimace on the back, the giant beetle recognized this strange life breath that once had a connection, remembering the previous encounter, and surprised: "Reluo star?"

He has seen all kinds of strange creatures, and even it is one of the strange creatures in the star screen world. He is not surprised by this creature named Rello Star.

But soon, it realized that the consciousness of the giant astral life in front of it seemed to have entered a state of hibernation, or was tending to a state of instinct, sublimated to a higher level, and decomposed itself into it. Among the countless life forms of the surface law.

It actually exists like a brand new star screen world.

Could it be an innate **** with a higher mission! ?

"Cough, I am the guardian of Rallos. As you can see, Rallos has a completely different evolutionary path from ordinary creatures. For better evolution, most of its wills will usually be in a state of sleep. , During this period, I will be its spokesperson. "

As Xiaobai's spiritual will rippled, Pang Qi discovered this white and tender little guy.


Compared to its level of life, the existence of Xiaobai is too small and insignificant.

Although in the real body of Lei Luo, with the help of natural laws, Xiaobai can exert the power of level 3 creatures. However, once it is out of the blessing of the real body of the star, as far as the essence of biological power is concerned, it even has the power of even first-level creatures. Not enough.

In a way, it is like a temple sacrifice, a believer in Lei Luo.


The pattern of ghost faces behind Qiongqi seems to have lost interest with a frivolous look.

"It is a pity that the star screen world is so vast, it is not easy to meet an innate **** who can move freely. Since that is the case, see you later."

Innate god?

Although Xiaobai didn't quite understand what the innate **** was, it instinctively sensed that this powerful life could form some kind of help for Lei Luo. After two eyes dipped around and shouted, "Wait!"


The giant beetle that is about to continue to push the giant star screen floating island nearly 100 meters away, the ghost face pattern on the back looks at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai asked tentatively: "I want to know, why do you always push these star screen floating islands?"

The ghost face pattern on the back of the giant beetle is a strange color.

"You, as its guardian, don't even know this? Didn't it realize its mission?"

After the surprised color, Qiong Qi explained a little: "Every innate **** is born with a mission, a great life that conforms to the will of the world and forms a mission, and is the embodiment of a certain rule. My mission is to promote These fragments come back to the original point, which will increase my strength. Unfortunately, those large fragments are occupied by the believer. Now I can only push some medium-sized fragments and wait for them to gain more strength before robbing them. "


This is the first time Xiaobai has heard of such a thing.

But this is not important, after all, it is not a scholar who explores truth and learns knowledge.

"Remember the last time I saw you, didn't you say that you were being summoned? Now I also want to summon you to complete a task, I don't know what needs to be paid?"


Fang Qi said seriously: "Anything outside the star screen world, with the invader as the most, devouring these things, will also allow me to evolve."


Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "How about this thing?"

Xiaobai actually took out a two-phase rat, which is a variant of a three-phase rat, a kind of adaptive evolutionary failure, a degenerated creature, and it can also be said to be a mutant creature of Rylosin.

Pangqi seemed to **** jelly, and with a pop he sucked the little guy into his mouth.

The two-phase rat instinctively protected petrochemicals, but was chewed by this innate **** like jelly beans.

"Um ... nice little snacks, but the number is too small, I can only help you to complete the small things properly, what do you need me to do?"

The poor answer made Xiaobai show a surprise color. It shouted: "Relax, there are many such small snacks. I want you to help me push Lei Luoxing to a designated place!"


Qiong Qi seriously looked at the huge sphere in front of him, his grimace on his back solidified, and he seemed to be thinking seriously.

After a while, it responded: "If there are enough, I can think about it."


It's been a few days since Pangularello's elite avatar established contact with the ontology.

The recovery of self-will, to the astral body, is like a awakening of the will of the gods. The price paid during this period is its own life span. Although the body will continue to survive after the life span is exhausted, the self-will will collapse .


At the first time ~ ~ Rello noticed that there was an external force pushing him onto the edge of the atmosphere of the star screen world.


Xiaobai was also aware of the awakening of Rello's will for the first time.

This feeling, like this burning flame world, suddenly came alive!


The blazing fiery white earth fire gathered in the sky into a huge Lei Luo face, instinctively staring at the giant beetle who pushed his own body forward on his hind legs.

Because the atmosphere was mixed with insulating power, it did not perceive the resurgence of Rello's will.

This feeling……

It was as if his own star had become a huge dung ball and was pushed by a huge **** shell.

"How is this going?"

As a media partner, Lei Luo has a deeper connection with Xiaobai. He looked at this little guy flying from a distance and asked in doubt.

"I use some degenerated three-phase mouse on your body in exchange for its effectiveness, and push your real body to the sky above the star screen as soon as possible! Hey, for us, the remuneration it needs for non-combat missions It ’s not too high, and I know a secret from it. It ’s the innate **** with a mission born in this world. The mission is to return these fragments to the original point. It seems to treat you as a kind. ”

"Innate God? Mission?"

The giant face transformed by Lei Luo frowned slightly, and slowly said: "It turns out that this is the case! Okay, let this matter be dealt with by you first. About the matter of the innate god, I will have a chance to understand it slowly, and I will be separated from the body. It ’s too far, the cost of communication is too great, and I ca n’t stay too much. ”

"Hey, you can rest assured to me."

The white face of the hot white flame nodded, feeling the power of the star's body becoming more and more powerful. After a little reluctance, the sound of "poo" collapsed into the sky flame.

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