Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 989 King Nanyang died of illness

After the rebellion in Beixian County, he sent people to publicize Zhao Hanzhang's treatment of the bandit leaders in Beixian County, and he translated the "Book of Yuanmen" and asked the people in each county to read it back and forth for half a month while walking around with gongs. , let the people remember Zhao Hanzhang's love and kindness for the people, and interpret the court's plan for post-disaster reconstruction.

At the same time, Li Zheng was asked to publicize the fate of the Wang family in Beixian County in many ways, and the families were asked to restrain their children and no more rebels were allowed.

Then he began to send troops to suppress bandits in Jizhou. All the bandits he defeated were registered, divided into fields, and the land, rivers, etc. were organized. The particularly brutal ones were thrown into the army as military slaves, and the collected treasures and grains were put into warehouses. , to provide relief to the people. Therefore, before the relief grains from Yuzhou arrived, Jizhou already had grains to provide relief to the victims, and began to provide relief through work.

The arrival of relief grains from Yuzhou made Zu Ti feel freer, and he immediately launched more in-depth work-for-relief activities.

Most of Jizhou can grow winter wheat, and the drought situation is not as severe as in Youzhou, so Zu Ti found a way to buy wheat seeds. With the wheat seeds sent by Zhao Hanzhang, basically all the registered people were assigned fields and seeds. , plow the fields, plant seeds, dig ditches, water...all the people in Jizhou are busy.

Even the army without the task of suppressing bandits joined in the farming.

Zhao Hanzhang ordered that all the armies in the world, except for the elite, have the task of farming. They serve as soldiers in wartime, as farmers in leisure time, and in training during leisure time, they strive to be self-sufficient.

Zu Ti thought her policy was very good. When they were in Youzhou, the two had an in-depth conversation on this matter. At the moment, there was no better way than soldiers to farm.

When the world is stable, they will streamline their soldiers, release more people to farm, and only retain part of the army.

As quick as Zu Ti was Zhao Ju from Yanzhou.

Yanzhou was the most severely damaged state in this war. The entire territory became a battlefield, every county was attacked, the people... were displaced, and countless houses were burned down.

The drought in Yanzhou is not very serious, but the situation is worse than that in Youzhou.

Zhao Ming knew that the situation in Yanzhou was very bad, and Zhao Ju was from Zhao Hanzhang's tribe, so Zhao Ming trusted and relied on him even more. Zhao Hanzhang was still in the north, so Zhao Ming began to send people to Yanzhou to deliver relief food and at the same time sent a large number of officials. Go to Yanzhou and assist Zhao Ju in managing Yanzhou.

With such great support, Zhao Ju straightened out Yanzhou much faster.

When a person is sad, let him get busy so that he has no time to dwell on sad things; when a state is hurt, the same principle applies. Let it be busy and rejuvenated, then the pain will not be just pain, but also pain. Inspiring.

Therefore, he also started winter wheat planting in Yanzhou as quickly as possible and actively restored business in the state.

Calculating money made the wealthy gentry in the state not happy to make money, or they were not making money openly, so he could only write to Zhao Hanzhang to ask him how to do it.

Zhao Hanzhang directly gave him an idea, "Just reduce or reduce the business tax."

Zhao Ju was very confused about this and asked Zhao Hanzhang: "Since the envoy has issued a calculation order, it is obvious that he is short of money. Isn't it contradictory to reduce or reduce commercial taxes at this time?"

Zhao Hanzhang wrote to him, "Summing money is quick money to solve the current dilemma of empty national treasury; commercial tax is a continuous big policy, but when the people are poor now, it can be reduced or reduced appropriately to restore business."

Zhao Ju understood, and immediately reduced some commercial taxes in Yanzhou. For example, he exempted all commercial taxes on grain transactions, and he also lowered the tax rates on commercial taxes in other industries.

This is a small privilege that Zhao Hanzhang gave to the governors of various states.

When everything was in ruins, in order to better adapt to the policies of various states, she allowed them to be independent within a certain range. However, these matters still needed to be reported to the court.

Fu Zhi from Yongzhou was writing to Zhao Hanzhang, hoping that she could allow Yongzhou to waive the calculation of money and some taxes.

Yongzhou, especially the Jingzhao Prefecture area, has suffered from food shortages for several consecutive years. Not only the people have suffered heavy losses, but also the local nobles and wealthy people have suffered heavy losses. They are the kind who cannot escape even if they want to.

When Zhao Hanzhang's fortune-telling order arrived in Yongzhou, Fu Zhi knew that the money could not be collected in Yongzhou. If it was collected by force, Yongzhou would definitely be in chaos.

So he took no action, and even appeased the officials in the state, telling them to wait a little longer and he would intercede with the court.

As a result, as soon as his letter was written and spread, King Nanyang in Chang'an had ordered the collection of miscellaneous money. Knowing that it was difficult to collect the miscellaneous money, he directly sent troops to follow the officials to collect the money. The main targets were wealthy businessmen and some without power. of gentry.

As for the officials and gentry whom Zhao Hanzhang named, he did not touch them.

However, this move still caused chaos in Chang'an. When Fu Zhi received the news and rushed back to Chang'an from Yongzhou, King Nanyang had been charged by the rioting Chang'an people. It is said that he was frightened and fell off his horse. He was carried back to the palace a few days later. He died of illness.

Chang'an was still in chaos, and King Nanyang's confidants wanted to suppress it forcefully and avenge King Nanyang, but they were also afraid that they would not be able to control the situation. Not only would Zhao Hanzhang be held accountable, but Chang'an would also be captured by the rebels. After hesitation, Fu Zhi rushed back, and at the same time, Zhao Hanzhang's appointment letter also arrived. She directly removed King Nanyang from the position of governor and appointed Fu Zhi as the governor of Yongzhou.

King Nanyang's confidants were overjoyed and immediately left Chang'an's mess to Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi was exhausted and could only come forward to appease the people of Chang'an. This time, he also used Zhao Hanzhang's reputation for benevolence and promised to appeal to Zhao Hanzhang and ask Zhao Hanzhang to exempt Yongzhou's misfortunes and... part of the taxes.

With Fu Zhi's efforts, the chaos in Chang'an was brought under control, but his emotions still fluctuated between grief and anger, and he was afraid that a small spark could ignite them.

So Fu Zhi didn't dare to relax a little. He could only write another letter to Zhao Hanzhang. First, he told her that King Nanyang was dead, and second, he mentioned the matter of calculating money and taxes.

The food shortage in Yongzhou, especially in the Chang'an area of ​​Jingzhao Prefecture, has always been serious.

In order to defend the pass of Jin Dynasty, the taxes collected here have always been very heavy. If there is food, the army must be kept close to it first. Even so, there are many soldiers in the army who are suffering from hunger.

Just look at Bei Gongchun. When he was a general in Chang'an, the soldiers in his army were often hungry and were about to die.

In the final analysis, it is because Chang'an's civil affairs are not done well, and there are some disasters every year, most of which are minor droughts, and a few are caused by rebel attacks, which makes it difficult for the people to farm with peace of mind.

There was no income, but it was still being spent. In addition, King Nanyang had no management talent and only knew how to collect taxes, which caused Chang'an to fall into a vicious cycle.

By the time Fu Zhi was sent over by the late emperor, Chang'an was already seriously ill. His various measures only managed to ease the situation in Chang'an. However, with the presence of King Nanyang, many of his policies could not be implemented, or were canceled half way through. Bind hands and feet.

Although it was unexpected that King Nanyang "died" of illness this time,... Fu Zhi was not sad, and even breathed a sigh of relief. He was just worried about the future of Chang'an.

Although he was shameless, Fu Zhi couldn't help but mention the third point. He hoped that the court could give Chang'an some relief money and food to help them tide over this difficulty.

Chang'an is so miserable.

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