Gate of Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 654:

Phobos, with an average distance of 9378 kilometers from Mars, is shaped like a large potato and has a very low density!

Low-density Phobos also reduces the difficulty of detecting it, and once a transparent infrared scan down, everything of Phobos is recorded in the information center.

The size of Phobos is 13.5 km x 1o. 8 km x 9.4 km, and its mass is 1.38 x 1o ^ 12 kg. The surface is uneven, covered with large and small craters, there is even a mountain chain consisting of craters and craters with a diameter of 8 kilometers, and grooves up to 5oo meters deep.

The body is composed of a large amount of ice and rock, which is a very common survey data.

Of course, if it weren't for the deep inside the crater, a piece of metal instrument with a diameter of about 0.5 km and a height of 0.2 km was wrapped in ice, everything would look so ordinary!

It was this unexpected appearance that made Zero abandon its previous plan.

At present, Mars has been transformed. Whether it is a carbon dioxide absorption device, an ozone production instrument, or an oxygen generator, it is being manufactured non-stop.

These things were made by a highly automated cosmic processing plant and didn't require him to pay much attention, so now he has time to explore this mysterious metal instrument.

As for why it is not a spaceship, but an instrument, it is because although this instrument is very large, its structure does not look like a spaceship.

The general structure is a rectangle, and obvious signs of damage can be seen in many places. The most important thing is that many places in the middle are hollow.

Such a shape, whether it is zero or Cheng Yuan, feels that this cannot be a spaceship. After all, the hollowed out spaceship is too weird!

Of course, Cheng Yuan and Zero did not dare to reach a conclusion easily until everything was explored clearly. Maybe somewhere in the universe, a certain civilization likes this hollow style?

Therefore, they do not say that it is a building, and use instruments instead.

Because Cheng Yuan was with Guo Xiaolian, Zero did not report to Cheng Yuan and started to do it himself.

On Phobos, three huge spacecraft landed on it. It is not easy to make a stable landing on this relatively fast satellite.

As long as the speed is slightly slower, it is likely that the spacecraft will be destroyed!

After the three spacecraft stopped, hundreds of robots pushed out a large number of instruments and walked directly to the circular mountain pass.

When he came to the round mountain pass, the robot stepped forward without hesitation, jumping to the bottom.

There is no light at the bottom and the temperature is very low. With high-intensity lighting, you can see that the bottom and the mountain wall are covered with a solid layer of ice.

Fortunately, although the bottom is not flat, it can also hold the equipment.

After the first batch of robots found a suitable place, the robots on the back carried the equipment and went on.

Zero has been paying attention to this matter, and Cheng Yuan knew nothing about it at this time. He also knew that there was such a thing, but he didn't expect that Zero would start to dig alone by himself.

"Xiao Lian, would you like to go with me after the transformation of Mars is completed?" Cheng Yuan asked with a smile, watching Guo Xiaolian.

When Guo Xiaolian heard it, she was a little surprised. She thought for a moment, and then asked, "Go to Mars? Has she been there?"

"How is it possible!" Cheng Yuan shook his head with a smile and shook his head. "I mean occasionally going back and forth, after all, even after the transformation of Mars is completed, it is not possible to see the same mountains and rivers as the earth immediately."

"Really!" Guo Xiaolian heard that, her face flashed awkwardly, "I thought that after the successful transformation of Mars, it would be exactly like Earth."

Cheng Yuan laughed at Guo Xiaolian's flashing embarrassment. "How do you think so, I'm human, not god. It's impossible to make Mars instantly look like this. Want It will take at least five or six years to reach the environmental standard of the earth! "

"Five or six years !?" Guo Xiaolian was surprised, she wondered: "Why did it take so long, and it took you less than a year for the overall transformation ..."

Cheng Yuan smiled and looked at Guo Xiaolian with a doubt on her face. She smoothed her eyebrows frowning with doubt and explained gently: "The transformation of the atmosphere can be so fast, because Mars itself has this foundation. And the atmosphere is also flowing fast, so the transformation in this area is fast, and no fuss is needed. "

"Is that so?" Guo Xiaolian was still a little unbelievable. After all, no matter how fast the atmosphere moves, it would not be possible to change the entire Mars into the current picture in such a short time.

"Of course!" Cheng Yuan nodded affirmatively. "Mars already has such a basis for transformation. I just gave it a little motivation and help."

"Well, it makes sense to you." Guo Xiaolian didn't delve into it. Seeing Cheng Yuan's affirmation, she put down the topic and said with a smile: "Since it's five or six years, just wait, it's not an urgent matter . "

Seeing this, Cheng Yuan also understood Guo Xiaolian's thoughts. He nodded and did not continue to talk about going to Mars. After all, from Guo Xiaolian's words, he could feel that Guo Xiaolian didn't really want to go to Mars.

If you just go for sightseeing, you may not resist, but if you settle there, you may have some resistance.

When he was thinking in his mind, he saw Guo Xiaolian suddenly reached out and took Cheng Yating from his arms. Cheng Yuan immediately returned to God and looked at Guo Xiaolian in doubt.

"what happened?"

"You should go to the company. Although I like your changes now, there must be a lot of things waiting for you in the company." Guo Xiaolian smiled and reminded.

As reminded by Guo Xiaolian, Cheng Yuan immediately reacted, and he really wanted to go to the company. After all, even if the change can not be changed, the priority is not the same.

He nodded, quickly kissed Guo Xiaolian and his daughter on the cheek, and smiled, "Well, I'll take a look at the company."

Get up and put on your clothes, walk out of the door, and bring the tension and Chen Yu who immediately greeted.

"Boss, there was a special phone call just now, looking for you." The three of them got into the car, and tension still remained as a driver, while Chen Yu on the side suddenly said.

As soon as Cheng Yuan heard the special call, he almost didn't even think about it, and said, "What's up there?"

There was no expression on Chen Yu's face. "I asked, and the other party said that he needed to speak to you in person."

"Well, contact them." Cheng Yuan shrugged and instructed.

Since wanting to change, he has made Zero shield his personal communication at home, after all, he doesn't want to be affected by other things at home.

Of course, he also understands that many things of his current identity are inevitable, so it is impossible to completely shield them.

He can only transfer the communications that contact him to Chen Yu, so that when he goes out, Chen Yu can tell him well.

Originally, it was most appropriate to hand over this job to his secretary, Fang Jing. After all, Fang Jing's ability to handle things was not that good. But after careful consideration, he felt that this was inappropriate.

Because most of the people who contacted him after returning home were personal matters, Fang Jing should definitely help himself in the company.

The main thing is that he couldn't take Fang Jing home, and it was inappropriate to keep her outside the door.

After all, Fang Jing is a woman, so she doesn't say that she has not been strengthened like Chen Yu and Zhang Li. Zhang Li and Chen Yu can be used casually, because they are all considered half human.

Fang Jing still needs to give a proper workload. If she is tired, let alone say that no one will help her after arriving at the company, maybe Guo Xiaolian will blame herself.

Thinking in his head, Chen Yu on the side had already contacted it.

"Cheng Yuan, something serious!" As soon as the phone was connected, Yang Qiaoyuan's serious face appeared in front of him.

Although Yang Qiaoyuan's expression on the opposite side of the screen was serious, his face looked a little tired, and his tone of speech was also agitated.

His performance made Cheng Yuan hesitate, and then he was curious: "What's the big deal? What's the big deal that can make you so nervous?"

"Is there a problem with the smart machine?" Cheng Yuan thought to himself, but he quickly shook his head. "If there is a problem with the smart machine, then there will be no response."

"Yes, you know that since the network was completely replaced, we have also been studying new quantum hardware equipment. Since last month, we have started brand new radio-emitting satellites, which are involved in various industries and fields."

"And then?" Cheng Yuan was still a little dazed.

"Then ..." Yang Qiaoyuan's head was stuck, there was a bit of weirdness on the serious face, and the look towards Cheng Yuan also changed a little. He hesitated: "Then Mars ... it changed ..."

"Cough!" Cheng Yuan coughed, and a weird smile appeared on his face. "You see it?"

Cheng Yuan's performance shocked Yang Qiaoyuan across the screen ~ ~ He grew his mouth in shock, and for a long time didn't say a word.

After a long time, he sighed with a bitter smile, looking at Cheng Yuan in a horror and awe, "You did it! How did you do that, then ... that's Mars!"

Cheng Yuan shrugged. He didn't accidentally see the changes on Mars. After all, Mars was so carelessly placed that he couldn't run and couldn't cover up. He had already been prepared to be spotted.

For him, the transformation is finished anyway, and what you say is useless, and instead of blame yourself for making such a dangerous transformation silently, it is better to look at the immediate interests, how to fight for it really!

Cheng Yuan said very casually: "Yeah, now is Mars different. Why, what's the idea above?" Speaking of this, Cheng Yuan looked like a smile.

It's strange to say that there is no idea above, but it's still the same old saying, although there are ideas, but they can't go up. To be continued. () "Gate of Science and Technology" only represents the point of view of the author's rushing black ants. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only to provide a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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