Detective Training Manual

Chapter 141: who are you?

"Aha, it seems that we have successfully cleared the level~" Zhou Yan said, listening to that tone quite interestingly: "In this way, we only need to pass a few more levels before we can successfully leave here."

"How do you know that pervert will let us out?" Sister Yazi also got up and followed Zhou Yan.

"Guess, according to your profile, this pervert must belong to the kind of extremely arrogant person. If we can really pass all the cards he designed, then it must prove that we are qualified to live, otherwise, he did it. What are you doing? Just kill us directly."

Sister Yazi frowned slightly: "I hope~" she said softly.

Actually... When Zhou Yan and Yazi said these words, he was intentionally or unintentionally leading other people's eyes to the next room, even to the hope of'we can all get out' on.

So that everyone no longer pays attention to the revolver in his hand.

At this moment...Zhou Yan is trying hard to put the revolver into his pocket.

This thing, regardless of whether it is useful or not, is always a kind of insurance.


"Then, little brother Zhou Yan, you don't think that we are just like this, forget that gun~" Sister Yazi suddenly whispered.

"Um... Zhou Yan's hand hung awkwardly over his trouser pocket."

"I understand what you think. At this time, it is safer to have a gun, but... a weak woman like me will definitely feel uneasy. Not only me, but everyone else will I feel scared. In this way, we will not be able to unite together. The ghost knows there are still several rooms below. If you are the only one holding a gun, I can’t guarantee that you will not be isolated.”

Sister Yazi said softly, although there are many words, but the meaning is very simple, that is... hand over the gun.

But at this moment, Zheng Gangtie behind him hadn't recovered from the frightening shot. Li Lei and Liu Zhiyuan supported him and walked over. They both looked at Zhou Yan and were silent.

Well, it seems that this gun can't be kept, even if he is holding the gun to threaten others, he will shut up.

That is not a long-term solution, and it can even get yourself into a situation targeted by four people.

"Okay, okay~"

As Zhou Yan said, he still put the gun in his pocket, but he escaped the package of bullets and threw it to Sister Ya.

"The bullet is separated from the gun, so it's the safest~" he said.

Sister Yazi took the bullet, counted the number, and smiled: "Well, indeed, I will keep the bullet first~" After speaking, she stuffed the bullet bag into her neckline.

Due to the size of the body, the pack of bullets was immediately submerged, and there was no sign of it.

After that, everyone filed into the next room.

And this room...Compared with the previous room, it is much smaller, about less than 30 square meters.

There are a few holes in the surrounding walls, which seem to require someone to put their arms in.

As soon as everyone walked into this room, the door of the room closed with a bang.

"Uh...I don't know how many rooms of this kind are still there. Although the design is quite interesting, it's a bit bored after playing for a long time. Isn't it exciting?"

Zhou Yan muttered.

He himself didn't realize that his state of mind, from the initial nervousness and anxiety, to now, has gradually adapted to this environment where he might be crushed by taking a wrong step.

Even... I'm still a little bit into it, looking forward to whether there will be more exciting games waiting for me. .

However... his voice just fell off.


The sound of a stream of air passing through a narrow space.

Everyone looked up and found that something like mist was spraying out on the ceiling above their heads.

"Hey...what?!" Liu Zhiyuan shouted.

"I don't know, but I think it's best not to breathe it in." Li Lei said as he looked at the mist that was constantly spraying out.

"It's easy to say, but how can you not inhale it!" Liu Zhiyuan was a little panicked, he took off his coat and covered his nose.

"Uh...I heard that peeing on clothes can isolate poisonous gas. I don't know if this argument has any effect." Zhou Yan made a suggestion.

"I refuse~" Sister Yazi said directly: "Even if it is useful, but this poisonous gas has been circling in this room for a few hours, can we still pee all the time?"

"Otherwise, how many shots were fired at the ceiling?"

"Are you crazy, what if this gas is flammable and explosive?" Sister Yazi was probably **** off by these candidates, and she started to yell.

Anyway, no matter what, everyone seemed to be unable to do anything about this gas.

Over time, gas gradually filled the entire space.

No one knows why this gas would burst out suddenly, it seems that it has nothing to do with the game.


"I'm a little dizzy~" Li Lei said, shaking his body.

Sister Yazi didn't speak, but she also leaned on the wall, faltering.

"Okay, hypnotic gas~" Zhou Yan sat down on the ground helplessly, and knocked his head out of the bag after a while.

His consciousness is getting blurred.

The last thought was: "What are you doing, is this also part of the game?"

Then... I lost consciousness.


Zhou Yan passed out into a coma.

I don't know how long it took.

I don't even know if the eyes are open or closed, or if they are blinking, anyway, there is darkness in front of them.

Gradually, he regained his physical sensation, and then he woke up.

But after waking up, he felt completely dark in front of him. Fortunately, Zhou Yan could already tell that he was not blind, but blindfolded by something.

He tried moving his limbs.

Well, sure enough, I was **** again.

Hey, why do bad things always accompany me.

So what is this unfolding, is it another new game for the perverted criminal?

If so, why does he have to faint himself and the people around him?

Why tie yourself up?

Where is here again?

This is a series of questions that popped up in Zhou Yan's mind after waking Hello everyone, our public account will find gold and coin red envelopes every day, as long as you pay attention to it, you can receive it. Please seize the opportunity for the last benefit at the end of the year. Public Account [Book Friends Base Camp]

While thinking about these questions, Zhou Yan also kept shaking his body, trying to break free.

However... this is simply impossible.

He seems to be sitting on a chair with his hands tied behind the back of the chair, and the chair should be welded to the ground, very stable.

As he struggled, a strong sense of fatigue hit him. My back was sore, and the muscles of both arms were so stiff that I almost didn't listen to me.

"It seems that I have maintained this posture for a long time." Zhou Yan thought.


"who are you?"

A voice rang from Zhou Yan's side!

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