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491 The True Purpose of the Holy Church

The Templars went from being initially vigorous to exhausted.

At first, when they saw the strange-looking guild members and vampire players, they firmly believed that their opponents were mutant humans infected by the bloodline of Warcraft, and that they were the agents of justice.

But as the group leaders sacrificed themselves and went berserk, turning into demons that knew no difference between friend and foe, attacking everything in sight, their faith began to waver.

In addition, players who can be infinitely resurrected enter the battlefield one after another, and the combat zone cannot be conquered for a long time.

As a result, confusion and despair spread among the physically and mentally exhausted knight troops.

Almost all of the Templar Knights who lost their captains and fled in all directions were defeated. Only a handful of those with firm faith rejoined the rear knights and were reorganized into the army.

But even this small group that was reorganized still had some doubts in their hearts, and they told their comrades what happened on the front line. The last resort of the group leaders was described as possession by gods and demons. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Rumors spread quickly, and some people's beliefs were shaken.

The three strongest knight captains could not suppress the bad news and rumors that came one after another. He could only order all the defeated knights to be imprisoned for the crime of escaping from battle. This further undermined their faith.

As the strongest army, the Tenchu ​​Legion faced the main force of the Templars head-on. The National Treasure Alliance is responsible for the left-wing front, while the Qixingzhong, a large number of small guilds, and individual players all gather on the right-wing front to engage in a melee with the Templars.

The front that had been gradually suppressed began to show a tendency to counterattack after five days of continuous resistance.

Demon pets such as Red Dragon and Phantom Wolf King, who have been holding the battle from behind, also joined the battlefield.

This day will be known as the Day of Dawn in later generations. Because of this war, the true face of the Holy Church was gradually revealed.

The Holy Church believed in Nyarlathotep, the messenger of chaos. Although they had helped mankind overcome the difficulties of being exterminated, the Holy Kingdom Plato, which was mainly based on religion, was also destroyed.

The few surviving members of the Holy Church were suppressed by the three kingdoms that took advantage of the opportunity to rise, and it was difficult to find a place to survive.

The new generation of religious leaders finally had to negotiate peace with the weakest Kingdom of Houlivot to help them compete with the other two kingdoms before they could find a place to breathe.

It seems that the Holy Church has been paying and consecrating to mankind, but its real purpose is not to protect, but to balance and destroy.

Nyarlathotep's clones spread around the world, helping weak forces and weakening powerful forces. When the positions of the two sides are reversed, they will turn to help the other side.

So when they discovered the existence of the player group, they had already foreseen the rise of mankind. This was the real trigger of the Great Suppression.

Obviously, today's situation is beyond the control of the Holy Church's supreme leader, the Holy See. Just when he was at a loss, the archbishop in red slowly walked into the hall.

The religious leader was shocked when he saw the visitor, "You, how did you get in?"

The cardinal archbishop is quite special in the hierarchy of the Holy Church. According to legend, he existed hundreds of years ago. His strength is even more unfathomable. Although he does not hold any real power, he is responsible for the safekeeping of the Holy Church's supreme holy object - the original octahedron.

On the surface, most believers and believers are unaware of the existence of the Cardinal. Only a few people who have real contact with the power center of the Holy Church will know that such a person exists.

Some high-level officials regard it as a miracle worker and support it from a high platform, but some high-level officials regard it as a thorn in the flesh.

Every generation of ambitious ecclesiastics regards it as a threat to themselves, fearing that one day the red archbishop will usurp the throne. But all the assassinations against the red archbishop in the past hundred years have ended in vain. After that, the contemporary religious leaders or some high-ranking officials will die of strange diseases.

This is just a small punishment imposed on them by the red archbishop. In its eyes, whether it is the Holy Church, the hierarchy or the officiant, they are nothing more than tools.

Now if something goes wrong with the tool, of course it needs to be repaired. The red archbishop stretched out his fingers, which were as dry as a mummy, and gently touched the forehead of the contemporary religious leader.

The hair on the clergyman's body was trembling, and he wanted to get away, but he couldn't move even half a step. He could only watch helplessly as the Cardinal's fingers slowly approached his eyebrows.

The nails first touched, then pierced, and a drop of blood flowed out along the wound, and it was just a drop of blood.

The fingertips lightly touch the cerebral cortex of the religious system, as if a thousand poisons are piercing the heart. His cerebral cortex was extremely itchy, and he wanted to scratch it, but even if he could move his hands, he could not touch the cortical tissue under his skull.

At this time, he only felt a hundred claws scratching his heart, and his consciousness was confused from torture. He couldn't imagine that even if he really opened his head, how could he dare to scratch the soft brain with his hard nails.

It didn't take long for the religious leader to be tortured by the strange itching coming from his cerebral cortex and completely lose his mind. Drool slid down the corners of his mouth, and his eyes rolled back, unable to control the overflow of tears.

The withered body of the ecclesiastical tradition has regained its vitality, but the change is not a rejuvenation, but a strange transformation.

Rough black skin covers the whole body, and strange runes are looming. Eight hard insects punctured the skin and touched the ground to support his body.

The original hands and feet are still there, but they have been separated from the ground and twisted and rotated at an angle that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. The corresponding directions of the hands, feet and knee joints are reversed. Like the anti-joints of a big cat.

The strength of the religious system has gradually increased from the original silver level, but after a long time it has reached the epic level.

It did not stabilize until the third stage, and finally broke through to the fourth stage. The third and fourth stages are a watershed, and the improvement in strength is not just a little bit.

Even Rogers, the general of the Eastern Kingdom who has the first level of epic, is like a younger brother to him. If the two sides fight in a duel, Rogers will die after holding on for at least half an hour.

After the red archbishop used his method to transform the religious hierarchy, he also transformed a large number of believers stationed in the holy city.

Those who couldn't bear it turned into a pool of blood. In the end, only more than 30,000 of the most devout believers were successfully transformed.

The war ahead is not over yet, and a strange black-armored army of more than 30,000 people has come out again.

At this time, the Holy City was in shambles and became a dead city.

Those once devout believers have now become unrecognizable humanoid demons, with biological limbs and insect carapace fused with them, and the consciousness of being human has long ceased to exist.

Each one of them was like a walking zombie, standing in the queue of the black armored army and advancing slowly.

On the battlefield ahead, the three most powerful Templar Knights have come to an end, and one of them has even fused with black crystal.

Obviously this person's strength is different from the other dozen group leaders, but he can still retain a trace of reason and can barely distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. But the Templar Knights who were his former subordinates still did not dare to approach easily. There were only a dozen cronies gathered around him, most of them were only at the Silver level, and a few had reached the Gold level.

After the fusion, his strength has exceeded the epic level, and he joined forces with his cronies. Even if all gold-level players gathered here, it would be difficult to compete.

If the red dragon and the phantom wolf king had not joined the battlefield, the forward force formed by the players might have been defeated.

"Epic boss, brothers, we are going to make a big move!"

In the crowd, the players were excited and used various methods to call the elites from other battlefields to gather here.

[Seven-Blade Taming Soul] holds a red blade and fights with a gold-level Templar. [Doctor Yang] is still taunting despite the attacks of several silver-level knights.

[Dawn], [Pika Soldier], and [Nana] were three long-range soldiers, slanting their fire towards the knight commander of the third regiment from a distance. The high-ranking Templars who noticed the three of them attacked at all costs and made them their key targets.

[Dual-wielding Gandalf] Riding the red dragon in the air to contain the knight captains of the three regiments, the Phantom Wolf King led the wolves to charge among the Templar Knights. A vague barrier shrouded the wolves, vaguely There is the shadow of the Fuguo cavalry charge.

[Horse Director] danced the social death dance and treated everyone in the rear. The guards around him were peeled off layer by layer, and two gold-level soldiers were about to kill him.

[Ghost Shadow from the Heart] Put your body and mind under the control of the big eyes, and once again show your power. With gold-level strength alone, he can enter and exit seven times in a gold-level melee.

[Day Sleep] and [Night Out] work well together. Although the latter is still at the Silver level, with the two of them working together, they can still fight against three Gold-level first-order Templars without losing. This all relies on the improvement of the overall quality of the three generations of vampires after their transformation.

The cooperation between [Turbo Duck], [Hundred Killer] and [Niko] became more and more tacit. The three of them stood in front of the horse guide and killed back the group of enemies that were about to rush in. Only [Shui Shui] was still paddling, waving the scepter and pretending.

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