Detective Training Manual

Chapter 143: Who should kill first?

"Guilty...Criminals Club?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

"Yeah, haven't you heard that legend?" Ya Zijie was taken aback when she heard Zhou Yan's surprised tone.

"Um...I haven't heard of it, I have only heard of ‘Detective Club’."

"Emmm... shouldn't be, because these two stories are connected." Sister Yazi said in confusion.

However, Zhou Yan's story of the'Criminals Club' was completed for Zhou Yan.

Actually...As early as Zhou Yan heard about the ‘Detective Club’, he should have thought of this story, there must be a version of ‘scare the children’.

Because all fairy tales have two versions, each version corresponds to a role.

The first version is deception: it is to seduce children with sweet fairy tales, saying that as long as you are obedient, good luck will come to you.

And when the first version is not useful, the second version will be brought to the table.

That is... ‘scare’!

The main mode is ‘obedience! If you don't be obedient, the old fairy is about to catch you! ’

You see, there is a light, a darkness, a justice, and an evil. If one is obedient, there will be good luck, and if not obedient, there will be old fairies.

This black and white method of coaxing children is universal no matter which world they are in.

So... Since there is a [Detective Club], there is naturally a [Criminal Club].

The story of this criminal club is actually a copy of the detective.

It is said that in history, all super criminals will be summoned in the [Criminal Club]. Here, the higher your criminal ability, the more respected and admired you will be.

Here, you can have the honor to see those famous criminals in history.

For example, [Professor James Moriarty] who was once as famous as Sherlock Holmes.

[Hannibal Lecter] code-named ‘Ogre’.

[Jack the Ripper] used to be like a ghost in the Whitechapel.

Even in ancient times, the legendary super war murderer "Bai Qi", who once slaughtered tens of thousands of people, might have witnessed the truth.

Anyway, these terrifying criminals will eventually be invited into the [Criminal Club], where is a paradise for criminals.

Oh, yes, the children’s version of the rhetoric is... "Go to bed, otherwise, the people from the Criminal Club will come and arrest you!"


After listening to Sister Yazi's words, Zhou Yan also nodded.

Well, the detective clubs are all there, and then come to the criminals club, this is a good match.

"So, the criminals who kidnapped us just want to show their talents and want to enter the criminals club."

"Ninety percent is like this." Sister Yazi said: "From the profile, this criminal must have suffered discrimination in a normal society. Maybe he is an orphan, even because he was abandoned because of his childhood misdeeds. indefinite.

He desperately desires to be recognized, and the sense of recognition simply obtained from the prey is definitely not enough to satisfy him.

Therefore, he needs a place where he can truly honor his ‘criminal talent’, that is, a crime club.

This kind of psychologically flawed person is easily attracted by fairy tales.

The most important thing is... haven't you noticed the door we came out with? The logo of the criminal club is painted on it. "

"Sign?" Zhou Yan frowned. He recalled that at the end of the corridor he had just walked out, there was indeed a painting on the door: "You mean, that thing that looks like a bird?"

"That's not a bird, it's a crow." Sister Yazi corrected: "The crow is a sign of death. In some countries far away from civilization, it also represents the belief in freedom and darkness. Therefore, in all versions of fairy tales, crows are It is a symbol of [Criminal Club]."

"This...a fairy tale, do you want to make it so real and still have a logo?" Zhou Yan vomited.

But recalling the pattern of the crow, it seems that it really matches the word "crime".

"All right, anyway, for the time being, this can be regarded as the most reliable profile of the criminal." Zhou Yan made a summary: "Then, the next question... can you guess that the criminal thinks What do you want us to do?"

"I don't know, anyway, there is no life-threatening for the time being." Sister Yazi said.

"But how can you confirm that, what if he just wants to wait for us to wake up, and then kill us?" Liu Zhiyuan also asked very embarrassingly.

"Because of the eyes, our eyes are covered." Zhou Yan said: "In other words, he doesn't want us to see anything."

"Well, it makes sense. If he intentionally kills us, he doesn't need to care about whether we can see anything! Anyway, we will have to die in the end." Xiao Gang also interjected.

"So, according to this idea, he doesn't block our mouths, it shouldn't be troublesome, but he keeps our mouths useful." Liu Zhiyuan added along with these words.

"Hey, don't say it is so disgusting, OK, if it is of that kind of use, I would rather choose to die." Zhou Yan said.

"Only you have thought of such disgusting things yourself." Zheng Gangtie roared.

"Okay, now quickly think about the circumstances under which you need to be blindfolded, but you don't close your mouth." Sister Yazi also raised her voice.

"Uh... dinner?" Liu Zhiyuan said, "I just need to open my mouth to eat?"

"No, it's more like a meeting. We all need to talk to each other about something." Sister Yazi guessed.

"It could also be a funeral or something, or some kind of religious ceremony." Zhou Yan said: "Could it be that there is a corpse lying in front of us right now, but we can't see it."

"Please, stop talking." Li Lei cried.

"Okay. Then I'll be more reliable." Zhou Yan corrected: "Maybe...we are in a weird room The surroundings are all incomprehensible. The symbol of, even our body is painted at the moment, and the surrounding walls are full of tentacles, greasy octopus is crawling around on the feet, but there are shoes between them, we can't feel it.


"Zhou Yan, shut up!" Sister Yazi really had a headache: "Actually, the most reliable answer is that the prisoner doesn't want us to see his, he will definitely appear."

The voice hasn't fallen.....

Just listen to a ‘creak’.

It is the sound of the movement of the door shaft.

The door was opened, and then a sound of footsteps entered the room.


A somewhat hoarse voice came.

"It seems that they are all awake, then...who shall we kill first?"

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