Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

With a bang, Jiang Yingxue slammed the drums. The people on the starting line rushed to the cafeteria with the bell ringing, and quickly rushed out.

Jiang Yingxue sat in a chair and watched people brewing on the playground. Wang Ye took a lap of almost 400 meters in this training ground, and then 1200 meters in the third lap. The one far ahead.

"I didn't expect these women to be frightening and stop being scary."

"You look like you're unmarried, women are more scary than us big masters."

At 1,200 meters, a lot of people who just rushed to the front rushed a little to the last lap.

Others vomited while running. Fortunately, Jiang Yingxue had expected this to happen, and people had prepared several wooden barrels on the training ground early, which were used to hold vomit!

"One, two, three, four, five ... ten! Okay, the first team, the top ten way out, don't be discouraged by the girls behind, one can get another small cake when leaving from the side door."

There were 280 people in 14 groups, and half of them were screened out.

"This second level is still physical. It is still divided into groups of twenty. Can you see this wall?" Jiang Yingxue pointed at the high wall on the training ground that separated it from the other training ground.

"This wall is almost three as high as you, and each group has two quarters of an hour. Those who can turn over this wall within the specified time will be promoted. Of course, provided that you do not have any tools to use, you can You can only rely on yourself. "

Bailai individuals looked up at the high wall one after another, and most people couldn't turn it over!

"Now the first group is out, and the time is up!"

As soon as Jiang Yingxue flipped the hourglass, the first group of people began to try to find a way to turn the wall.

However, this wall does not have any support points and cannot be climbed up with the aid of any tool. How can people without light skills generally turn over.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the person with hands around his chest and tried to jump over the wall.

The sand in the hourglass passed away a little, until the end, only two people turned over.

"It's a pity that those who haven't turned over are eliminated."

Looking at the eliminated person Jiang Yingxue was a little disappointed.

"The next group is ready."

Su Yuyi stood outside the training ground, watching Jiang Yingxue with a small face, and looked at the people on the training ground very seriously, and suddenly felt that this woman was strange.

It seems that every time she sees her, she can make him feel that she is different from the previous one.

The results of the second group were similar to the first group, except that there were more people crossing the wall than the first.

Jiang Yingxue stood still without saying a word.

"The third group!"

"Let ’s not mess, most of us would not be able to look through this wall without resorting to anything." Shun Lian was in the third group. After the time started, she stopped the people who wanted to turn the wall.

"Then what do you say?" The people in the previous two groups did not turn over, and they were also anxious.

"We set up a mountain of people, after the people stepping on it turned over, and then think of a way to pull people here."

After Shun Lian's idea came out, the team was a bit silent, but no one spoke, saying that, what if the person in the past just stopped there, and who would be the one who was stepped on?

Shun Lian was anxious to see that they did not respond, after all, time was limited.

"Little sister, I stepped on the body of me and the second sister." Shun Lian simply ignored the two sisters.

"Sister Master, don't worry, we will definitely pull you after we pass."

"Well, I believe in you." Shun Lian said she took a good step under the root of the wall, and her second teacher stepped on her shoulder.

"Little sister, come up soon."


The other members of the group looked at the three of them one by one, sighing with envy when they saw that Xiao Shimei rolled over to the wall smoothly.

"Sister Ershi, give me your belt, and I'll pull you over." Jiang Yingxue said that they can't rely on any tools but rely on themselves. The belt is their own!

"Okay, you caught it."


Xiao Shimei also took off her belt and tied the two belts together. "Sister Ershi, you grabbed the belt and crawled over."

"Okay, you're steady." The little girl grabbed the falling belt and quickly climbed up, and soon climbed to the wall, but instead of turning over immediately, she let her body hang. "Sister, borrow a force and crawl over me."

Shunlian patted the dust on her body and smiled, "Okay, come right away."

She stepped back, a sprint stepped forward and climbed up the wall. At halfway, she grabbed the little girl's feet and crawled over.

"Great, let's all come over."

The people who were still watching on the wall watched the three of them turned over, and they regretted it. It had been known that they had just agreed to Shun Lian's proposal, but it was not too late to do what they did.

More than a dozen people began to discuss, but they were not as smooth as Shunlian, but this group also had the most over the wall, with ten people.

Jiang Yingxue secretly wrote down Shun Lian and all of them. This assessment is not just a check of physical fitness. In fact, it is a check of their resilience and team spirit. Even if they are just grouped together, if one A team with a team spirit can never do a great job.

With the third group of references, there are more people looking through the high wall than before, but at the end there are only 70 people.

"Congratulations on your stay till now, you can take a good rest. The assessment we are going to perform is very simple. After a while, I will say a word to each of you. Your task is to let your partner say that I and her That sentence, if the other party told you the words within the prescribed time, then congratulations, you have become a member of the escort, but if you did not ask the words within the time, then sorry, I can only You are eliminated. "

Originally she wanted to leave fifty people, but depending on the current situation, it would be good to be able to leave forty.

The remaining people lined up one by one to Jiang Yingxue, Jiang Yingxue whispered in their ears.

After everyone has finished speaking, she said again: "At this level, you have an hour, and now this training ground is yours. You can intimidate the other side to say what you want."

Jiang Yingxue walked out of the training field after speaking, and unexpectedly saw Su Yuzheng standing outside.

"When did the prince come?"

"Start with you shaking your legs in a chair."


"So hungry, Lord Wang slowly watch, I'll go eat something ..."

"and many more."

Jiang Yingxue stepped back, pressing down the urge to roll his eyes and turned back. "What else does the lord say?"

"My King heard that when you recruited people on the street, you formed a maiden's army in your name?"

Jiang Yingxue blinked. "The Lord is our most powerful backing!"

Su Yu squinted. "Jiang Yingxue, set up an army without permission, what crime do you know?"

"There is no army that has not even a hundred people. It is not the army. It is the women's guard. Fighting for women! Lord Wang rest assured. I will find a way to house these people.

"Cousin." Hu Ruixuan walked towards them.

Hu Ruixuan approached and saw Su Yuxuan standing in front of Jiang Yingxue.

"Cousin." Jiang Yingxue was unable to meet with Hu Ruixuan for various reasons after returning to the palace, but she thought of this cousin as herself.


Su Yuzheng answered.

When he approached, Jiang Yingxue found that he had a gauze on his hand, and then he cared, "Cousin are you injured?"

Hu Ruixuan looked at his wound and said, "It's all right, a little hurt."

"How did my cousin get hurt?"

"Just because I was accidentally injured on the battlefield with Grandpa the other day, it's okay for a few days."

"Cousin is on the battlefield?" Jiang Yingxue lost his face, and Hu Ruixuan went directly to the battlefield without even participating in a real combat drill. It was already a **** to leave the head!

"Well, my cousin doesn't know how dangerous it is on the battlefield ..." Speaking of the battlefield, Hu Ruixuan's face was full of excitement. If a man had never been on the battlefield in his whole life, that would be a waste of life!

Jiang Yingxue's face grew heavier as he listened. This kid was still playing. I was afraid that he was almost endured several times when he heard what he said, but he was still silly here!

"Master Wang, my cousin has no experience on the battlefield at all, so it would be too hasty to take him to the battlefield so bravely." Jiang Yingxue looked at the posture of defending the calf somewhat.

Su Yu frowned, and the air pressure gradually became lower ...

Ding Xiang and the others standing behind him silently glanced at Jiang Yingxue and took a quiet step back.

I think when Wang Ye first arrived in Huizhou City, he went to the battlefield without breathing, and they were few people, so Wang Ye grew up in a pool of blood and corpses.

Now that Grandpa Hu is still guarding him, the difference is still very big ...

"Cousin, I asked to go to the battlefield with Grandpa ..." Hu Ruixuan secretly pulled Lajiang Yingxue, thinking that his cousin is becoming more and more ignorant of life and death ... But his cousin is concerned about him, he is still very moved!

"Master, cousin didn't mean to blame him."

"Shut up!" Su Yuzheng's forehead jumped, but he was on the battlefield. He didn't know how many times he had escaped on the battlefield in recent years. Hu Ruixuan just followed to meet the world. He speaks!

Jiang Yingxue shivered and swelled, almost forgetting that Su Yuzhang was a relentless cold-blooded animal.

"My lord, it's my fault, my lord forgive me, my lord forgive me."

Jiang Yingxue's attitude of quickly admitting wrong was even more annoying Su Yuzheng.

Su Yuzhang's whole body was full of Sen Leng's breath. His eyes looking at Jiang Yingxue became indifferent and lonely. The only temperature left at the bottom of his eyes disappeared ...

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