Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 990 The Pain of Sobriety

Zhao Hanzhang had never wanted to leave Yongzhou. In her eyes, Sizhou had been conquered, and Yongzhou next to it naturally belonged to her, oh, no, it belonged to the imperial court.

Fu Zhi is a loyal and patriotic person. As long as she stands by the little emperor's side, he will be loyal to the court she manages. In other words, Yongzhou belongs to her.

So this time, she also prepared food from Yongzhou.

However, the death of King Nanyang was beyond her expectation. She did not expect that she had killed the Huns. King Nanyang, who should have died at the hands of the Huns in history, still died.

Zhao Hanzhang was really sorry. She appointed Fu Zhi as the governor of Yongzhou. She originally wanted to transfer King Nanyang back to Nanyang and then find an excuse to send him to Jingzhou...

Ahem, aren't the nobles in the south and the nobles in the north who fled to the south want to support King Langya to fight with her?

Then she would send them another prince. After all, although King Nanyang was not as close as King Langya in blood, he had a higher seniority.

When King Langya saw King Nanyang, he had to call him uncle.

The most important thing is that his brother Sima Yue, King of the East China Sea, once dominated the world and served as regent for a while. It is said that many of the nobles and nobles who have fled south now miss the King of the East China Sea.

If he goes to Jingzhou, he will live near Yangzhou and be a neighbor to King Langya. It will be very lively.

If he could live in Yangzhou, it would be even more lively. Unfortunately, he died.

Zhao Hanzhang felt very sorry and then left the matter behind. After discussing with Ji Yuan and others, she agreed to Fu Zhi, exempting Yongzhou from the misfortunes and exempting Jingzhao from taxes for two years.

Because the situation in Chang'an was not very good, Zhao Hanzhang squeezed out ten carts of grain from Zhao's army and sent it to Chang'an.

Zhao Hanzhang's reply was sent to Chang'an together with the food. Fu Zhi's clothes were wet with tears. Holding the letter, he stepped onto the carriage shaft and said to the Chang'an people who were staring at the food under the green light: "This is the relief sent by the general." Grain, the general said that when enough grain is purchased in Yuzhou, people will be sent to deliver it. The imperial court has not forgotten Chang'an, and your Majesty has not forgotten Chang'an."

The common people looked slightly startled and remained silent.

Fu Zhi wiped away his tears and said to the people surrounding the grain truck: "Go back and get the cloth bags and household registration. The poor will be rich first. The elderly and young in the family will be given food relief first. I will try my best to distribute it so that Each household will receive relief grains, and if there is insufficient food, it will be replenished when the next relief grain arrives."

As soon as everyone heard this, they ran to the county government office or their homes. Some people went directly to the county government office and queued up, while others went back to get the bags. They didn't believe what they said about replenishing the food next time. Who knew the next batch of relief food? When will it arrive?

Just listen to what the official said. If it wasn't Fu Zhi who spoke this time, they wouldn't even listen.

Fu Zhi kept his promise and did not withhold a grain of relief grain received this time, but distributed it all to the people. This made the officials and soldiers of Chang'an very unhappy.

But as soon as they came to the door, Fu Zhi sighed and said to them: "I know why you came. This time I have wronged you."

The general sat slumped on the mat and said with a gloomy face: "Zhongshu can't just care about the people and not care about the officers and soldiers. We must not only guard the gates, but also suppress the bandits and quell the chaos. We cannot let the officers and soldiers go hungry."

"Yes, Zhongshu. Nowadays, the rice and water cooked in the army can be counted as grains of rice. Not only can the soldiers fill their stomachs, but they must have a bowl of thick porridge every day, right? Otherwise, how can everyone contribute?"

The officials were also worried and said to Fu Zhi: "Chang'an has not distributed salaries for three months. We are okay, but the officials below have to support their families and cannot delay it any longer."

Fu Zhi responded repeatedly: "I know. However, in the past few years, there has been a famine in Chang'an, and the people have died of starvation. This time King Nanyang died of illness. If he does not comfort him, he is afraid that Chang'an will be in chaos again. Therefore, the food relief will first focus on the people." ."

The generals and officials still had objections, so Fu Zhi looked slightly cold and said: "Now that the relief grains have been distributed, I won't be able to get the grains unless the next relief grains arrive, but I have a way to raise grains." ."

He said: "You are also included in the calculation order. For the benefit of the generals and officials, everyone can inventory the assets at home and pay the calculation money according to the law. I think this can alleviate Chang'an's predicament to some extent."

The generals and officials immediately fell silent.

Fu Zhi then calmed down and said to them: "You guys please appease the soldiers and officials, and I will ask the court for more relief money and food."

Only then did several people stand up and leave.

Fu Zhi exhaled, his brows full of exhaustion. He took out a notebook he carried with him to write in a diary. The people of Chang'an had reached their limit, and Fu Zhi felt that he was almost reaching his limit.

Recently, he felt physically tired and mentally weak, so much so that his mind began to become confused.

He didn't know what the future would be like for Da Jin, nor what the future would be like for the Fu family.

His sons are scattered all over the country. Except for the eldest son, the other sons have no contact with him. It is not known whether they are alive or dead in the past few years.

And the eldest son...

Thinking of the eldest son and princess who were being detained in Shu, Fu Zhi thought for a long time and finally took out the letter he had written long ago.

He wanted to tear up the letter, but he was unwilling to do so. Finally, he spread out the paper and wrote another one.

He knew that the relationship between Tinghan and the eldest son and the princess was not very good. There were problems between their parents and children. They had not contacted each other for many years and did not greet each other. He didn't know what the future would be like, but now the eldest son and the princess of Shu were detained. He obviously wanted to use them as hostages to get something from Zhao Hanzhang.

Thinking of this, Fu Zhi became even more worried.

Fu Zhi and Zhao Changyu are different.

Before Zhao Changyu died, he was thinking about state affairs, and even more about his family. Fu Zhi felt that children and grandchildren would have their own blessings, and there was no need to be too demanding about the rise and fall of the family.

He felt that he had done his best to raise his sons, and they had to rely on them to survive in the future. He only felt sorry for his eldest grandson, who had been treated harshly since childhood and had never enjoyed the pampering of his parents.

When it comes to family matters, he thinks things through, but when it comes to state affairs, he is unwilling to let go easily.

The latter involves the life and death of tens of millions of people.

Fu Zhi is not a pedantic person. He is loyal to Emperor Jin because peace is worse than chaos. Once Emperor Jin is lost, the world will immediately fall apart and everyone can claim the title of emperor. There will really be no end to the suffering of the people in the world.

So no matter who he is, no matter what happens, he will strongly support the Jin Dynasty, because the world needs a high-ranking person to control it.

However, Zhao Hanzhang's reputation and ability now make him doubtful. Under such circumstances, is it really okay for the Jin Dynasty to continue?

This is especially true for the generals and officials of Chang'an, and Fu Zhi is even more exhausted mentally and physically. So, will it take another day for these people to be replaced and the world to be rejuvenated?

See you tomorrow

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