Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 767: draw sword

"Little Book is happy to serve those who love books, please listen to the question: A frog fell into a dry well ninety feet deep. If it can jump six feet high at a time, please explain how many times it needs to jump to jump out of the well?" A crisp and sweet female voice came from the Book of Storage.

"Master, let me come." Xiao Qian quickly raised her little hand high, her face condensed and said, "Usually, the frog should jump out of the well after fifteen jumps, but this problem will not be so easy, I It will not be fooled again, so the answer is: the frog will never jump out, because it can only jump six feet high at a time, and it starts from scratch no matter how many times it jumps!"

"Part of the answer is wrong." A negative voice came from the Book of Storage.

"How is this possible?" Xiao Qian shouted in disgust, "I should be right!"

The corner of Zhou Fan's mouth twitched, and he quickly said: "The frog will never jump out, because it fell to death in such a deep dry well!"

"Congratulations to those who love books, the answer is correct, the book of storage has been opened."

Xiao Ling was a little dumbfounded: "Yes, the frog in such a high well fell into it and died. I actually thought about how many times it would jump..."

Zhou Fan ignored Xiao Qian, who was in a state of despair. Instead, he opened the book of storage, took out the things that might be needed, and put in the things that were no longer needed. As he went back and forth, his package shrank. a lot.



Another day passed, and all the bright spots on the Xuanguang Jade Bi converged on the huge mountain displayed by the Jade Bi.

But the light spot is much less than a day ago.

"How much is left?" Zhongtian asked, looking at the teacher beside him.

"There are still eighty-two candidates left." The instructor lowered his head and replied.

"In other words, there are 65 candidates missing in one day..." Mrs. Zhang Li's expression changed slightly.

"Yes, of these 65 candidates, 15 candidates were eliminated alive and 12 died. Thirty-eight candidates gave up and chose to go down the mountain to retain their qualifications." The teacher explained in further detail.

Strictly speaking, the sixth day of the cross-country test is the second day for most candidates to climb the Qianhuan Snow Mountain. At this time, if they want to continue to climb up, they will inevitably encounter more dangers. Therefore, many candidates began to rationalize from this day. Give up climbing.

Because even if the grades are not good now, as long as they are not eliminated, there will be two martial arts exams later, so there is not necessarily no chance, so it is not unimaginable to give up after doing your best.

Hearing that the number of people who died today was not as exaggerated as yesterday, Zhongtian asked slowly, "Who is number one now?"

The light spots of the Xuanguang Jadebi are too dense, and the three examiners of Zhongtian are not sitting very close, so it is naturally difficult to see clearly.

"It's a row, he is already at 1,850 zhang." The teacher replied: "Wen Xiao followed closely, and he stopped at 1,800 zhang."

The three of Zhongtian nodded slowly. The gap of fifty feet was nothing at all. It could be said that the competition between the two was very anxious.

"Is the third place still deeply wrinkled?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked.

"No." The teacher shook his head: "The third place is a candidate named Li Chungniang."

"Who is Li Chungniang?" Mrs. Zhang Li asked with a slight frown.

"I remember that the fourth candidate in the literary test was this candidate named Li Chungniang." Zhongtian still had a certain impression of this name.

"It's her. According to the information of the registered candidates, Li Chongniang comes from a small family in Xiaoleizhou City." The teacher told Li Chongniang's origin.

Of course, whether this is true or not remains to be verified.

"Amitabha, there are indeed many talents in this class. It seems that there will be more candidates that we have never heard of." Yuanhai said with a smile.

"How many people are over 1,500 feet?" Zhongtian did not continue to ask about the ranking, but asked about the general situation.

Without the ability to climb more than 1,500 meters, it is absolutely impossible to enter the top ten in this cross-country test.

"Now there are a total of 17 candidates who have exceeded 1,500 feet." The teacher gave the exact number.



"Tomorrow we have to speed up, it's too slow!" Zhang Li Xiaohu, who was sitting cross-legged on the snow, said with a low face.

He was born with a fox face, and even his calm face had a special seductive charm.

"Young Master, if you speed up your climbing, it's a very dangerous thing." The old man Li Si said in a hoarse voice.

They are now at a position of 1,650 feet, and the journey along the way is quite thrilling.

"If it's too slow, even if we climb to the tenth day of the deadline, we won't be able to climb very high, and we may be left far behind by others." Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted coldly: "This Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain, but the higher it gets, the more difficult it becomes. Crawling, it's only halfway through now, it's so slow, how can it work?"

"How can there be no danger in doing things, I am not afraid of a junior, what are you afraid of?"

"I bought you from my grandfather with money, so don't think that you will not be able to work hard. Every time I take money from others, I pay for every effort. If you don't want to listen to me, then refund!"

Zhang San and Li Si were silent for a while, then nodded and agreed.



As the last candidate to climb the mountain, Hou Shisanjian was not slow. He walked a thousand meters in one day. If he hadn't encountered two teams of candidates who chose to go down the mountain on his own, he would have been able to walk another hundred meters.

There is only a Luminous Rune Bead beside him to dispel the strange erosion of darkness and shadows for him.

The sword box stood in front of him, who was sitting cross-legged. He didn't look at the sword box, but looked down at his tattered cotton-padded coat. The cotton-padded coat had several deep incisions, and yellow cotton wool burst out from the incisions.

This made him raise his eyebrows slightly, and then sighed. This was the greeting gift left by the two candidate teams, but he also returned the gift and eliminated those two candidates.

In his life, he has encountered such battles countless times. He didn't think about it, but took out the needle and thread from the package he brought and carefully sewed it up.

For him, wearing needles and stitching cotton-padded clothes is also a kind of swordsmanship practice. He is lazy by nature only by practicing swords.



Eunuch Zhang admired the deep wrinkle that was as cold as frost next to him.

Originally, he and another father-in-law Huang were appointed by some bossy father-in-law to be squires for Wou Shen Shen.

This cross-country trial was a reluctant But after six days, Eunuch Zhang knew that a certain father-in-law was not a fool, this wrinkle is deep, regardless of temperament or talent, even among the many little eunuchs in the mirror palace It is also a first-class existence.

And in just six days, he watched Wrinkle Shenshen break through and advance in a battle. The speed at which his strength rose was terrifying.

Wrinkle Shenshen is definitely worth cultivating vigorously, and it can become a big boost for their faction in the future.

Huang Gonggong also thinks so.

"Wrinkle is deep, did you follow Eunuch Ao in the palace before?" Eunuch Zhang asked with a smile.

Wrinkled deeply, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he said coldly, "I'm not a eunuch."

"Hahaha, how is that possible?" Eunuch Zhang laughed.

Eunuch Zhang didn't believe it because Wrinkle Shenshen was very similar to them, and he could smell the smell as soon as he smelled it.

Eunuch Huang also laughed lightly.

Wrinkle Shenshen didn't speak any more, the long sword came out of its sheath and slashed towards Eunuch Zhang.

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