Whether it's the starting point or the QQ Bookstore or the QQ browser message, I look at each one carefully.

YR, I am very touched by your message!

A few days ago, I opened a single chapter and said, I really hope that someone can gain some strength from reading this book.

Seeing your message, I can proudly say that I really did it!

The value of this book!

Yao Yuan's name is Brother Xiaobai, and I also call you brother.

Brother, I envy you at your age, you have enough time to enrich yourself and fight for your dreams.

I only hope that you will live up to your youth just like Zhang Xiaobai and those friends in the following days!

YR, my brother wishes you sincerely.

strive assiduously! Go on the entrance examination!

See you in a month and be sure to leave me a message!

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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