Detective Training Manual

Chapter 142: Criminal talent?

"Who are you? Who is next to me?"

The voice is very soft, it seems to be deliberately pressed.

However, Zhou Yan still heard that the voice belonged to Sister Yazi.

"Um... I am Zhou Yan." Zhou Yan replied.

"Zhou Yan?!" Sister Yazi seemed to hear Zhou Yan's voice and was a little relieved.

No matter what, under this circumstance, I found that I knew someone beside me, and felt more or less safe.

"Yes, it's me." Zhou Yan replied feebly: "Then... please let me take the liberty to ask, don't you know where we are now?"

"I don't know." Sister Yazi replied.

"So, presumably you don't know why we were suddenly tied here." Zhou Yan asked again, but just after asking, he felt a little troublesome: "Well, let me ask again, are you too? I just woke up and found that I was blindfolded, with my hands tied to a chair. The chair and the ground were welded together. No matter how much it shakes, it won't help. My back hurts, and my head is stunned?"

Zhou Yan said a series of words quickly.

And Sister Yazi was stunned: "Um...yes."

"Well, the two of us are the same. It seems that there is no need to ask more." Zhou Yan's tone became even weaker.

Speaking of this...

"Ah!" An exclamation suddenly came over, seeming to be right in front of Zhou Yan.

"Ahhhhh...Where am I, what's wrong with me!!" The voice was panicked, but Zhou Yan knew that it was Li Lei.

Immediately afterwards, a collision sounded. It is estimated that Li Lei is trying to break free from the bondage... But everyone knows that this is useless.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the swaying voice stopped.

"Hey~ Since I've tried it and I can't get rid of it, then don't waste any more energy, okay, we are all **** very strong." Zhou Yan persuaded.

"Zhou...Big Brother Zhou Yan?!" Li Lei seemed to finally hear Zhou Yan's voice and exclaimed, "Is that you? Are you **** too?"

"Yes, so can't you stop yelling." Zhou Yan sighed depressed.

"Okay... OK." Li Lei nodded, "Where are the others?"

"I'm here...I'm Zheng Gangtie." Another voice came.

"And me... I am Liu Zhiyuan." This voice came from a place farther away from Zheng Gangtie.

"Well, it seems we are all tied up." Zhou Yan muttered: "But the good news is that we are all alive at least now."

"This good news doesn't make me feel at ease at all." Sister Yazi sighed: "So now, who can tell me some useful information?"

"I'm tied... I can't move."

"My eyes are blindfolded."

"My arm hurts so much~"

Everyone spoke.

"Okay, okay, I can guess these by myself, so is there anything I don't know." Sister Yazi seemed to be even more depressed.

"Eh...Although my hands are tied, my fingers seem to touch the wall..." Liu Zhiyuan said suddenly.

"Wall?" Sister Yazi was taken aback: "So, our chairs should be close to the wall. Judging from the sound distance, this room should not be big. Then, next to me is Zhou Yan, and the opposite is Liu Zhiyuan and Li Lei. Let's Four people occupy two walls. As for Zheng Gangtie, it should be near the wall between the dead... and the place directly opposite him is the door of this room."

Sister Yazi made a very simple speculation.

"It's probably like this, but it's just knowing the position, it's not very useful." Zhou Yan said: "Hey, Xiaogang~ Can you break the rope away!"

"Who is Xiaogang!" Zheng Gangtie roared.

"You've been talking to each other, and you asked who did it." Zhou Yan said owingly: "Don't care about these titles. It's finally time for you to use your strength. It's time for you to show your talents."

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"I just like working out, and I haven't reached the point where I can pull the hemp rope away with my bare hands!" Xiao Gang continued to roar.

"Cut~" Zhou Yan didn't cut his face.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Ya Zijie stopped and said: "Who knows now, how long have we been in a coma?"

"I don't know how long I have been in a coma, but it must have been after six o'clock in the evening." Zheng Gang railroad.

"Oh? How did you confirm?" Zhou Yan was puzzled.

"Because I am already very hungry, I exercise for a long time, every day at 9 am and 5 pm, I have two high-protein diets, so my hunger tells me that I have deviated from the diet time for at least one hour." Said.

"Emmm..." Zhou Yan thought for a while: "Then we were brought here after 12 noon. If we count, we have lost contact for at least 6 hours. The police and detectives must be I've been looking for us everywhere."

"Not necessarily, it's only six hours."

"This is not an ordinary six hours. Don’t forget, our mobile phones and other things were all handed in before the exam. We haven’t got them back. People on the exam side will definitely notice it, especially It's you young people. As soon as you contact your parents, it's estimated that there will be an uproar long ago."

"Home..... Parents....."

Li Lei on the side seemed to realize that his parents must be very worried about him.

"This..... What about this?" He seemed to be in a panic again: "Help!!! Who will help me!!!"

He began to yell out loud.

"Well, stop yelling, the criminal didn't gag our mouths, it proves that he is not afraid of us yelling at all, so save your energy." Zhou Yan said.

Although he couldn't see it, he could still feel that Li Lei's aura faded in an instant.

"Then...then what should I do? I don't want to die yet...I want to go home..." Li Lei's voice was a little bit crying.

"I can understand your feelings, but you have to cheer yourself up." Sister Yazi comforted: "Also, since the kidnappers have locked us here, it means that he doesn't want to kill us, at least for the time being."

", we can imagine why he did this?" Zhou Yan also interjected: "Why did he kidnap us? Or in the environment of detective exams, the most important thing is why he To kidnap us candidates, if only super criminals, his target should be detectives."

The voice hasn't fallen...

"He wanted to prove Sister Yazi suddenly said.

"prove yourself?"

"Yes, I have tested and written many criminals. I can feel that this criminal has a very strong heart and wants to prove his talents. Therefore, he will choose the scene of the'detective exam' because he I want to get the attention of detectives and police."

"Huh?" Zhou Yan was puzzled: "Why do you want to get the attention of the police?"

"Because only by kidnapping the victim under the eyes of the police can you prove your criminal ability." Sister Yazi said.

"Hey, isn't this a chariot talk? So who does he want to prove his ‘criminal talent’? Isn’t this sick?" Zhou Yan said helplessly.

"Maybe it's sick, but it might be ridiculous to say it, because among the criminals I have contacted, at least 20% of the criminals, they believe that in this world, there really is such a thing as [Criminal Club]." Masako The sister said lightly.

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