Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"I don't know what I really do. I was forced to helplessly. I have an 80-year-old mother and a 3-year-old child ..."

When Jiang Yingxue walked into the jail of the Zhan King's Mansion, the trafficker had been beaten to the ground and swollen and motionless.

"Girl Jiang, he still refuses to say anything." Shun Lian's frowns could pinch the flies.

"It's all here, either it really doesn't know anything, or it's not afraid of death." Jiang Yingxue stepped forward and asked him to drag him up from the ground and put him on a chair.

"You talk about you, there are old, young and small, what is not good, you just want to be a trafficker. If your old lady knows, you will be mad at you if you don't die!"

"Well ... I, I can't help it. Come here, come fast, but I'm shooting for the first time today, and I don't know anything about it before ..."

"Cheng, you say you don't know anything, then I will trust you, do you always know the person who brought you into this field? Don't tell me that there is just a cat and a dog in the street and you just believe it? "

"Yes, it's Ma Qiang. A friend I met when I was working in labor in the city, he said that working as a laborer will not make the family live a good life. It is better to work with him, and say that the money comes quickly, It ’s not easy to be found. I, I did it with him. "

Jiang Yingxue approached him for a point, shaking his legs and said, "Come, raise your head and look at my eyes to answer the next question."

The trafficker slowly raised his head. One of his eyes was swollen and he couldn't open. Only one eye that could see the object was left. Jiang Yingxue looked straight into the eyes.

"Tell me what you plan for today, step by step."

"Last night, Ma Qiang found me and said that the goods were on it. I asked him to get him back tomorrow. I got up before the morning lighted up ..." The dealer really started to talk to Jiang Yingxue in detail. His course of action.

"What criteria do you use to select a young girl?"

"No, it's not, Ma Qiang said, if you are young, you have to be unmarried."

"What else?"

He shook his head. "I don't know anything else. That's how Ma Qiang told me."

Jiang Yingxue looked at Ding Xiang and stood up. "First offender, it took him ten or eight years to let him know that not everything can be done in this world."

"Miss Jiang, my sister, she ..." As soon as she got out of the cell, Shun Lian couldn't wait to speak.

"This person doesn't know anything. Find that Ma Qiang and hope to dig out some useful information from his mouth."

"If I catch the people who took my sister away, I must kill them!"

"Master Wang will certainly not ignore it." Jiang Yingxue looked at Shun Lian up and down as she spoke, and Shun Lian was somewhat inexplicable by her.

"Shun Lian, is your family martial arts?"

"Yes, I have been doing martial arts since my grandpa."

"Then you got married?"

Shun Lian was embarrassed when asked. "I haven't gotten married, I told my father and mother that I couldn't find my sister, and I won't get married in my life!"

"Girl, have ambition!" Jiang Yingxue patted her shoulder applaudingly. "But it doesn't have to be that way. If you really meet someone you like, you can still marry it. Lord Wang, let me form a army of women. I think you have good physical fitness and have trained martial arts. If you are interested, come to me tomorrow. how about it?"

"Mother's Army?" Shun Lian was surprised for a moment, and her expression on her face changed immediately. "Mrs. Jiang seriously?"

"Really, truer than real gold!"

"That's great, I am willing, I would like to thank Girl Jiang!" Shun Lian ’s biggest dream is to hope that she can fight the enemy like a man, but she is a woman, Zhan ’s army does not want a woman, she thought she was this I miss it in my life.

"After going back, practice well. Although I signed up for you, you still have to pass the test. You can join after passing the test."

"Girl Jiang is assured, I will not let Girl Jiang down."

After Shun Lian left, Jiang Yingxue was ready to return to his yard.

Who knew that as soon as he entered the courtyard, there was a strange smell in the courtyard.

Jiang Yingxue stopped, saw it in the room, and saw Mr. Han sitting upright inside.

"Mr. Han?"

Hearing, Mr. Han turned slowly and smiled at her very gently.

Jiang Yingxue shuddered inexplicably, always feeling that the smile was full of weird breath. "Mr. Han, are you ... okay?"

Mr. Han stood up and walked to her, holding her shoulders and letting her sit down in a chair. "It's fine, just want to ask Jiang to help me see if some medicines are useful."

Wo grass!

Want me to give you a free trial of white mice!

"Isn't Pou with you recently? You're looking for him."

As Jiang Yingxue was leaving, Mr. Han gently held her. "Miss Jiang, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to ask Miss Jiang to test medicine." Then, he lifted a cage from the table, which contained several small animals.

"I just asked Miss Jiang to witness the effects of these medicines with me."

Jiang Yingxue looked at him doubtfully.

Mr. Han opened a white porcelain bottle on the table and poured a red pill from it into two halves to feed a rabbit and a mouse.

Soon, the rabbit and mouse began to hop around in the cage, as if they were taking a stimulant.

Jiang Yingxue stood beside Mr. Han and watched him make an hour. "Mr. Han, I think these medicines are very good for you, especially for this, this and this. People who appreciate such good things, such as me, are the reward for sitting with you for an afternoon. , I do n’t have to take a nap first. ”She closed the medicine bottle on the table and hugged it to her house.

Mr. Han stopped his movements and turned to look at an incense burner that he had put in the room. He stood up to put out the incense burner, packed his things, and left the yard, but he did not return to his place, but Arrived in Su Yuzhen's study.


Su Yuzhang stood in front of the window with a hand. "how is it?"

"Subordinates tried medicinal smoke and found that Miss Jiang had no response. This kind of medicinal smoke would quickly cause rashes on anyone who smelled a toxin in the body for more than a quarter of an hour. Any change. "

Su Yu frowned suddenly. "You mean she's not poisoned at all !?"

"Subordinates thought that at least what was done might not be poisoned."

Su Yuquan clenched her fists and took a deep breath to suppress the anger in her chest.

"Stay back."


After Mr. Han pushed it out, Su Yuzhang patted it on the window lattice, and the window lattice broke into **** instantly.

"Jiang Yingxue, you lie woman!"

Su Yu snorted heavily, although angry, but for some reason, when he knew that Jiang Yingxue had not been poisoned, he exhaled.


"Girls, do you want to be like a man to resist foreign enemies? Wang said that he would build a women's escort, and those who are willing to participate come to me to register for a name. The limited number is a must!

Jiang Yingxue set up a shed on the street to start recruiting the girl soldiers.

"Well, big girl, do you have any intention to join our women's guard?" Jiang Yingxue held a five big and three thick woman with a smile.

"I don't want it. A woman as soft as me won't go."

Jiang Yingxue watched her two hundred catties contorted and walked away from her eyes ...

"Want our women to fight on the battlefield like men?"

"It's not about fighting, it's just practicing martial arts for the Lord."

"If you go, don't you want to tan like charcoal like those men?"

Jiang Yingxue "..."

"So how shall we marry someone in the future?"

A lot of people came to watch, but not even ten of them were really willing to sign up.

Jiang Yingxue felt that the waist had killed the killer. "Everyone who can successfully join the women's **** will have half a month of silver money each month, and they will also eat it!"

In Huizhou City, the average running hall costs two to three hundred copper plates a month, and half the money is almost double the money. You ca n’t make half a money by washing clothes and doing hard labor for a month. The most important thing is to eat.

"Are you really half rich for a month?" There are more people asking for money.

"Yes, absolutely!"

"I want to sign up, I want to sign up."

When it was almost dark, more than a hundred people signed up.

Jiang Yingxue looked at the list with satisfaction again tomorrow, and picked 50 out of two or three hundred people. For the first time, she didn't need too many people. What she needed was not a large number but an elite!

"Mingzhen, why don't you be the instructor of my guard? I heard you're good at it."

Mingzhen glanced at her and refused without hesitation.

"It's getting late, girl Jiang, let's go back."


Jiang Yingxue didn't know what kind of wind Su Yuzheng was pumping in his head, and even agreed to let her bring those women to the palace for selection.

But since he wasn't afraid, she had nothing to worry about.

On the day of the assessment, she let nearly 300 people enter the palace early in the morning, and the guards in the palace had to make her debut to stand by and watch.

Her assessment is mainly physical fitness and resilience.

Jiang Yingxue changed a gown with an arrow sleeve and a long hair with a ponytail in his head.

"I do n’t say much nonsense, I will simply tell you that there are two hundred and eighty people who are standing here now. Anyone who is physically incompetent is better to stand out now to avoid any problems. Among the two hundred and eighty of you today I will only leave eighty people. Whether you can stay or not depends on your personal ability. "

Jiang Yingxue said, looking at them like a torch. "The first level of assessment is long-distance running. This level is a test of your endurance and speed. There are no twenty people in a group. Each person runs three laps around the road to take the top ten, and everyone else is eliminated!"

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