Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 768: inference

The middle-aged woman holding a vegetable basket took out a blue cloth and spread it out.

Like a conjuring trick, he took out a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits and delicate snacks from the basket.

Liu Sanhuo was setting up a talisman formation not far away.

After setting up the talisman array, Liu Sanhuo came over and gave the middle-aged woman a gentle salute, then walked to the corner where the luminous talisman beads could barely shine, and ate dry food by himself.

Li Chungniang had been standing on the cliff in the dark, watching the snow below the mountain and the sky.

"Young Master." The middle-aged woman walked to Li Chungniang's side and called softly.

"Aunt Peeling." Li Chungniang chuckled, "I don't know where he went?"

"With Zhou Gongzi's ability, I think it's not too far from us." Chen Bopi said.

"Originally, I wanted Aunt Popi to follow him and be his squire, so as to be foolproof." Li Chungniang said helplessly.

"Then Huang Bujue and Gu Yan are not weak in the middle of the group, so the young master doesn't need to worry too much." Chen Bopi comforted again.

There was a faint sound of thunderous explosions in the darkness.

Chen Peipi frowned slightly, "Young Master, I'll come when I go."

"Mr. Chen, it's just a savage slander, I'll just go." Liu Sanhuo stood up diligently and ran out.

In the dark night, there was an explosion that sounded like the sky was falling apart. After a while, Liu Sanhuo walked back easily with a smile on his face.

"Manager Chen, it's solved." Liu Sanhuo smiled and coughed dryly.

Chen Bopi was serving Li Chungniang's meal, but nodded lightly, indicating that he understood.

Liu Sanhuo returned to his original corner again, and did not dare to have the slightest slander in his stomach, because he knew that even his righteous brother Wang Haidong would be respectful to Chen Fupi, let alone him.



The party always wore a white monk's robe, and there was no smile on their firm and old-fashioned faces.

Sitting in front of him were two old monks who could not tell their age, and one of them said, "Amitabha, it seems that the Little Buddha Temple will not take action."

"Uncle Shi, the best time for them to take action is when we are returning. At that time, we were exhausted physically and mentally, and we were relaxed because of the end of the cross-country test." Xingxing said slowly: "Of course, these things we can think of, they also As far as I can imagine, maybe they will ambush us on the top of the snow-capped mountains."

"This statement is reasonable and unreasonable." The old monk said with a smile.

"Uncle, please advise." The line said solemnly.

"You made a lot of sense in choosing the timing of Xiaofo Temple's shot, so I said you were reasonable, but I said that Little Buddha Temple would not shoot, but the reason you said was not what I thought in my heart, so I said you were unreasonable." The old monk explained Said: "I said they won't come because I and my junior brother still have a party with you. They are not sure, so they won't make a move."

The party was silent for a while, and said after a while: "It's a pity, if they dare to shoot, they will have absolute certainty to kill us. This kind of thing is indeed very slim, after all, the off-road test was announced suddenly, and they didn't have time to go. Prepare."

In fact, Xingxing also understands this, so he didn't want his master to send two uncles as his entourage, just to draw out those heretical evil Buddhas by himself, but the master didn't want him to take risks, because he was too important to the White Elephant Temple.

The party quickly put this matter down. He raised his head slightly and looked at the top of the mountain covered by the dark night. It was just a trivial matter if the Little Buddha Temple did not come to attack them.

The only thing he thinks about now is to climb to the top of the snow-capped mountain that no one is said to be able to climb.

If others can't do it, he wants to do it. Only if he can do it, he must be the first!



The night is dark.

Zhou Fan began to tell Xiao Qian to keep watch for him.

Wei Jing is different from people. Wei Jing will not be eroded by the Ring of Horror Dreams, otherwise the Snow Mountain has already become a dead place.

Xiao Ling obediently agreed.

Zhou Fan lay down at ease in the snow pit and closed his eyes.

The little scorpions differentiated into dozens of slender stalks, and the slender slender stalks scattered around to monitor the surrounding situation.

Countless black hairs emerged from Xiao Qian's body, rolled herself into a pupa shape, and fell asleep while lying on the snow.

After Zhou Fan stood on the deck of the ship, Zhao Yazhu and Qifu both looked over.

Zhou Fan was still surrounded by the silver horrific dream ring, he was not surprised at all, but it was strange that the horrific dream ring disappeared.

"It seems that you are really not afraid of death, and you are still staying in that dangerous place." Zhao Yazhu sneered: "Maybe I have to prepare for Shenmian."

Zhou Fan frowned and thought about it, and then told the dream that he slept last night.

Zhao Yazhu and Qifu both just listened, without interjection. After listening, Zhao Yazhu said, "Why did you take the time to tell me this?"

"The little boy in blood in the dream said that it was a long-lost reunion, and I was welcome to come back, but I asked myself that I had never seen him, so I would like to hear your analysis." Zhou Fan said slowly.

"Yes, but I want twenty big gray worms." Zhao Yazhu said.

"no problem."

After Zhou Fan agreed, Zhao Yazhu summoned the glass ball and took out twenty large gray worms, she said indifferently: "Since it is an analysis, there is no right or wrong, just no responsibility to guess, if I know the truth of the matter , I won't only accept you twenty big gray worms, I hope you understand that."

"Just say it, I can't stay on the boat for too long now." Of course Zhou Fan understood that he also had some guesses in his heart, but he still wanted to hear Zhao Yazhu's guess. After all, Zhao Yazhu's knowledge is not something he can do comparable.

"The first guess is very simple. Since this is a dream, then the words spoken in the dream are likely to be dream talk. Any kind of dream talk is possible, and dream talk is naturally Zhao Yazhu said the first analysis , "This is especially true of the Ring of Horror Dreams, your dreams are affected by the erosion of the Ring of Horror Dreams. "

"And the Ring of Horror Dreams comes from Weird, it contains the experience of Wei Wei, and then forms a new dream with your dream. This kind of dream is full of strange things. You don't need to think about what you see or hear."

Zhou Fan frowned slightly: "But that dream is very real, so real that it makes me suspect that I have entered a strange world, and it doesn't look like a dream at all."

"This is the scary part of the Ring of Horror Dreams. If you're not careful, your human soul will perish in the dream forever." Zhao Yazhu said, "But I haven't experienced your dream personally, just from your description, I'm not sure I'm correct either, so I have two other guesses."

"The second guess is that the little boy in blood in the dream recognized the wrong person. He recognized you as someone." Zhao Yazhu glanced at Zhou Fandao.

"Is the guess of admitting the wrong person too absurd?" Zhou Fan asked in amazement.

Qifu also showed disbelief when she heard it.

"Sometimes the more absurd inferences are, the closer they are to the truth." Zhao Yazhu said seriously.

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