The summer sale festival thing started to push on the same day.

Of course, this will not affect the current pace of game development. People should do whatever they want. It is mainly the business department and marketing department that do this kind of thing.

Among them, only Bell Ryder, the person in charge of the Battle.net platform, and the person in charge of the game platform sales of home consoles and handhelds need to continue to provide assistance, because all publicity is based on these platforms.

The initial publicity will focus on which games will be participating in the discount.

All Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's first-party games, even the latest games, will offer certain discounts.

However, the latest game will only give a little bit of discount at most. I can't just backstab those players who bought the first game in the first place, it will hurt their hearts.

Then, several people went to several game companies in Japan and the United States to negotiate, hoping that they could also participate in this big promotion.

They need to be authorized by these game companies, and they can adjust the sales discount of the game at will. Of course, they will also give discount rules: games released within one year, the discount will only be less than 10% off, and games released within two years, the discount will be 70% off. The discount is about half the price, the game that has been released for three years will be about 30 percent off, and the game that has been released for more than three years will be adjusted to 20 percent or even 10 percent off.

And because this is the first sale, Youxing Electronic Entertainment will guarantee that all participating companies will get 100% of all profits. Youxing Electronic Entertainment only charges a small service fee, which is so small that it can be ignored. kind.

This is an extra reward for the companies that participated in the first session.

Express gratitude to these companies for their trust in Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

The whole activity has also started in full swing.

First of all, sale festivals on game sales platforms under Youxing began to appear on online platforms such as Facebook.

The sale festival will target all its digital game sales platforms with the largest discounts to sell games.

This time, Youxing Electronic Entertainment used a method similar to viral marketing, that is, to simply and straightforwardly say that they have a strong discount, but as for the extent of the discount, everyone will only know when the real summer sale festival comes.

This can be regarded as keeping a suspense, allowing players to guess how big a discount will be waiting for them.

As for the date of the summer sale festival, it is set on July 15th.

This will be the hottest period of time in the northern hemisphere.

Imagine taking advantage of this time to buy a bunch of games, and then eating ice cream in an air-conditioned room to experience the heavily discounted games one by one. The games that were not willing to buy because they were too expensive before can now be bought in one go. It’s simply amazing. Happy.

And then relying on viral marketing, it really got a lot of attention from players.

However, the reaction of the players at the moment was mediocre.

Because they still don't know how big the discount is.

Previous game discounts were generally around 20% off.

To be honest, such a discount is not that big.

A $50 game for 20% off is $40, which is still a bit pricey.

Therefore, players generally feel that this discount event is just like that.

Still, some players expressed interest.

At least they will feel that they can start thinking about one or two games that they were reluctant to buy before.

Zhu Youxing has long expected this, and he is not in a hurry to promote his discount now.

Because this kind of thing surprises the player, it will be more interesting.

If it is exposed now, it will lose the feeling of surprise brought by the day when the discount starts.

However, in order to attract more players' attention, I still revealed a little bit of tone.

That is, some recently launched games will also have certain discounts.

Coupled with viral marketing, it also increased the attention of some players.

Immediately afterwards, the participation of some other game companies.

It's just that there is a little bit of a problem in this link.

"President, I'm very sorry, Jiuppongi Entertainment doesn't have much interest in our discount activities."

"President, Jinsong Company rejected your invitation. He doesn't want his game to be discounted so much, which will make them feel a huge loss."


A few days later, several salesmen who went to other companies to lobby were a little frustrated and contacted Zhuyouxing.

These people are all in direct contact with Zhuyouxing, and Zhuyouxing needs to know whether these companies agree to their cooperation request at the first time.

But now it seems that it is not particularly optimistic.

"Tell me exactly what happened."

"That... the president is like what I just said, the company I went to thinks the game discount is too harsh, and they think it can't make money like this."

"Me too, I think it's too low-key. Such a price cut will cause dissatisfaction among players who bought the game at full price."


Zhu Youxing nodded while listening, and did not express his position immediately, nor did he show disappointment or anger.

This kind of feedback result...is not particularly surprising.

The discount described by myself this time is indeed quite large.

There are indeed not many acceptable game companies today.

In the original world, when Steam held this kind of special sale event, selling games at a discount of 75% OFF at every turn also attracted some game companies' doubts.

They feel that this is reducing the company's profits.

After waiting for a long time, players will feel that they don't need to buy the first game, they just need to wait for the discount.

In this case, games that have worked hard and spent a lot of money to develop will suffer huge losses.

It is not unreasonable to think so.

Similar things did happen in the original world.

It's just that the games where this kind of thing happens are generally the kind of games that are not of high quality and didn't attract players to buy them from the beginning.

This kind of game used to rely on some attractive trailers to trick players into pre-purchasing the game, and then when the players bought the game experience, they found that the first two or three hours were not bad. Rubbish.

But it's too late for a refund at this point.

This is the perfect scam game.

To be honest, even if this kind of game does not have this kind of discount activity, it is difficult to really attract most players to buy.

The first wave of cheated players will immediately scold the unscrupulous game developer, and there is no need to wait for the so-called discount event. Such games will be under pressure to lower their prices, hoping to get back as much as they want.

And these companies that expressed their rejection are actually a kind of lack of confidence in the quality of their games.

But in Zhu Youxing's view, the average quality of games in this world is actually very good, generally around the passing line.

In fact, this kind of game is often the one that should appear in discount activities the most.

This kind of game is usually expensive to dissuade players, but when it is discounted, players will feel that it is worth the money, and they will not feel distressed when buying it.

"President, what should we do?"

Zhu Youxing said: "Continue to lobby, you just say that it is my personal request, let them try it, even if they only agree to participate in one or two games."

When they taste the sweetness, they will really know the beauty of discount activities

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