Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Jiang Yingxue held his breath and was stunned by Dan Tian. In an instant, he felt a body of heat walking around his limbs.

She tried to concentrate the heat on her legs, and when her legs gradually became hot, she opened her eyes violently, and flickered forward with a thunderstorm, catching the falling leaf like a gust of wind.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the leaves in his hands in surprise, and the joy on his face couldn't be hidden. "The martial arts in the world can only be broken quickly. This teleportation Dafa is powerful." Even if she does not have much internal strength and light work, as long as the speed is fast enough, nothing else, at least it is no problem to escape!

Jiang Yingxue threw the leaves and returned to the place where the girls were training. Someone has returned one after another.

"Three people are missing. Where have those three gone?"

She counted around and there were only 27 people.

Girls, look at me, I look at you and shake your head.

"Cousin, I saw them go to the mountain to find something to eat." Hu Ruixuan came down from the mountain with a few wild fruits in his hand.

"When did you see it?"

"Just two quarters ago."

While talking, the three girls returned.

Jiang Yingxue walked to the three. "Where have you been?"

The three seemed to make a mistake, and quickly glanced at Jiang Yingxue and said, "Mortar, we went to the mountain to find food."

Jiang Yingxue found that the girl who said something was dodging. "Did you find it?"

"No, no."

"Return to the team and continue practicing."


During the afternoon training, Yun Mu paid attention to the three girls who came back last and found that they were all absent-minded.

"You come here, I find that your moves are not enough, I slowly teach you." She called one of the three alone.

The girl undoubtedly had him walk past.

"Did you climb a tree as a kid?"


"What is your name?"


"Why, you were scared when you were on the mountain just now?" Jiang Yingxue asked casually while teaching her movements.

Xiaoyue's face turned white, and the strength of her hands suddenly loosened, and the whole person was planted on the ground.

That ’s it, no problem

Jiang Yingxue jumped to her and pulled her up. "Do you think the instructor is amazing?"

Xiaoyue nodded.

"There is a person like me who is afraid of you. Tell me what you see. Don't be afraid. Don't forget that there is King Zhan behind me."

When Xiaoyue heard her say this, she seemed to overcome the fear in her heart slowly. "I, we see, yes, someone is drinking, drinking human blood."

"Drink human blood?"

"Yes, just, in the grave on the mountain, he, he also saw us ..."

Drinking human blood in the graveyard is scary enough even if it is seen in the daytime. It is no wonder that these little girls are so frightened that they are unwilling.

"Where are you telling me."

"Just that way, go straight up, there's a depression there, right there."

"Don't be afraid. Continue to train with them. Don't let this out."

"Yes Yes."

"Cousin, did something happen?" As soon as Xiaoyue returned to the team, Hu Ruixuan came together.

"Cousin, they said they saw a monster on the mountain and drank human blood."

"Monster?" Hu Ruixuan was startled.

Jiang Yingxue nodded. "Cousin want to see what that monster looks like?"

Hu Ruixuan thought deep down, but felt a bit dangerous. He was alone, but there was a cousin after all. What if the cousin was injured?

"Cousin, is there any danger?"

Jiang Yingxue scratched his chest. "Isn't there a cousin, cousin will protect me."

With that said, Hu Ruixuan immediately burst into confidence. "Cousin, rest assured, I will protect your safety."

"Well, I believe cousin."

Mingzhen watched the two whispering together for a while and then headed up the mountain. She frowned and followed.

The more you walk up the mountain, the more gloomy the surrounding atmosphere is, and there is a wet rotten air in the air.


Several crows fluttered over their heads with wings fluttering. Jiang Yingxue was not a timid person, but also had a layer of goosebumps.

"The smell of carrion is ahead." Mingzhen said with a cold voice.

The smell of carrion ...

Jiang Yingxue could not help lightly, just as they were about to go to the end, there was a not-so-deep depression in front of them, and when they took a closer look, there were tombs exuding the coldness of the forest.

Some graves are already covered with grass, making it impossible to tell whether it is the grave or the ground.

Ming Zhen crossed the two and entered the cemetery first. Only three of them left the sound of the weeds passing by the cemetery. No one spoke, and it was scary.

"There seems to be a person lying there."

Jiang Yingxue spoke suddenly, startled Hu Ruixuan. "Where? Where?"

Jiang Yingxue walked towards a grave bag, and when he got closer, he could see a pair of women's legs exposed.

It was a pair of red embroidered shoes ...

Jiang Yingxue picked up a wooden stick from the ground and flickered quickly to the other side of the grave bag. It was clear that a 14-year-old girl was lying on the ground. From her clothes, it should The daughter of the rich man.

She crouched down and felt her veins. She had no breath, but her body was still warm, and she had just died.

"Dead?" Hu Ruixuan frowned.

"Dead, but it shouldn't be long." Jiang Yingxue looked at Ming Zhen. "Do you care about this?"

Although this is outside the city of Huizhou, it is also considered as the boundary of Su Yuying, so it is natural to manage it.

Ming Zhen took out the signal tube to send a signal.

Jiang Yingxue removed the woman's neck and looked at it. There were obvious tooth marks on it, and there was a large pool of blood underneath. It should have died of excessive bleeding.

"A few of them, Xiaoyue, said that when they saw someone drinking human blood, it should be the process of seeing the girl killed."

"Who actually did this!"

Jiang Yingxue looked at the corpse. The woman's hands were clearly marked by ropes, and the marks were deep. It should have been tied for a while.

Seeing that the bottom of her shoes was clean, there was no city outside Huizhou City within a hundred miles of the neighborhood. People should have been arrested in Huizhou City.

"Sister, sister !?"

A suspicious voice sounded after itself, and Jiang Yingxue turned around and saw Shun Lian rushing towards this side.

It can be said that Shun Lian ran up and down to the body. "Mariko, Mariko, what's wrong, Mariko, my sister came to you Mariko ..."

Shun Lian cried, holding her body, full of despair and anger.

"She is your sister?"

"Yes, yes, it's my sister, Mariko, who is it, who killed her like this?"

Jiang Yingxue patted her shoulder calmly. "We saw people lying here as soon as we arrived, and you mourn."

"Mariko, my Mariko ..."

"Mingzhen, it's over to you here, cousin, you will come down with me right away." There are still so many girls down the mountain. In case of something unexpected, she can't really tell her parents.

"Well, go down the mountain first."

The girls training under the mountain did not know what had happened.

Jiang Yingxue saw that it was almost time, so she gathered them to prepare for returning to the city. It is better not to let too many people know about things here.

"Cousin, you said the killer was a lunatic, why did he drink human blood?" Hu Ruixuan whispered on his way back to the city.

Normal people do not do things like drinking human blood, either as Hu Ruixuan said, the other party is a lunatic, or ... the person just has a certain belief and thinks what happens after drinking human blood.

"Go back to the palace before talking."


Back in the palace, Jiang Yingxue found the swollen body that had been so thin by Mr. Han.

"You woman, where did you go in the meantime!" Jiang Yingxue rushed towards her like crazy when she saw Jiang Yingxue.

"Why, stop! Do n’t move your hands, men and women do n’t know it !? Do n’t you take advantage of Mr. Han? Do n’t think I do n’t know!”

Upon hearing it, he almost didn't jump up. "I took advantage of him. Tell me, what advantage did I take !?"

Jiang Yingxue cut his voice. "Mr. Han told me last time, you stole a cheat book of martial arts."

His eyes stared.

"But he said it's okay, I'll give it to you."

"Just tell Jiang Yingxue if you break the thing and martial arts. If you don't tell me the teleportation Dafa, I will kill you!"

Jiang Yingxue smiled at those coy faces. "Give, give, I'm not here for you, come and see, there are so many pages."

Poo glanced at the paper she held in her hand and reached for it.

"you give me!"

"It's OK for you, but I'll ask you a few questions, and I'll give it to you when I'm done."

"I got so angry and sat down on the chair." You better not play tricks with me, just ask. "

"Can you tell me something about the Qingyu religion that you told me before?"

"How specific are you?"

"That's what they eat besides the child's meat, such as the blood of a girl?"

Mou frowned. "I don't know about this. I have heard others talk about it, but you really don't want to check it. The court's penal department should still keep the dossier about Qingyu religion. You want to know to go back to Beijing to see it.

Doesn't she want to return to Beijing!

"You ask me what this does?"

"No, just a dead woman's body was found on the mountain."

"Female corpse being sucked?"

"Yeah, the body should be carried back soon."

"Qing Yujiao eats the flesh of babies, but I remember they used girls when they worshipped gods."

Jiang Yingxue always felt that the blood-sucked female corpse was related to the missing girls. She had a hunch that this should be a very large criminal gang!

And what they see now is just the tip of the iceberg!

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