Grand Academy of Natural Sciences

Chapter 438: Super Dimensional Strike (Part 1)

Pangula highland.

There was only a brief connection with the will of the body. When Rello was awake, it was a few days later.

During this period, his avatar was almost completely undefended.

So, it is not difficult to understand the so-called price in his mouth.

At the moment, Lei Luo just opened his eyes, and was shocked by the scene in front of him. At the center of the thunder cloud in the distant place, the mountain shook, followed by a terrifying thunder arc with a diameter of several meters, running through the sky, almost to the sky After the cloud vortex divided into two, it landed on the ground!

With a roaring roar, a behemoth is escaping from that direction.


During the communication between Lei Luo and Ontology, three things happened in Pangula Heights.

the first thing.

The legend of Pangula's guardian beast is not a false claim.

With the rumbling and rumbling crust shaking, the rocks shook off, and a giant turtle with a length of thousands of meters slowly crawled out of the ground spreading under the thunderstorm.

Strangely, its turtle shell seems to have an amazing attraction to the Thunder. The liquid Thunder in the sky has slipped out of a subtle arc and fell towards its huge yellow turtle shell.

A wonderful scene happened. Instead of exploding, these Thunders were actually absorbed by it.

While enjoying long-lost food, the giant tortoise seemed to perceive something special.

"This seems to be the breath of the ancient demon? Hmm ... there is also the breath of some barbarian gods!"

The giant tortoise has a huge vertical pupil of more than ten meters high, slowly looking out.

For the lower creatures, it is a long journey. In the distance, a group of worms far away do their best to build an altar, but they have a panoramic view.

After a short surprise, the giant turtle stopped paying attention.

No matter who the owner of Pampas Heights is, it doesn't matter.

Its mission is to ensure that this highland and the surrounding vast area will always be in peace, and will not be submerged under the long death storm yellow sand.

Other than that.

The second thing is the college sergeant Lei Luo had been waiting for for a long time. At the request of Corleone, Antonio Pioneer finally came to the Pangula Heights to help Lei Luo try to lift the superhuman curse.

The first time, this scholar pioneer discovered the existence of the multi-eye king in the Elephant Tomb Valley, and fought against it. However, because the multi-eye king actually summoned the power of a projection of the underground creature of level 5 in the underground world, he failed. Kill it and leave the Elephant Tomb Valley.

In other words, this multi-eyed king not only has the power of legendary creatures, but also holds a 5th-level true **** god identity!

If you exclude the difference between the other party's belief in **** and the **** of light, it is almost the same as the pope.

Not discovering Rello, Antonio, as the great guardian, summoned all the helpers of the low-level guardians nearby, and according to the clues left by Rello, he helped him find the trace of Rello.

The third thing.

According to the clues left by Rello, the University of Antonio went to the depths of Pangula Heights. While seeing the thunderstorm, he was fortunate to meet again with a rare and powerful existence in the Land of the Stars, the ancient giant Pangula !

It is this giant turtle who does not know how long it has survived.

"Little guy, what are you doing here?"

The giant turtle glanced at the tiny creature.

Although he has mastered the power of the law, in the eyes of the giant tortoise, it is still quite a preliminary stage, not to mention that the light creator and the real devil underground are similar to the existence of the barbarian god, and they are more than him. Threatening.

After all, the time when he was born is too short, only for hundreds of years.


In just a few hundred years, this little guy who had the honour of witnessing himself once seems to have made great progress compared to before, and looks like a very powerful potential.

"Dear Pangu Lagu, although you have a powerful force that will not be afraid of any existence, I have to remind you that the reason why the dangerous ancient creatures on the ground have to return to the ground again is not just to extinction. Humans, they must destroy this wind eye completely, because it is in fear ... even after humans become extinct, there may be other creatures in this wind eye that have mastered catastrophic weapons and threaten them. "

Respectful, Antonio stared at the giant tortoise, but deep in his heart, he couldn't help but lament.

As a pioneer in studying the evolution of creatures, the creature in front of him is one of the strongest creatures he has ever seen.

Even in the prehistoric period where ancient creatures raged in this world, there are only a few kings of ancient creature groups that can be compared to it.

It has even made it truly detached from the food chain system and is one of the real rulers of the planet's ancient times.

The giant tortoise, who is drawing the power of thunder, has a sharp look in his eyes.

"Little guy, in this world, no creature wants to provoke an innate **** with a mission. You know nothing about this world."

Antonio frowned.

"We have built layers of defense in the Principality. Although the underground world has descended a dozen or so gods, they are all fourth-level sub-gods, and they can only occupy some places of partiality, which is not enough to destroy our foundations. And the exit of the passage there is not enough to support the advent of the ancient devil and true god, so they will choose to try to open a bigger exit here. Since you adhere to your mission, hope that by then the war between mankind and the underground world, you will maintain your neutrality. . "


The giant tortoise was about to send this obscure little thing casually, and suddenly, it sensed something.

At the edge outside the thundercloud storm, a low-level guardian who was looking for the trace of Relo in accordance with the orders of Antonio, was suddenly surrounded by a hurricane of tens of meters.


This is a young female warrior.

She exclaimed, trying to rush out of the hurricane's envelope, but to no avail.

Surrounded by a hurricane, she was easily photographed in the depths of a dangerous thunderstorm, and appeared in front of the huge vertical pupil of Pandora's ancient **** more than ten meters high.

In front of Pangu Lagu, she seemed like an ant!

Antonio hadn't reacted yet, but the giant tortoise seemed to have confirmed something on the samurai.

"Aura of the intruder!"

With a puff, the low-level guardian was torn in front of Antonio by the hurricane controlled by the giant tortoise, and as two large nostrils sucked, a pale blue brilliance was inhaled into the nostrils.

Did it kill a human guardian in its own right?

And he is the guardian he called!

After being caught flat-footed, Antonio said angrily: "What do you mean!"

After stunned for a long time, the giant turtle said lightly: "This is one of my missions, and I don't need to comment on it."

at the same time.

Superman, No. 13 8262, who was in charge of monitoring Raleigh, was a little bit stunned after seeing the disappearing coincident light spot on the monitor light curtain.

"Falling failed?"

Soon, it denied this judgment.

Although the superstar launcher is too far away from the star screen world, the failure of the advent is normal. However, even if the superbody fails, it will not hurt the life of the host.

According to the number of light spots monitored by the light curtain, it seems that even the host has lost its breath of life.

Judging from this information, it is likely that the superbody warrior was successfully launched. After entering the host body, the host was killed, and the superbody warrior also died with it.

One can imagine the helplessness and despair this Superman warrior faced in the final period.

No, maybe he hasn't awakened yet.

No. 13 8262 Superman does not feel sorry for this, this is the fate that every Superman always faces.

Death is not a fear for superhumans.

And more importantly, a new advent coordinate and a new medium appeared near the coordinates he was responsible for monitoring.

"He seems to have returned to the edge of the ethnic group, but what is that shadow?"

On the monitor light curtain, a huge shadow appeared without any breath of life.

As far as the laws of macrophysics are concerned, the superhuman attack on the star-screen world civilization is almost an irresistible cognitive crush. That is the super-dimensional attack of the interstellar civilization on the primitive civilization.

But because the core of the body-human civilization has been sealed, and the diversity of the microscopic natural laws of the star-screen world, for the superbody, there are still too many uncertainties in this world, which represents danger and mystery.

After muttering to himself, the No. 13-8726 listener dialed the military committee communication.

"A new advent medium was found near the monitoring target, apply for a super body invasion warrior, and try to come."

There was a silence across the communicator for a while, and a vicissitudes of spirit appeared.

"13 87262, according to records, you have caused 14 soldiers to die in this highly toxic world. If this advent still fails, I want you to publish a discussion on this matter."

After a little silence ~ ~ Listener 8262 responded: "Yes."

He knew what the so-called argument represented.

This means that it has lost value to the Superman society, and the work it insists on has not brought any benefits, even negative benefits, to the Superman society, and the Superman who has no value is not eligible for survival. The resources needed will be completely terminated and used to supply other more superhumans.

But it has no choice but to choose.

Although the error is not in it, superhumans who are keen on studying the laws of macrophysics are more willing to believe the inevitability of probabilistic choices.

Soon, a Superman warrior came to the listener of No. 13-8726 at the command of the combat headquarters.

Around the azure flame in the center, strips of light blue brilliant spiritual ribbons fluttered.

This is a superman who is far more powerful than him. The other party's mental strength is several times that of it, but at the moment, as a monitor launcher, it is the other party's chief, who controls the other's life and death.

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