Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"I beg Lord Wang to find out the murderer who killed my sister. I am willing to be a cow and a horse for my whole life." Shun Lian held Shun Yuan's body all the way from the city to the king's palace and kneeled in front of Su Yucheng.

"People who dare to do anything wrong in Huizhou City will not let the king go. Mr. Han, first take the dead body to find out the cause of death."


"Master, can you follow me?" Shun Lian was reluctant to give her sister's body to someone else.

Su Yuchen looked at her. "You can follow, but if it disturbs what Mr. Han wants to do, my king won't let you stay."

"Thank you, Lord." Shun Yuan's autopsy came out that night, and he died of excessive blood loss.

After determining that there was no need to repeat the inspection, Su Yuzhen asked Shun Lian to take the corpse back to be buried.

The case Su Yuzheng sent someone to investigate, Jiang Yingxue could not get involved, and trained the girls as usual. Originally, Shun Lian had just known that she had been killed for a long time. She wanted to let her rest for two days, but Shun Lian came as usual the next day and said she wanted to strengthen herself and find out the murderer who killed her sister.

An incident happened. In order to keep the girls safe, Jiang Yingxue changed the training location to the city.


"Master Wang, Ma Qiang said that the fifth child had sent him a message, and asked him to gather ten people tonight and then take them to the stream outside the city to wait for him."

"How many people are there in Ma Qiang's hands?"

"Eight people."

"Let Mingzhen make up with Chuwu."

"Master, let me go."

Jiang Yingxue, who had been eavesdropping outside the door just now, opened the door.

Su Yu frowned slightly. "You go?"

"Yes, I'll go."

Jiang Yingxue didn't want to be incapable, but he wanted to catch this old man himself. The sixth sense told her that this person must be the key figure in this case.

"Are you sure you won't break the king?"

I'm going. Should you worry about her safety at this time? The plot is not like this!

"It's my honor to play for Wang Yexue!"

"Well, Ben Wang believed you once and let Ming Zhen go with her."


The fifth child agreed with Ma Qiang a quarter of an hour before the gate closed.

It was dark at this time, and Ma Qiang prepared two ox carts and hid all the girls in the ox carts filled with straw as usual.

"Xiao Zhenzhen, do you think that the oldest five will come?" Jiang Yingxue and Ming Zhen were hidden in the last carriage. Five of the ten girls on the carriage were robbed by horses. The fifth child was suspicious. He was a man with martial arts and internal strength. If all the elected secret guards of Wangfu who could martial arts were selected, they could hear the difference by listening to footsteps.

"I don't know." Mingzhen observed the outside from the gap in the straw.

The sky was completely dark, and they could only look at the surrounding scenery by the faint light of torches.

Ma Qiang came to the agreed place, and there was only sound of streams flowing around.

He was so nervous that his palms were sweaty, and his eyes looked from time to time in the dark.

Just before the time was up, a gust of wind was blowing from the creek, and Jiang Yingxue was sober and sober.

"Isn't anyone here yet?"


Jiang Yingxue closed his mouth and heard a very light footstep sound from outside.

Jiang Yingxue held his breath.

A figure came out of the darkness, and when his figure appeared in front of Ma Qiang, Ma Qiang secretly exhaled.

"Why are you here now? Now that the wind is so tight outside, I will stay a little more dangerous for a moment." Ma Qiang complained dissatisfied.

"All goods are ready?"

"Ready, this batch is better than the previous ones, so this price cannot be calculated as before."

"Okay, wait until I've checked it."

Jiang Yingxue heard the footsteps leaning towards this side. The next moment, the straw covering her body was lifted away, and she saw the fifth child with a black mask in one eye.

He gave birth to a square face, the ground was more serious, and the intact eye looked like Jiang Yingxue swept up and down.

"This is what you say is good?"

"!!!" Does she look bad!

Ma Qiang glanced at Jiang Yingxue to make his look more comfortable before he said, "Huizhou City has not been very safe in recent times, and it is very good to be able to get it.

The fifth move quickly looked at everyone in the car, and then took a handful of silver from his body. "that is all."

Ma Qiang took the silver and opened it. "Hello, plus fifty two silver."

The fifth child sneered. "Fifty-two? It's enough for me to buy a few and bring them back!"

"Forget it, now you are in the limelight, you have to take people away quickly."

"I see, you should be careful, don't cause me trouble."

The fifth child beckoned in the dark, inviting two people to pull forward.

After Ma Qiang took the silver, he went back.

The fifth child took them all the way to the source of the brook.

"Throw people in the house tonight and bring them tomorrow morning."


They stopped in front of a wooden house, and two people pulling the cart brought Jiang Yingxue to the house.

This is a very empty room, except for some straw on the ground, there is only an old table and a stool in it.

After getting them in, the fifth child and one of them left the house, and the rest stayed in the house to guard them.

Ming Zhen made a gesture to the people in the palace, and those people slowly broke off the ropes that tied their hands and feet while the other party was unprepared.

Mingzhen nodded, and they flew forward and grabbed people in the room.

Who knows, the person who was supposed to fall asleep on the table suddenly patted the table, swiping the wind and hitting one's chest.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Jiang Yingxue watched him greet him fiercely. He felt a little weird with one eye and was shocked. "He is the fifth child!"

"catch him!"

The fifth child turned and jumped out the window to escape, Mingzhen led someone out.

Jiang Yingxue was afraid that the other two would return to be unfavorable to these girls, and came forward to untie the ropes on them.

The people in the royal palace should be nearby.


I was really afraid of what came and what was happening. The two men outside heard the movement back to check the situation.

Jiang Yingxue put on the weapons and iron rings, watching them alertly.

"Don't let them run away!"

The two rushed directly towards Jiang Yingxue.

Jiang Yingxue quickly swept past them in the shape of the wind, hitting one of them on the bridge of the nose when they didn't respond.


Jiang Yingxue smashed the two with a fist. At the beginning, they still gritted their teeth and were ready to fight back, but at the back, they found that they could not capture Jiang Yingxue's figure at all, and in the end they were so painful that they had no resistance.

"Bang" two punches, both of them fell to the ground.

Jiang Yingxue heard that there was a movement from outside. It was the man from Wangfu. It was Su Yuzheng who walked in the forefront. It seemed that he really attached great importance to this case.

"Master, Mingzhen, they are all chasing the fifth child."

Su Yuzhen glanced around her very quickly, and found that there was nothing wrong with her except for the messy clothes.

"Master, I've caught someone!"

Several Mingzhen walked over with the fifth child.

Jiang Yingxue found that his feet had been lame, and he could not help but think of the scene where the old fifth was chased by Su Yuzheng. This old fifth was afraid that he was injured before.

Su Yuzhang glanced down at him.

"Bring back."



The fifth child was held in the deepest prison in the palace.

"What kind of person is this?"

Su Yuzhang took Jiang Yingxue and Ding Xiang into the jail.

"I can't find out the specific bottom line, but according to the clues that Ma Qiang said, his subordinates sent people to check and learned that this fifth child should be from Huizhou City. Ma Qiang said that the fifth year would go to a cemetery outside the city. Going to worship, the subordinates checked the graveyard and found only one who could be related to the situation of the fifth child. "

"go on."

"There is a grave bag for an old beggar. When the old beggar was young, he picked up a child and named him bitter child, and then kept it with him. Later, the old beggar died, and his adopted child has been wandering in Huizhou City. Nothing happened, but it was later heard that he replaced the old beggar with a gold-plated coffin. "

"Who has anyone touched around him?"

"He lives in the house where he used to live with the old beggar. He almost never talks to neighbours. No one knows what he is doing."

Su Yuzhang walked to the cell, and Ding Xiang opened the cell door.

The fifth child was **** on an iron frame by hands and feet. After Su Yuzhang came in, he only lifted his eyelid and glanced at him. "If you want to kill, simply, anyway, I will never say a word if I die."

"Everyone who will be interrogated by the king himself will say this sentence before the trial."

"Jiang Yingxue, pry open his mouth, the king remembers you."

Jiang Yingxue was named, and she secretly rolled her eyes. She was still thinking about seeing Su Yu's ability to judge people. As a result, she dumped her baggage in an instant.

"That's what Lord Wang said."

As Jiang Yingxue came over, the fifth child purged from his nose.

"Don't look down on me, you are the unlucky person now."

Jiang Yingxue pulled a jade pendant from his arms and shook it in front of the fifth child. "Have you ever seen this jade pendant?" While shaking the jade pendant, she deliberately lowered her voice. It sounded weird in this quiet prison.

The fifth child stared at the jade pendant, his eyes swinging left and right as the jade pendant moved.

"Bitter, are you full today? Me, take you to buy your favorite meat buns, thin and thick, as long as one copper plate ..."

"Meat, meat buns ..." Laowu's eyes gradually became confused and full of longing.

"Yes, bitter child, when you grow up, don't be a beggar like me, be a good person."

"Good guy, I'm not nice guy, Dad, I'm not nice guy!"

"Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of bitter children. You just have to confess your sins to the Buddha, and the Buddha will show mercy and forgive you."


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