Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 655:

Cheng Yuan confessed with great care, but instead let Yang Qiaoyuan swallow everything he wanted to say, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Glancing at Cheng Yuan for a while, he said slowly, "How long will it take you to go to Mars?"

According to the instructions of the leaders above, his purpose this time was to explore Cheng Yuan's tone and see what Cheng Yuan's attitude towards Mars was.

Of course, it would be better if we could know Cheng Yuan's next plan.

Cheng Yuan looked at Yang Qiaoyuan with a smile, but did not speak.

Yang Qiaoyuan's mouth twitched a bit, and then his face turned dark. Shen Shen asked, "If we can open a new base on Mars, what do we need to pay, and what do you want."

"That's right." Cheng Yuan teased with a smile: "Things like this don't need to be secretive. As far as technology is concerned, it's not me who bury you, you have no ability to land on Mars."

Cheng Yuan spread his hand.

As soon as Yang Qiaoyuan heard Cheng Yuan's words, his face became darker. He used the fortifier, his skin is now considered to be out of the black category, and turned to bronze, so it is not difficult to see the complexion now.

Cheng Yuan bluntly said that his technique was not good, and it made Yang Qiaoyuan extremely depressed. He felt a sigh of relief in his chest and couldn't spit it out. It was very uncomfortable.

"Let's talk about your conditions. What do you want to do to help us build a base on Mars?" Yang Qiaoyuan said bluntly.

He now feels that it is better to say something directly, and he feels that it is now difficult to communicate with Cheng Yuan.

It is not that Cheng Yuan is more demanding, nor is he looking down on himself.

But Cheng Yuan has become more straightforward, and now he doesn't want to go around even a little bend, and he will say anything when he becomes, as if ... there is no any scruples!

For such a change in Cheng Yuan, Yang Qiaoyuan couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, but he felt that whether good or bad, Cheng Yuan should have a steelyard in his heart.

After all, Cheng Yuan is not the first ignorant college student. He should also know what position his identity is in the past two years.

Cheng Yuan didn't know what Yang Qiaoyuan was thinking now. He looked at Yang Qiaoyuan with a smile and hugs his hands around his chest, and frowned slightly, "My request ..."

"Well." Yang Qiaoyuan nodded his head and looked at Cheng Yuan very calmly. He contacted Cheng Yuan this time, but got a lot of authorization. After all, the people above are very clear, what value is a Mars similar to the earth!

So they have made it clear to Yang Qiaoyuan that as long as it is not beyond their requirements, everything can be answered!

Cheng Yuan thought for a while, then shook his head and sighed: "Hey, although I really want to make a request, but I think about it carefully, I don't seem to lack anything now!"

Cheng Yuan's answer suddenly made Yang Qiaoyuan suddenly surprised. He had thought of many possibilities before this. If the conditions allowed Cheng Yuan to open, would Cheng Yuan make very excessive demands, or the difficulty would be so high that they couldn't achieve it at all.

Otherwise, Cheng Yuan doesn't want the people above to get involved in Mars, and he just makes it difficult for him!

He had thought of all these possibilities, but he had never thought of it, and Cheng Yuan didn't even have any requirements! No request, how can we talk about it!

"Really not?" After looking back, Yang Qiaoyuan looked at Cheng Yuan with a casual look in his mouth.

Cheng Yuan shook his head and affirmed, "No, what do you think I need now?"

"This ..." Yang Qiaoyuan was speechless for a moment, then said with a helpless tone: "I'm not a tapeworm in your stomach, how could I know what you need."

Then, he muttered in his heart, "If you really know, you don't need to contact you like you do now."

Cheng Yuan ignored Yang Qiaoyuan's complaint and laughed, "Is it difficult now?"

"Ha ha." Yang Qiaoyuan laughed, and said in his heart, "It's more than uncomfortable. If he can, he wants to rush to Cheng Yuan with a gun."

Yang Qiaoyuan's aggrieved look gave Cheng Yuan a grin.

"You still have a heart to laugh, you're so embarrassed by how you are now!" Yang Qiaoyuan laughed at Cheng Yuan with such carelessness, and immediately began to complain.

"What's the embarrassment, I haven't asked for it, do you still have opinions ?!" Cheng Yuan made an unbelievable look, looking at Yang Qiaoyuan as if looking at a fool.

"You!" Yang Qiao was anxious, and he exasperated: "You don't look at the monk's face but also at the Buddha's face. How old are we all in friendship, you can't give a little face !?"

"Ah!" Cheng Yuan's eyes widened, and he laughed angrily: "Yang Qiaoyuan, I can't communicate with you, your understanding ability is too poor!"

Yang Qiaoyuan frowned, wondering: "What do you mean?"

Cheng Yuan rolled his eyes and couldn't breathe, "It's literally! Okay, I'm in a hurry for your IQ, so I won't tell you anymore, hang up!"

After speaking, Cheng Yuan did not give Yang Qiaoyuan any chance to refute, and hung up the phone directly.

After cutting off the call, Cheng Yuan said to Chen Yu beside him with emotion: "Hey, at this level, I don't know how he became such a big official!"

Chen Yu was speechless, he didn't know what to say, he could only silently make no comments.


On the other end, Yang Qiao Yuan Yuan looked at Cheng Yuan directly and hung up the phone, his head was a little confused, "This Cheng Yuan, what does he mean? Don't you agree?"

"But, he didn't look like he didn't agree!" Yang Qiaoyuan frowned.

But soon, his eyebrows suddenly loosened, and a look of surprise appeared in his expression, "Haha, I see, this Cheng Yuan, can't you speak straight!"

After laughing, he immediately took out the phone and dialed the number above.

"Head, Cheng Yuan replied!" Yang Qiaoyuan looked at No. 1 with excitement.

No. 1 saw Yang Qiaoyuan's look, and a faint smile appeared on his face. "He promised? What are the requirements?"

Yang Qiaoyuan smiled and shook his head. "No, he didn't mention any conditions."

"Oh !?" No. 1 was a little surprised, "Cheng Yuan agreed to our request without any need? If so, I'd like to see it!"

Yang Qiaoyuan nodded, but there were not many smiles on his face. He calmly analyzed: "He did not ask for anything, but I don't think it's a good thing. After all, it is just a matter of desire, he has nowhere to use us , After that ... "

On the 1st, he understood what Yang Qiaoyuan wanted to express in an instant, but he smiled instead: "Xiao Yang, you still look too shallow, but in the interstellar era!"

The number one mentioned a little, then stopped talking and stopped talking.

Yang Qiaoyuan looked at the disappearing screen and murmured, "What about the interstellar age ..." Then he laughed, "Oh interstellar age! I didn't expect I could witness it!"

But he suddenly frowned again, and said to himself, "But the chief said that I was too shallow, what did I mean, did I understand it wrong?"

Regardless of Yang Qiaoyuan's complicated thoughts at this time, Cheng Yuan was still indifferent. He sat behind the car, staring through the window and staring at the sky dreamily.

"Ah, the multiple-choice question is really difficult to do." Withdrawing his gaze, Cheng Yuan suddenly sighed.

With the initial transformation of Mars completed, the interstellar era is truly coming, and Mars is the first step for the Earth to expand the universe.

Ke Chengyuan was tangled at this time.

What made him tangled was the population problem!

Originally, the 7 billion people on the planet were considered very inflated. If such a quantity starts the interstellar era, it will be very advantageous for Cheng Yuan.

However, the outbreak of the smart machinery crisis has directly reduced the population by hundreds of millions!

This hundreds of millions of people is where Cheng Yuan feels heartache, not his sudden conscience now discovering that the Virgin Mary erupted.

It must be a sufficient population for development. If even the population is insufficient, what expansion should we talk about?

Only people can develop. This is the most basic principle of human society!

No matter how powerful Cheng Yuan's intelligent robot is and how powerful the technology is in his hands, all of this cannot be separated from the word [person].

Whether it is a smart robot or a high-tech technology, it is for human service!

If mankind's exploration of the universe is only for humans to replace robots, is it still called the human interstellar age? ~ Simply call the robotic interstellar age!

Of course, this incident only made Cheng Yuan tangled for a moment. He would not regret the appearance of such a thing, because there is no intelligent mechanical crisis, how can human beings unite today?

If the original situation of each country is followed, even if Cheng Yuan has transformed Mars, Bacheng will have to talk with other countries on this issue.

Although he has absolute force in his hands to ensure that his rights are not invaded, his force is not a human, but a robot!

Once a contradiction erupts, he cannot take a robot to live on Mars, so that when he gets old, 80% of the entire Mars will be alone on his family.

Then there are intelligent robots that are all over.

This is what Cheng Yuan doesn't want to see.

Therefore, the current situation just made Cheng Yuan feel for a while, and then it disappeared.

As for why there were no conditions, Yang Qiaoyuan's request was agreed. In this regard, Cheng Yuan also considered it. After all, future development still needs people to support it.

As long as he is a person, he cannot escape the restrictions of nationality and race.

After all, this is the most basic survival law of human beings for thousands of years.

Therefore, without mentioning the conditions now, it will be much easier to do things in the future, because Huaxia also has its own interests on Mars, and there will be no conflict with Cheng Yuan. In this way, the problem of arranging immigrants can be easily solved.

It was with this in mind, plus he did feel that he didn't seem to be lacking, so there was no need to make a request.

"Boss, we're here."

While Cheng Yuan was thinking about the future arrangements, a tense voice broke, interrupting his thoughts.

"Go, get out of the car." Cheng Yuan heard the words, nodded, and then got off the car first. (To be continued.)

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