Your San Value is Zero

Four hundred and ninety-two Asiya is responsible for working as a coolie

Seeing the stalemate in the situation, the Knight Commander of the First Regiment and the Knight Commander of the Second Regiment also began to think about the opportunity to fuse the black crystal. After all, after fusion, they can no longer be separated. Although they are now devout humans, they do not want to devote themselves in this way.

It seemed that the Knight Commander of the Third Regiment and his men were strong enough to compete, but they had no doubts about the message conveyed by the Orthodox Church.

This time the opponents have the power of resurrection. Even if they are killed now, they will be resurrected again. Unless all the altars that can revive them are destroyed.

The royal family was not doing nothing at all, they took the opportunity to collect intelligence. I learned that the Shenyin Society must use ancient tree branches that have a strong affinity with arcane energy to build the resurrection altar.

Although this type of materials is classified as strategic materials by the kingdom, in this era, the status of mystics is extremely special. Except for the princes, nobles and established legions, few people and adventurers choose this extraordinary path, so it is not strictly controlled.

Although the mystic has extremely strong attack power, his melee combat ability is weak, and he can easily be regarded as a priority attack target by monsters with excessive physical strength.

Adventurers who freely form a team prefer to use them as sacrifices. When the mystic mage temporarily recruited in the team is besieged, others will only take the opportunity to sneak attack on the monsters, and no one will care about the life or death of the mystic mage.

Therefore, even if they have a certain amount of arcane talent, adventurers do not want to become mystics, but choose the firearm route that is also driven by arcana.

As for the battle within humans, compared to gunsmiths, mystics need more time to chant and cast spells. As a result, it has become extremely cumbersome, and most mystics can only stand still and output, and eventually become a living target for melee professions that practice Qi magic.

Adding the two together, mystics were gradually eliminated by mainstream adventurers. As a result, the sales of smuggled ancient tree branches on the market dropped sharply. On the contrary, firearms smuggled from Fukuo became very popular. Therefore, the kingdom level no longer pays attention to the branches of ancient trees with strong affinity.

Until recently, a large number of players purchased ancient tree branches and carved them into the core of the altar. This gave this type of product a new market.

After investigating the truth, the royal family immediately ordered to increase the control of wood with strong affinity for the secret method. Fortunately, many players are hoarding various materials, especially branches of ancient trees used to expand territories. Therefore, even though frontline altars are often destroyed, the frontline has not been pushed inland by the Knights Templar.

The melee between the team led by the knight captain of the third regiment and the players lasted for more than ten hours, and it was still difficult to determine the outcome.

This is the first time for even professional players [Turbo Duck] and others to experience such a high-intensity battle, and they are already exhausted physically and mentally.

Players like [Seven Blades Taming Soul] who are also engaged in other professions in reality are even more incapacitated. In the near future, he plans to quit his job as a real estate agent and devote himself full-time to the game. He will rely on selling the materials he collects in the game to provide for his daily needs.

Only top players like him can afford this kind of behavior. Fortunately, there are many wealthy players in the guild who can keep up with him online time.

Du Wei, who had been monitoring the battle situation, also showed a trace of sadness on his face.

The cost of resurrecting gold-level players is much higher than that of ordinary players, and it was not obvious that they would die every two or three days before. This time, many gold-level players died dozens of times one after another, consuming a lot of energy in an instant.

This is equivalent to the normal consumption of 10,000 players below bronze level for one month. If the fight continues like this, Du Wei will reach his end in less than a week. He was no longer worried about using energy to extend his life, but he couldn't sit still again.

He opened the attribute panels of Gaza, Marcos and others to check their actual training progress in foreign lands.

The worlds they live in are different.

Marcos has devoted himself wholeheartedly to it, and his strength has been steadily rising. He has reached the peak of gold level and is about to enter the epic stage. But the thin line is like a chasm, and he has been stuck here for some time.

The energy level of the first world that Gasha went to was low, and she came back to help Duwei take turns protecting the trio of adventure leaders, which wasted some time. Now he is only at the eighth level of gold. At most, he is on par with the leader of the third regiment who has not gone crazy.

Also thrown into another world by Duwei were Shirley and Benjino, who had nothing to do.

But the latter was obviously a good swimmer and very good at paddling. It takes the longest to go to another world, but the strength increases the slowest. It has stagnated since reaching the sixth level of gold.

Shirley Noel, who came from behind, is worthy of being a genius mystic. She has made rapid progress and has already entered the epic level. However, Du Wei has never summoned her to return, so she is still concentrating on training.

Seeing one of his subordinates promoted to Epic, Du Wei felt a joy in his heart. But it's still too slow and not enough to face emergencies.

"The Ronin Begins with Douluo"

He immediately sent a message to recall Shirley, and the others also made adjustments.

Bengeno and Gaza were both sent to the world where Marcos lived. The three of them could supervise each other when practicing as a team, and the stronger Marcos could also lead the two of them.

Facing the newly emerged epic enemy, the only ones Du Wei can compete with are Shirley, his awakened self and the further resurrected Asia.

"Faust Obsidian, the guide to heaven. It's time for you to take action."

Shirley hasn't returned yet, so she can only let this thing go up first.

Asia, who was lying aside and scratching her back with the cat's tail, didn't react for a moment, "Who are you talking to?"

Du Wei turned around and looked at Asia solemnly, "Of course it's you, Faust Obsidian, the guide to the heaven."

Asia's eyes twitched slightly before she remembered that this was her name in the Shenyin Society. She didn't want to hear such a shameful chuuni nickname three times a day.

"Stop barking, stop barking, what do you want me to do?"

"If we delay any longer, the player will probably lose. We need you on the front line."

Asia waved her tail and stretched reluctantly, "I know, I know, if you have something to do, let me do it. If it doesn't matter... if it doesn't matter, just treat me as air..."

Asia muttered in a low voice, and hundreds of thousands of them reluctantly made an appointment to the sky.

She had just returned from her subordinate place and borrowed Du Wei's lantern to create a clone to handle chores. As a result, before I could get lazy, I had to go to the front line again.

The black cat turned into a black stream of light and flew towards the northeast where the player and the Templars were fighting.

After watching the black cat leave, Du Wei stood up and walked out of the room, hiding himself. Flying slowly towards the direction of the Bloody Fortress.

During this period, Lilith communicated with players more and more frequently, and gained a better understanding of the situation in Victor County.

By observing her communication with the players, Du Wei felt that now was the time to recruit her into the team.

Under the black clothes, Du Wei's true body emerged and landed on the large platform of the Bloody Fortress.

"My name is Doug-Victor, you can also call me Duwei. Noble upper-level vampire, Lady Lilith."

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