"The female corpse was covered in red fruit, highly decomposed, and there was nothing on her body to prove her identity, I initially asked the surrounding merchants, as well as the households, and the neighborhood committee, and no one had any clues about the identity of the female corpse."

"A female corpse of unknown origin?"

Qiao Ying had a headache.

This kind of headless public case is the biggest headache for the police.

I can only hope for Long Yichen.

It's a pity that this female corpse is so decayed that it's already unrecognizable, even Long Yichen can't identify too much useful information, right?

Qiao Ying sighed in her heart.

Long Yichen was also on that female corpse, busy while thinking MMP in his heart!

Perhaps the time of death is too long, and the soul of this female corpse does not know where to soar.

Long Yichen only knew that three days after death, the soul would be attracted by the Dao of Heaven and go to the Hades Mansion, and some souls with great grievances and stubbornness would choose to stay as nails, live and die to guard their corpses and not leave, or wander in places with deep grievances. But after a long time, these unjust souls will gradually forget their memories under the action of the six reincarnations, become lonely souls and wild ghosts, and even turn into powerful ghosts.

Unfortunately, the soul of this female corpse is gone...

MMP in Long Yichen's heart.

Say good death forensics, lie all the way to win?

It is clear that you can rely on the identity of the death forensic doctor to win, how did it become your own talent?

(Grim Reaper, laughing without speaking)

However, even if there were no wronged souls to ask, Long Yichen still quickly gave a string of information.

"The deceased, female, 23-25 years old, never given birth, height 163, the time of death is presumed to be 23 days ago. The family situation is better, but when he was 14 years old, his left leg was accidentally broken, and checking the missing person record in the last month should yield something to determine the identity of this person. "

Every time Long Yichen said a word, Qiao Ying and Ah Lei's mouths grew up.

Finally, the two of them were already dumbfounded.

Everyone is a goldfish, why are you so good?


Ah Lei coughed: "Teacher Long, can you explain to us, how do you judge it?" "

(This book is different from other people who write about forensic or police officers and rely purely on blind fabrication, this book is Feilu's first hardcore forensic book, and the knowledge points are barbaric, and it can be used as a lesson plan.) )

"Can't you tell?"

Long Yichen looked disgusted.

The two nodded like sand sculptures.

"Okay," Long Yichen shrugged and sighed, "I'll start from the beginning." "

"This corpse, the gender is easy to judge, right? The corpse of a woman. "

"But with such a high degree of decay, can't there be miscalculations?"

"Nope. The gender difference between men and women is very obvious when you look at the bones. The first look at the pelvic bone, the female pelvic bone is wide and short, and the man is thin and long, because the woman wants to give birth, and the child has to pass through the pelvic bone. The second is to look at the skull and limbs. "

"After determining that she is a woman, it is necessary to judge her height, such a badly decomposed corpse, to consider the factors of soft tissue decay to reduce the original height, the general human soft tissue occupies 5 cm in height, according to the degree of decay can be restored back."

"Then there's the time of death."

"Yes, how can you be sure that this rotting corpse has been dead for about 23 days? So precise? "


Long Yichen smiled slightly, and pinched a white squirming thing with his pincers.


That's right, maggots.


Arey expressed nausea.

Long Yichen looked calm and said, "For ordinary people, this maggot is very disgusting. But for forensics, this maggot is our friend and can help us a lot! "

"Among forensics, there is a specialized discipline called insect forensics!"

"Insect forensics is the study of insects on and around corpses."

"This maggot, which is the larvae of the mall-headed fly, likes to lay down on a certain corpse and hatch the larvae."

"Note that this maggot grows 1.5 millimeters per day. Now it's about 9 mm, so it's hatched and it's been 6 days. "

"So you said you died for 23 days?"

"Please note that this maggot is not the first generation of green-headed flies to hatch!"

Long Yichen smiled and carefully took out a hatched empty shell from the corpse with pliers.

"This empty shell was left after the maggot evolved and became a fly and flew away."

"It's autumn, and at this weather temperature, it takes 15 days for the mall-headed flies in this area to change from maggots to full-fledged flies."

"After the mall-headed fly hatches, it will immediately lay its eggs, hatch the second generation, and then fly away."

"So we only need to look at the most mature maggots on this corpse to determine the approximate time of death."

"The first generation, 15 days of maturity, the second generation, another 6 days of development."

"That's 21 days."

"But it must be taken into account that for a mall-headed fly to find a carcass, it has to have a little smell, it takes a little time. Considering that the female corpse was thrown into this dirty sewer, it is suitable for flies to find, and 2 days of decay time is enough for flies to chase the smell of corpses to lay eggs. "

Long Yichen's deduction made Qiao Ying and Ah Lei stunned.

Everyone is a goldfish, why did you evolve into a tihua show?

"Then she is 23-25 years old, how can you judge it?"

Arey was still not convinced.

"Bones can tell us the age of the body."

Long Yichen used the Grim Reaper scalpel to cut the scalp of the female corpse, revealing the bone gap of the skull: "There are 206 bones in our human body, of which 22 are composed of skulls. The skull is not a monolith, but a patchwork of 22 bones with bony seams between the bones. The bone suture closes gradually with age. By the time a person is 27 years old, it is generally closed. But before the age of 27, the age of the person can be determined by looking at the bone slits of the skull. The bone seams of this woman's corpse are close to closing, but there are still some gaps, which are in line with the characteristics of 23-25 years old. "

The crowd was stunned again.

And such an operation of 666?

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