Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 656:

Back at the company, Cheng Yuan didn't pay much attention to the work of employees. []

After all, the entire company is in semi-intelligent management, and if there is any problem, zero can directly remind him. Or he wants to know the status of the company, just ask zero.

Nothing is said now, it means everything is normal for the company.

"Zero, what's wrong with Mars." Going to the top floor of the cutting-edge laboratory, Cheng Yuan took the boiled water delivered by Fang Jing, took a sip, and asked.

"Everything is sir, our transformation equipment is in production, but we need more mechanical nanoworms to supplement."

Cheng Yuan sat on the sofa with his cheeks in his right hand and said, "Since there is a shortage, increase production. Mechanical nanoworms will be the main item we build in the future. You can open more factories in the space base and use them exclusively Cultivate mechanical nanoworms. "

"Okay." Zero responded, and then asked: "So, is our mechanical nanoworm factory still in the [Hong Nong] base?"

Cheng Yuan considered it for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, re-open a space base dedicated to the production of mechanical nanoworms! Hongnong was designated as a base for crop cultivation from the beginning. We cannot disrupt the previous deployment. "

"I see, then I'm looking for a new goal."

"Well, go." Cheng Yuan nodded.

Like this kind of thing, I once had the experience of constructing Hongnong. Zero is definitely better now, so there is no need for Cheng Yuan to do extra command.

However, Zero did not leave because of this. After adopting a quantum computer, he can now handle multiple supercomputing plans at the same time.

Therefore, even if talking to Cheng Yuan here, he can instantly mobilize all the machinery and equipment and factories in the Hongnong base at Lagrange point.

Coupled with the previous establishment of quantum network base stations in countries around the world, this has further enhanced the zero capability.

"Sir, there is one more thing to tell you. Before you were at home, I was not good at reminding us that we have started to dig into Phobos."

As soon as Cheng Yuan heard it, a horror flashed in his eyes, and he immediately thought of the mysterious metal equipment inside the Phobos.

With a touch of excitement, he asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Our mining team has begun digging ice and rock formations on Phobos, and it is now 1.3 kilometers away from unknown equipment."

"How long will it take to dig?" Cheng Yuan quickly asked.

For him, if he was not in a hurry to transform Mars, he would have liked to dig out the contents of Phobos.

He knew it with his toes, and it was definitely a technological product of some alien civilization!

"According to the speed of our mining team, it will take about ten minutes. Do I need to play the live video for you?" Zero said.

Cheng Yuan nodded without thinking: "Of course! People can't get through now, but at least let me witness the technological products of alien civilization across the screen!"

Seeing the level of alien technology, he looks forward to it.

While Cheng Yuan confirmed, a holographic screen suddenly appeared in front of him. It is not the dark universe environment that appears on the screen.

It is an extremely bright working environment. What surprised Cheng Yuan most is that his perspective at this time is still a distant high-altitude perspective.

This allows Cheng Yuan to clearly see all the work of the entire robotic mining team and the surrounding environment.

Under the bright lights, Cheng Yuan saw a circle of rock layers that were not very strong. The wet, pitted ground above him could still see some stagnant water gathering in a shallow pit.

"Sir, our excavation work uses a high-energy gun and a drill. The high-energy gun can quickly dissolve the ice, which will make our digging faster."

After Cheng Yuan saw it, Zero started to explain for Cheng Yuan.

Cheng Yuan raised a brow and could not agree.

"Are all the rocks inside?"

"Not all of them. Phobos has a very low density. It is spliced ​​together with multiple rocks and ice layers. [] After the excavation is completed, we can send it to Mars."

"Sent to Mars? Don't you think it's a bit big?" Cheng Yuan looked at the screen and couldn't help but reach out and make a stance.

Although Phobos is the smallest satellite in the solar system, it is still 27 kilometers long, 22 kilometers wide, and eighteen kilometers in height!

If it is placed on the earth, it will be a mountain at an altitude of 18,000 kilometers! 10,000 meters higher than the world's current highest peak on earth!

Compared to Cheng Yuan's surprise, Zero was very calm. He calmly said: "Although it is really large now, at least after it breaks down, it will not be so big."

"Resolve !?" Cheng Yuan asked for a moment, then quickly asked: "What do you mean?"

Zero didn't immediately answer why, but reopened a holographic screen above Cheng Yuan's line of sight, and a color scanned image appeared on the screen.

"Sir, look at this picture."

Cheng Yuan looked up and looked at what Zero said. The color scan was distinguished by three colors: brown, white, and red.

Among them, brown occupies the main color, which is the most. White is close behind, and red has only one dot.

But it was such a simple color scan, but Cheng Yuan couldn't help but make a flick.

"This ..." Cheng Yuan's expression became serious instantly. On this scan, Cheng Yuan could clearly see that the entire Phobos was cut into seven pieces from the inside!

The brown rocks are separated by white ice, and what Cheng Yuan feels most surprised is that in the center of the seven cuts, it is the unknown metal equipment they found!

"Sir, you can see it too. I very much doubt that the formation of Phobos has an inseparable relationship with this unknown device. And from the image display, the formation of the ice layer is also closely related to it!"

Cheng Yuan frowned. "But even this is not the reason to send Mars to Mars. Don't you think this will destroy Mars, which is not easy for us to improve?"

"We can use thrusters to control the speed of the decomposed fragments of Phobos and let them land perfectly on Mars!" Zero explained.

"Can't send out?" Cheng Yuan still hesitated.

"I think the ice layer in Phobos is beneficial for Mars. I have sampled and analyzed the Phobos ice layers, which are rich in minerals."

The reason for zero was to let Cheng Yuan relieve his hesitation, his eyebrows stretched, and a smile appeared on his face. "In this case, do it your way, but do you think that if these ice layers are formed and the equipment Related, does this mean that the function of this device is to make water? "

"It's very possible, but I think it needs more detailed analysis of the data to know." Zero back.

Cheng Yuan nodded, his heart moved slightly. If this form-factor device really has such a function, it is definitely good news for Cheng Yuan!

After all, although his mechanical nanoworms can also repair trees and restore water quality, mechanical nanoworms cannot produce rich minerals in ordinary pure water!

Unless the water quality recovered by the mechanical nanoworm itself contains mineral elements, in this way, the mechanical nanoworm can naturally reproduce and decompose.

At the same time as Cheng Yuan's heart moved, the robot mining team had dug to the target location.

Through the picture, Cheng Yuan can see that a huge metal wall is looming in the ice layer.

Although separated by ice, Cheng Yuan was a little nervous, and his heart was banging!

"Zero, let's get started!" Cheng Yuan shook his throat and instructed nervously.

"Yes sir."

The robot digging pair began to work. A row of robots held a silver-white metal weapon. The shape of the weapon was basically the same as an ordinary submachine gun.

It's just that these guns are thicker and bigger!

The most striking thing is that there is a disc-shaped device near the back of the gun near the buttstock. The device is covered with a transparent glass cover.

A light blue ball of energy glowed inside the hood.

The moment the smart robot fired, the blue energy ball began to emit light, and the muzzle immediately emitted a blue cluster of light.

The middle of the light is bright white, and the outside is wrapped with a layer of blue energy burning like a flame.

This is a high-energy gun. The appearance of this layer of flame-like substance is excess energy that is emitted from highly concentrated energy!


The high-energy gun touched the ice wall, and immediately made a noisy sound, and then Cheng Yuan saw that the ice layer was melting at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"I'm going. This thing is quite powerful. Can it be equipped on our intelligent robot army?" Cheng Yuan suddenly exclaimed.

"Of course, but this kind of weapon is still a semi-finished product, because during the firing process, the energy continuously evaporates, which will reduce the weapon's power by about 5 to 20%."

Cheng Yuan twitched his mouth ~ ~ and glanced at the ice wall that had melted into water, and laughed, "Even if the power is reduced, it cannot be underestimated."

At the time of Cheng Yuan and Zheyan, the ice wall in front had been melted by the high heat gun, exposing a gap of ten meters high and about twenty meters wide.

By this time, Cheng Yuan could only see a part of this unknown device.

The surface of the device is a dark metal with many complicated lines engraved on it. At this moment, the gaps between these lines are covered with fine frost and falling water stains.

"Zero, where is its entrance?" Cheng Yuan glanced briefly at the exposed part, and hurriedly asked.

"This requires us to melt more ice to find." Zero back.

"Then hurry up, I really want to see what an alien civilization looks like." Cheng Yuan's eyes flashed a thick curiosity. (To be continued.).


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