Biquge, the fastest update of the shocking maid: Doctor Concubine is not good to mess with the latest chapter!

"Handsome guy, shall we talk a little?"

"Hey man, what a peculiar thing you say! Is it dumb?"

Jiang Yingxue was lying on a wooden bed with a salty fish for three days, a whole three days!

The only thing she can contact is the small soldier with a papaya face. It can be said that this Su Yuzheng is also very powerful. Every day, she sends these soldiers to her to practice her strength.

"I said I'm hungry and understand people? Can I treat my good people?"

The soldier glanced at the hourglass in the tent, turned around and walked out of the tent. Within half a quarter of an hour, he returned with a **** that was as hard as a stone.


The soldier picked up his **** and handed it to her mouth.

Jiang Yingxue glanced at him and took mud hands. "Brother, didn't you wash your hands when you went to the toilet in the morning?"

The little soldier was thick-skinned, his hands shrank, and he gave his **** his mouth.

Jiang Yingxue "..."

"The prince has the order and immediately camps back to Huizhou City."

Really going to Huizhou City!

If she arrives in Huizhou City, she will have to go to Jinling City again.

The most important thing is that she couldn't figure out what Su Yuyi wanted to do.

Outside the camp, Su Yu returned by driving.

"Master Wang, people have already run away." Ding Zheng calmly walked forward, he knew exactly how long it took Wang Ye to trace this clue, but now the clue is broken!

"Who surprised them?" Su Yu took a deep breath, and Ding was able to clearly feel the continuous coldness of the forest.

"The Tibetan carriage was robbed halfway ..." The responders knew that something had happened and ran before they found them ...

"Wagon, who hijacked it."

Ding Zheng glanced at Su Yuzheng quickly. The official statement was that Hu Ruixuan accidentally encountered the robbery, but in fact Hu Ruixuan was still playing against Xiangma at that time, and it was impossible to find the carriage.

In other words ...

"It's Miss Jiang."

Su Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the bottom of his eyes reflected a sigh of anger. "Jiang Yingxue, it's a coincidence! Did he accidentally rob the carriage, or did he report to those people!"

Ding Zheng was shocked, and he looked up stupidly, too. Miss Jiang was able to escape the cottage intact, and she was full of weirdness.

"Jack sent someone to look at her."



"Is the Lord going to send someone back to Jingjing?"

Hu Yihua and Hu Ruixuan have stayed in the same tent these days.

"Sister, it's so good that you can go home." Hu Ruixuan also showed a happy look on his face. He was injured and it was better to keep it in the tent for a few days.

It was only helpless that he hadn't seen Jiang Yingxue till now, and he didn't know how she was. He wanted to find a time to make it clear to Wang Ye that his cousin was not a bad person.

"Well, brother, I can finally go home." Hu Yihua's eyes circled with joy, but after a while she heard what was wrong in Hu Ruixuan's words. "Brother, won't you come back with me?"

Hu Ruixuan shook his head. "I heard that there are troubles with the Rong tribe over Huizhou City. This time, Lord Wang will go back and clean up them. I will go with Wang Ye to practice."

"Brother is going to the battlefield?" Hu Yihua looked worried. "Do you know, father and mother?"

"I explained to my father and mother when I came here. Didn't they promise me that I could come here?" Hu Ruixuan said this to coax Hu Yihua. If Jiang Yingxue can surely hear that he is lying, just Zhang She looks like a calf. If she knew that Hu Ruixuan would be on the battlefield, she wouldn't let him die if she died.

"So, that cousin Yingxue ..."

"I will tell the king clearly about this, let Yingxue go back with you, I will never let her marry a coward!"

Hu Yihua saw that Hu Ruixuan was so good to Jiang Yingxue. For a while, she felt a little bit uncomfortable. Her brother had only her sister in her eyes ...

"I said I want to see your lord, Su Yu 宸 ... 唔, 唔!" Jiang Yingxue was carried out of the tent with a single roll and a dead body to be treated. He could still speak before his mouth. , Now even point her to dumb points.

Su Yuchen, you are so good!

Su Yuzhang sent a team of people to **** Hu Yihua to return to Jingjing, and the rest followed Huizhou City.

"Master, cousin she ..."

"Would you like to follow along with Wang?" Su Yuxi looked at Hu Ruixuan who wanted to intercede for Jiang Yingxue.

Hu Ruixuan nodded. "Yes, I always admire the Lord."

"If you want Jiang Yingxue to return to Jingjing, then the king will let you personally **** her back. What?"

Personally **** Yingxue cousin back ...

"You don't have to come back when you go back."

After you go back, you don't have to tell me anything about things that are not practiced by me.

For the first time, Hu Ruixuan felt that her ability to interpret voice-overs of human voices has grown a lot ...

Seeing that he didn't speak, Su Yuzhang looked back. "If she is innocent, the King will make her feel good."

"But she ..."

"Why, do you think that King is the kind of person who kills innocent people?"

You killed so many people, I don't know who is innocent ...

"Thank you Grandpa, but your cousin is a woman. Please also treat him very kindly." Cousin, I'm sorry, this opportunity to experience the experience with Zhan Wang is too rare, even if he really hates to return your family affairs, anyway, the table I am sorry for you this time!

"Don't worry, Wang will never treat her badly."

"I've been hungry for three days and you asked me to eat this !?" Jiang Yingxue tied to the carriage stared at the white water bubble in front of his head and his head became angry.

"Girl, marching is hard work ..."

"So how do you explain the meat in your teeth to me?" Jiang Yingxue stared straight at the little soldier.

The little soldier closed his mouth. "The girl is going to eat. If the girl hasn't eaten for a quarter of an hour, Wang said that she won't give it to the girl in the future."

It's you again, Su Yuzhang!

Jiang Yingxue secretly vowed that this beam with Su Yuzheng was forged!

The cottages on Yunxiao Mountain were destroyed by Zhan's army without exception.

Now walking under Yunxiao Mountain is not too safe except for the beast that may jump out.

After walking in the mountains for several days, the army finally came out of the Yunxiao Mountains.

Su Yuzheng really tied Jiang Yingxue all the way, without any ambiguity. This person clearly had her points, and she could not run away without these ropes, but he still let her be tied, clearly on purpose!

Jiang Yingxue didn't think about looking for a chance to escape on the road, but wanted to escape, let alone the door, Su Yuzheng didn't even open a window for her.

During this period, Hu Rui wanted to see her first, but they were all blocked by people sent by Su Yuzhang.

"Hey, my cousin, your willpower is too unsteady. If you say a few words, you will leave. Shouldn't you do everything to meet me!"

Because the food was too poor, she was sloppy all over the body, that is, Su Yuzhen didn't point her acupoint, and her hands couldn't lift up.

Jiang Yingxue sat upright in the carriage and looked out through the creaking gap in the carriage curtain.

From a distance, she saw the towering city gate. This Huizhou city looked even more majestic and solemn than Jingjing.

"Master Wang is back!"

"See Grandpa."

The uniform call sounded outside, and even Jiang Yingxue, who was sitting in the carriage, was shocked by the sound.

Although Su Yuzheng was a pervert, he had to admit that the soldiers he trained had really passed the standard.

With a creak, the heavy gate was opened.

Their team slowly entered Huizhou City.

"The lord is back."

"The lord is finally back."

Inside the city gate, there was a warm welcome from the people of Huizhou City.

I did not expect that Su Yuzhang was so popular in the fiefdom. Seeing the people with smiles on his faces, he really respected him.

"The people in Huizhou City are really kind and see how happy they smile."

"That's all because of Lord Wang, who is the **** in the hearts of our Huizhou people."

Rarely, these words aroused the desire of the little soldier who guarded her to speak.


"Yes, our Huizhou city is in an isolated place like the Daxia Kingdom, but on the other side is the Rong tribe and ambitious neighbors. The Huizhou city is surrounded by the sea, but it is very rich, but the emperor I feel that our place is too remote. When King Zhan went to Huizhou City, we in Huizhou City were a piece of fat that everyone can eat. "This topic should be the sad thing that touched the little soldier. Jiang Yingxue looked at him. When speaking, he did not consciously develop hatred.

"At that time, I was still young. As soon as winter entered, those people of the Rong tribe rushed into the city to rob the people, and my father was killed by those people to protect the rice and rice in the house."

Jiang Yingxue frowned and listened quietly.

"Later, King Zhan came. As soon as King Zhan arrived in Huizhou City on the third day, he rushed out of the city gate to fight with those Rong people without fear of the severe winter. Years of age. "

Su Yuzhen went to the battlefield at the age of sixteen.

"Isn't this Huizhou city always guarded by the people of Zhan Wang?"

The little soldier shook his head and nodded again. "The Emperor did not give the King of Huizhou City as a fiefdom before."

Jiang Yingxue understood it, that is to say, the place where Su Yu hit his father and his grandfather was not Huizhou City.

"Since King Zhan came, those people have never been able to break into the gates of Huizhou City, so I swear from childhood that I must follow King Zhan to defend Huizhou City.

Jiang Yingxue nodded in approval. "Lady, have ambition."

But even so, I still hate the lord who believes in God, yes, he is a pervert!

"Bring people to King Zhan."


Jiang Yingxue heard Ding Zheng's voice as the team approached a fork in the road.

Soon, Jiang Yingxue's carriage was separated from the team.

What did this man do to her Zhan Wangfu!

Wouldn't it be ... to hide her golden house!

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