Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

Even though Jiang Yingxue was brought in all the way, and only saw the blue sky on the road, she knew that Zhan Wangfu was so big that she felt that her face was blown a little by the wind, and she had not yet come to Su Yuyu to settle her. local.

When she finally got to the place, she found that there was a dilapidated small courtyard, a really small one. There was only three houses besides a thatched cottage, and one of them was a utility room.

These were told by the little soldier. After the little soldier put her down, he untied the rope on her. "The prince said that the girl could move after three hours." Leaving a word, the man left.

Jiang Yingxue's hands and feet were loose, she found that her limbs were completely numb, and she did not know if it was a waste! "Three hours and three hours before she can move!" But it turns out that she is still too naive, after three hours she is able to move, but this kind of activity is not the same as her imagination. thing!

She was sitting on the bed with sore limbs, looking at the empty room, and the sky was getting dark. When she was about to be hungry, someone finally came in the yard. She stretched her neck and looked out the door. Maid

The girl had a food container in her hand. After entering, she put the food container on the table, and then returned without saying a word.

After the person left, Jiang Yingxue sat up from the bed, slowly moved his body, and walked to the table to open the food container. There were two dishes, one vegetarian and one steamed bun.

After walking on the road for so long, it was either white steamed bun or white water steamed bun. She didn't know how long she hadn't been able to eat a good meal. Looking at the food in front of her, she didn't move the chopsticks immediately. "Isn't these meals toxic? No matter what, even if you die, you need to be a satiety."

Jiang Yingxue sat down and ate the food after three or two.

"Haw" "I finally feel something in my belly."

The night was getting dark, Jiang Yingxue was lying on the bed, her whole body was weak. She just supported her body and circled in the courtyard. The courtyard wall of the courtyard was high, and the courtyard door was locked. It is impossible to escape at all. "Su Yu hits you like a dead bastard, I'll meet you if I've got blood mold!"

"Jiang Yingxue, what did you say?"

Jiang Yinxue was scolding vigorously. Suddenly, a cold voice made her excited and turned back fiercely, and saw Su Yuzheng, not knowing when she was standing behind him.

Is this man tmd a ghost? Why didn't you come in with a little noise?

"Master, scary people will scare people, do you know?"

"My king only knows that those who have done bad things are not scared."

Jiang Yingxue was really laughed at. "Isn't Wang saying to send me to Huizhou City to marry me? Now that I am in Huizhou City, shouldn't Wang send me to my husband's palace?"

Su Yuxuan looked at her with a broken hand. "Jiang Yingxue, do you know what you lost to King Wang Yunshan?"

Jiang Yingxue looked at him in wonder.

Su Yuxi slowly raised her lips and moved closer to her.

"How do I know what you lost! What's more, what's wrong with your loss!"

"It's none of your business?" Su Yuzhen pinched her jaw.

Jiang Yingxue was hurt by him.

"Did you know that you have lost the important clue to catching the black hands behind the scenes, and now you tell the king that this is not your business?"

Jiang Yingxue frowned. "What's behind the scenes, isn't it the gangsters who arrested Hu Yi to paint them?" Jiang Yingxue's words were a bit dead-headed, and she thought that the gangster's unusual actions meant that things were not so simple. "Yes, that, that gangster chief, you can go to judge the gangster chief. It was he who hid him."

Su Yu's eyes blinked, watching her look, sneer. "People are dead."

"What, someone is dead ?! But, what does this have to do with me? Do I have to watch my cousin being taken away without saving her? I don't know your plan."

"Now King suspects that you are a companion of that group of people, so you are not allowed to leave Zhan's palace for a long time until King catches them."

Jiang Yingxue winked when he heard it. "Su Yuzhang, you're unreasonable."

Su Yuchen looked at her cheeks with irritation, and felt that she really did not care about the identity of every lady.

Jiang Yingxue looked at him, wondering what he thought, and a smile came to his face. "Master, you don't need to cover up anymore, why, regret it, have you been deeply attracted by my personality charm? Do you want to continue with me because you can't find a better Excuses, so you want to keep me with such words. "She sighed softly and looked out the window, her face grim.

"Master Wang, there is a way to break the mirror and not to reunite. Since we have no fate, then don't entangle each other." Jiang Yingxue said, and when he looked back, he saw Su Yu's distorted face.

"Jiang Yingxue. No matter what you say, you can't escape!" After finishing, Su Yu left his sleeve.

"Hey, lord, don't go, it's worth a fortune tonight." Looking at the figure of Su Yuzhao moving away, Jiang Yingxue snorted and sat back on the chair. "Bullying Aunt Grandma, but Aunt Grandma is disgusting you!" It's just, what good is this mouthful, and then you have to find a way to escape.

After waiting for Ding Xiang outside the courtyard, he saw Su Yucheng, who had a dark face, came out. He was shocked. Wang Ye has always been indifferent, but these days, Wang Ye seems to meet Miss Jiang. Emotions seem to be out of control!

"Strictly guard!"


Jiang Yingxue was fed by the skinny girl for three consecutive days in the Zhan Palace. Until the third day, after the meal, the girl didn't show up.

Jiang Yingxue has not acted lightly these days, because she does not need to look at her to know that Su Yuzheng must have sent a lot of people to guard her around the yard.

"Strange, why haven't you come today? Did you know my plan?"

Jiang Yinxue was wondering, and the courtyard door was pushed open. It was only today that she was not the thin girl, but a tall woman wearing narrow sleeves and a tunic.

After the woman entered the room, her eyes swept up and down like Jiang Xing on Jiang Yingxue. Her eyes made Jiang Yingxue very uncomfortable. With such an estimate, what does this product mean that the sight is not worth so much money?

The woman is very tall, standing in front of some malnourished Jiang Yingxue, so much more than half of her head. Roughly estimated, this person rarely said that it was more than one meter seven.

Jiang Yingxue raised an eyebrow at her. "Is it a meal delivery, or is it a beauty visit?"

The woman frowned when she heard the words, with a look of irony in her eyes. "You are the Miss Jiang family who was retired by Wang Ye? He even chased Wang Ye to Huizhou City shamelessly."

Jiang Yingxue listened to her for a second, ha, thought it was a food delivery. It turned out that she was treating her as a false love rival. She stroked her sleepy hair and smiled enchanted. "Do you know why I am here?

The woman looked at her frowningly.

Jiang Yingxue smiled even brighter. "Kinya Hideyoshi, do you know?"

The woman's face was stunned, as if she had been hit hard. "This is impossible!"

Jiang Yingxue hid his mouth and smiled. "Don't believe it? If you don't believe me, ask Wang to go."

"It's impossible! I will never believe your nonsense!" Jiang Yingxue didn't care, anyway, she wouldn't lose a little hair, who made this person run into her when she was extremely upset!

"Why did the girl from Chuwu come over?" Between them, the girl who usually feeds Jiang Yingxue came in and saw Chu Wu standing in the house and said, although her face was like a mune in the past, Jiang Yingxue Can clearly hear the discomfort in her tone.

Chu Mi's face sank. "I just came to see if this person would be bad for Wang Ye."

"No one here has promised that no one will be allowed to enter. This time it will be fine. Let's go."

Chu Wu glared at Jiang Yingxue with a sigh of relief before walking out.

Jiang Yingxue touched her cheek and sighed, and the girl looked at the corners of her eyes and drew.

"I'm really jealous ..." The original Lord Ye Jin Cangjiao uploaded by the government went out from here! Don't think that the dark guard will not gossip!

The girl recovered her old muna and put the food container on the table. "Let's eat."

Jiang Yingxue stood up and glanced at the girl. She pretended to wash her hands and walked behind her. She slowly approached the girl and reached out her hands. When the girl didn't respond, she suddenly stepped forward and hugged her She stopped her mouth and pulled out the rag rope she had hid to tie up people.

"Huh, finally got me a chance." Jiang Yingxue covered her eyes with a cloth and picked up a stick to knock someone out.

"Little girl, you blame Su Yuyi if you want to blame this." After confirming that the person was dizzy, she took off her clothes and replaced them.

In the past few days, she has specifically observed the behavior of the maid and walking, and secretly practiced at night when no one was there, so that it would come in handy for a while!

After finishing the costumes, Jiang Yingxue opened the door with the food container in hand. She knew that when the door was opened, there were several pairs of eyes looking at it.

She lowered her head slightly, making sure she wouldn't get the attention of any dark guard.

It's getting closer and closer to the gate! She couldn't help but stretch out her hands slowly and pushed the courtyard door out! If it wasn't for the situation that she really wanted to jump up and cheer, she finally walked out of that **** courtyard! The next step is to leave Zhan Wangfu, Su Yuzhang, your aunt and grandma will be free soon!

"Well? No, I seem to see this tree three times ..."

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