Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 436: Poor (Part 1)

After half a month.

Along with the creaking sound of the "roll button", hundreds of barbarians of the Garu tribe drove the chariots and walked on the rugged Pangula highlands.

Rumble ...

The clouds in the sky gradually formed a vortex, emitting a dull rolling thunder.

"Master priest!"

Dora in front of the team ran over and looked at Lei Luo said: "Elder Elder asked me to ask you, a thunderstorm is happening in front of us, are we going to bypass the thunderstorm area, or find a place to temporarily camp and camp?"

In the eyes of the barbarians, the sacrifice is the servant of God in the world, the symbol and incarnation of wisdom, so many important matters the elders will ask for the sacrifice.

Especially after the failure of the previous six tribes combined jihad, in the view of the Garu tribe, the great light **** is obviously more intelligent and powerful than the barbarian god.

Rello looked up and looked at the terrifying thunder vortex in the distant sky.

Here is the marginal area of ​​the wind eye of the star screen, coupled with the plateau environment, the climate is very unstable, and this so-called natural phenomenon of thunder and thunderstorm, Lei Luo once contacted in "Law of Nature".

In the area of ​​heavy thunderstorms, under the pressure of high-intensity vortex pressure, the clouds will squeeze the thunder from the gaseous state into a liquid state, forming a terrible thunder, which will fall like raindrops and explode on the ground.

"Settling in."

Lei Luo's words seemed to be the highest instructions.

Soon, this barbarian tribe that was migrating east of Pangula Heights began to settle down, waiting for the deep thunderstorm to disperse ahead.

Dingdong, Dingdong.

The barbarian warrior who was nailing the tent firmly, saw Rello, and hurriedly saluted.

Rello nodded.

"Tell the elder that I will go in and see."

"Go in?"

He looked at Lei Luo with surprise: "Master priest, it is very dangerous inside the thunderstorm. In addition to the liquid thunder that will explode, it is said that it will also attract the guardian **** beast of Pangula Highland to appear and devour this thunder force. "


Raylow showed a strange look.

Is there such a thing?

After thinking about it, Lei Luo continued to move forward, and gradually walked toward the shadow area below this vortex of thunder cloud.

I do n’t know when this thunderstorm will dissipate. The Garu tribe might be stationed here for quite some time, and they have a special curse of superstars. In case if humans pass by, they are not noticed by themselves. Inadvertently became the target of the superstar astral seizure, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, go in as far away as possible from the crowd.

Under the vortex of thundercloud, the air seemed to become thick.

Under the influence of the sky's strong magnetic field pressure, the ground pebble particles floated up and floated within tens of meters from the ground.

The static electricity in the air made the fur coat of Rello stand upright.

The violent wind raged, and the sand quickly overwhelmed the figure of Lei Luo.

Rumble ...


A drop of liquid thunder rain fell to the ground, exploding like a dense black gunpowder bomb.


Supported by the 1024 night guard shield, protected by a crystal-like transparent film shield, Lei Luo looked at the distance of the thunderstorm area behind him. According to the experimental data he obtained before, his cursed pollution area was about one square kilometer in diameter. It should be almost.

Hope no one is interested in this thunderstorm area.


Suddenly, with the faint connection between the elite doppelganger and the real body of the star, Lei Luo seemed to perceive something.

I don't know when it will start. The speed of the star's body moving towards the side of the star curtain seems to be a lot faster!

Affected by this, the growth speed of the real body of the astral body has increased several times, and at this rate, the real body of the astral body may reach the place of the star screen at most in a year or two. .

"what happened?"

After stunned, Lei Luo was puzzled.

After thinking about it, Lei Luo had a decision, so he just sat on the ground with the shield of 1024 night, trying to establish a will connection with the real body of the star.


This is a huge crimson sphere with a diameter of nearly two hundred meters.

It is slowly moving in the interlayer of the star screen floating island at the edge of the star screen world atmosphere.

Above it is the Superman's star screen blockade, and below him is the protective layer of the natural law of the star screen world. This mezzanine-like central area is full of meteorite floating islands.

With this huge sphere as the center, in addition to the magnificent heat, it diffuses a gravitational ripple that ordinary people can't detect, as if it sounded a cry.

Affected by it.

Countless pieces of broken stone chips may be absorbed by it, rubbing the natural laws that permeate its surface, turning into a ball of fire and falling to its thick mantle surface.

Or around it, it is difficult to resist its unparalleled level 4 gravitational magnetic field and become something like a micro-satellite.

This is also one of the basic physical rules it possesses.

The star screen world revolves around the sun, and it is not known how many years have existed.

The super-body star and the floating island layer of the star screen have orbited around the star screen world and have a history of more than 40,000 years.

The birth time of Lei Luoxing is very short, only more than two years, but with the moment of its birth, the unique birth history has given it some very different physical rules.


The cracked ground on the surface of the star, the depth of the cracks, is white flames, but when these flames reach the surface, they become crimson, which is the unique physical law attribute brought by its unique astral essence.

The power of the sun refines the radiant Jinghua, and then triggers chain reaction, fission, fusion and other reactions, and releases the unparalleled power of the solar physics law in the form of loss of internal mass, and after Raleigh collects the essence of the star, the real body of the star will also have The power of the sun!

In this way, Lei Luoxing is like a small sun, continuously releasing light and heat to the universe.

It is only because its internal total mass is too small and too insignificant compared to the real sun, so that only the star-world creatures directly below it can barely feel its existence.

The moon leads the tide.

The essence of the moon can also be called super essence.

This is the essence of a mutant star screen contaminated by superhumans, obtained through the extraction of moonstone.

Its existence has given Rello Star some special physical magnetic field control capabilities. It exhibits basic capabilities similar to star siphoning and star screen blockade, but it is also the same as super star stars' real star siphoning and star screen blockade. It's too trivial.

Star screen essence.

This is the instinctive will of the self-protection of the star screen world, and the power of the mutant nature that promotes the adaptive evolution of its surface organisms.

With this attribute, Lei Luoxing uses the power of fire as the source of life. For the life on its surface, losing the fire of the sun is like the star screen world creature losing water, thereby promoting the growth of the wraith ~ www ~ And these wraiths are like the vegetation of the star screen world, at the lowest end of the food chain, nourishing higher organisms to grow, mutate and evolve.

Xiaobai is like the patron saint of Lei Luoxing. While absorbing the power of the sun and the moon, he is mobilizing the unparalleled huge energy of nature every day, promoting the evolutionary variation of the three-phase mouse.

It is worth mentioning that.

A small amount of insulating essence of Raloxin is actually mixed with its own natural rules and integrated into a part of self energy cycle.

Therefore, the thickness of the atmosphere formed by the natural law of Ryello Star is far beyond what it should be, so that this celestial body, which was originally less than 200 meters in diameter, looks almost 300 meters in diameter.

this day.

According to Lei Luo's explanation, Xiaobai took a walk while eating desperately small pieces of Lei Luoxing. After digestion, he excreted the fertile soil, and changed the structure of the real body of the star a little bit. He hummed.

"It's grass to eat and milk to produce. Is there such a hardworking ginseng elf in this world? Quack, wait until the land of the star curtain, you have to ask Relona **** to use the ice cream machine as a reward! Knowing how my Lili baby is, and my truth number *, I really want to go back early, hehe hehe hehe ... "

Beautiful and kinky, Xiaobai kicked the tall and thin dog legs around her.

"dont you agree?"

The pea seedling elf riding a three-phase mouse hurriedly nodded desperately.


Satisfied Xiaobai, smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment, it seemed to perceive something and looked up to the sky.

"That is?"

In the distant space outside the atmosphere of Lei Luoxing, a huge beetle of more than 30 meters is slowly appearing from the other end of the meteorite floating island with a diameter of nearly 100 meters.

It was actually a powerful creature that had briefly communicated with Rello.

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