"I broke my left leg at the age of 14, what's going on?"

"Human bones record what happened to us."

Long Yichen said lightly: "And bones are the hardest substance of our human body, old injuries and breaks that have occurred, although they can be healed, but they will remain in the bones forever, just like the tumors of big trees, even if we have been a hundred years later, they can be preserved very well, so it has become an important basis for forensic identification." The bones of this woman's corpse are all very well preserved, and the joints are not large, indicating that she usually does not do manual work, has no orthopedic diseases, has straight teeth, and even observed that she has done orthopedic orthodontics, indicating that her family conditions are good and she can afford to see a dentist. Only the left leg has traces of healing after a fracture..."

"How can you see the traces of a 14-year-old fracture?"

"Because after a fracture, blood will penetrate into the bone marrow, forming a purple blood stasis. As the bones grow, blood stasis grows inside like growth rings. As early as the Song Dynasty, Song Ci wrote a record of washing wrongs, recording how the blood stains on the bones were used to judge the year of injury. The blood stasis of this female corpse was formed at the age of 14. "

Long Yichen talked eloquently, and Qiao Yingalei was completely convinced.

For this wave of operations, double-click 666.

Brother, steady!

"Go quickly! According to Long Yichen, investigate the missing person information! "

Qiao Ying's eyes were complicated, and he glanced at Long Yichen.

Arey went silently and lit a cigarette.

The smoking hand trembled slightly.

Brother, steady!

The criminal policemen, who were output by Long Yichen's strong knowledge, had a slightly larger amount of information and were a little confused, all of them stopped talking.

The forensic guy is here! How dare we speak?

Long Yichen drove these people away, and his gaze fell on the chest of the young woman's corpse.

There's a hole there.

The heart of the female corpse seems to be gone.

It's just that he didn't say it to Qiao Yingarei.

The heart, not hollowed out by someone, disappeared, but...

Long Yichen frowned.

It seems to have been gnawed by something?

But this is not the dissection room of the police station, but on the street.

On the street, talking about these topics is estimated to immediately cause social shocks, right?

It is necessary to go back and slowly dissect to draw conclusions.

Long Yichen waved his hand, and several criminal police officers came up, packed the highly decomposed female corpse in body bags, and transported it back to the police station.

Long Yichen returned to the police station.

He was curious about the highly decomposed corpse of the nameless woman whose heart had been gnawed by something.

It has been said that Long Yichen is not an ordinary person, he likes corpses, and prefers to study all kinds of strange ways of dying people.

Or, after he can get the [Book of the Dead], he will immediately ignore it and start his research with great interest?

For everything that dies, Long Yichen is full of curiosity.

Qiao Ying originally "slept" with Long Yichen, but it seemed that nothing had happened, and the baby was a little emotional, but seeing Long Yichen so focused on studying the corpse, he was also speechless, so he had to be busy with work in order to solve the case as soon as possible.

Long Yichen returned to the dissection room and began to dissect the unknown female corpse in detail.

The conclusion reached at the scene is only a preliminary conclusion, Long Yichen needs to study the female corpse in more detail, examine the trauma, organs, and bones, and not miss every detail.

Finding a detail is equivalent to grasping a clue, which can improve the odds of solving some cases.

Trauma examination, to check whether there is external force to death

The lungs are removed to check for edema and effusion.

A liver slice to check for poisoning.

Check the vagina for violations and whether there are any residual male fluids.

Brain removal?

Sorry, 23 days after death, the brain has liquefied, like a milkshake, there can be no forensic value.


Dissecting a corpse is a meticulous job that requires meticulous work, little by little.


After Long Yichen examined the body, he shook his head and fell into deep thought.

There is no obvious trauma, the external force is eliminated to death, the brainstem is not damaged, the liver section poison reaction is normal, and there is a small amount of fluid in the lungs, but... Only entering after death, in other words, also excludes suffocation drowning.

Further examination of the young woman's corpse, all parts of the body were very healthy, and natural disease and death factors were ruled out.

Of course, there are some tests that cannot be done.

It's the heart.

The heart of this female corpse no longer exists, and naturally it cannot be checked.

"It seems that the only possibility of her death is her heart."

Long Yichen said to himself.

He suddenly observed an interesting phenomenon.

This female corpse was highly decomposed, covered with maggots, except for one place.

Near the chest.

The skin muscles around the chest, maggots do not approach at all, maintaining a normal degree of decay. No flies lay eggs, and no maggots crawl over.

This aroused Long Yichen's high interest.

With pliers, he picked up a maggot and put it on his chest...

As a result, the maggot crawled outward very quickly as if it were electrocuted.

This situation even made Long Yichen think of one word - fear.

"What's the mystery of this missing heart part?"

Long Yichen groaned.

He picked up another maggot and put it in.

The location of the original heart.

Who knows, the maggot twisted twice, and actually died a painful death immediately.

The original white body of this maggot actually turned a terrifying purple!


Long Yichen's eyes narrowed.

What the hell is going on here?

He carefully used the Grim Reaper scalpel to cut a small piece of tissue from the blood vessels around the deceased's heart, put it on a section, and observed it under an electron microscope.

"What is this?"

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