By what?

Why does Jiang Feng have so many tricky coins?

Why could Jiang Feng leave the copy?

Now I actually got into a luxury car, squandered money, and took my younger brothers to shopping, right? Grass!

Li Hao and Zhou Kai’s jealous teeth itched….

Watch them move big bags and small bags, full, and all kinds of things off the car and break them up.



Daily necessities



Shoes and hats


Li Hao cursed in an angry whisper: “CNM, we are shivering with cold, he actually went to buy a duvet.”

“Gan, I also bought fresh ingredients, damn it!”

Zhou Kai also gritted his teeth: “Everyone is a classmate, watching us hungry and cold, but he has big fish and meat, brocade clothes and jade food, won’t his conscience hurt?” What a thing. ”

“Hehe, it’s really not a good person~”

“No team spirit at all!”

“What a little friendship!”

The two were sad and jealous, hateful, and remorseful, and they couldn’t wait to replace Jiang Feng and enjoy this VIP player treatment.

The soy milk drunk in the morning is quickly digested.

Empty belly.

Strong hunger and acid reflux rushed in!


It’s so uncomfortable~

Pride? Vanity? Hehe, easily defeated by hunger, their dignity … Abandoned again….

The little fairies covered their stomachs and secretly regretted :

“If you already know, you won’t scold Jiang Feng!”

“How good it would be if you didn’t offend Jiang Feng~”

“Why should I listen to Sun Hui?”

“Wu Guowei is really harmful.”


I was cold and hungry, scared, and then I looked at the people hugging each other, and took a luxury car to the waves outside the copy.

This gap makes people envious, hate and angry!

“There’s nothing wrong with being a dog’s legs…”

“When Jiang Feng’s dog legs are so fragrant~”

They finally recognized the reality that the strong are respected, and it is also a lucky thing to be able to be a little for the strong.

It’s a pity

Jiang Feng didn’t want them to be doglegs at all.

Everyone tricked all the things that Brother Feng bought from the car, disassembled, gave them away, installed and installed, and put them in the warehouse if they were not used for the time being!

【60 Crystal (50K) HDTV] 5 units

Duty room, lounge, three dormitories

Install one each!

【Pure natural fairy goose down silk quilt】30 sets

One set for everyone!

【Huangquan mud nourishing cosmetics】5 boxes

【Quirky cotton towel】

【PXP game console】



【Leather shoes】

There are also ghost mackerel balls, thunder beef rolls, fire lamb rolls, anaconda meat rolls, fir mushrooms, thunder beef mille-feuille, thunder beef yellow throat, black tuna trick fish, hot pot base and other ingredients.

“Let’s eat hot pot at noon today~”

Jiang Feng made a gluttonous suggestion, and everyone strangely echoed and agreed: “Okay, now that the weather is so cold, eat hot pot to increase the heat!”

“I haven’t eaten hot pot for a long time.”

“I cut vegetables!”

“I ingredient!”

“I’ll go to the cafeteria to borrow cutlery and kitchenware!”

“I… I look lively…”

Huang An, Huang Sister-in-law, Xu Yang, Gao Muqing, Nie Ye they divided up the work and cooperated, and immediately went to prepare, the efficiency is high!

Others went to install TVs and game consoles.


This scene is also seen by the players.

They were furious!

“Grass, is this still human? Have an extra coin that would rather buy a TV than lend it to us? Beast~”

“MMP, it’s too much, bastard!”

“Lao Tzu fought with him.”

“Yes, he has the ability to single me out?”

“Human adultery, adult adulterer!”

The old classmates were incompetent and furious, the fox barked wildly, looking at Jiang Feng, Xu Yang and others who were ready to eat hot pot, gritting their teeth, beating their chests, and their eyes were full of jealousy and resentment.

However, there is no egg-use!

They can only starve and watch-

Fat beef rolls

Lamb rolls

Hairy belly, yellow throat, beef balls, mushrooms


Can’t help but drool wildly/swallow!

Jiang Nan, the head of the personnel section, was also invited to eat hot pot and received a cosmetics, a brand she couldn’t afford at all, and her annual salary was not enough to buy this box.

“Oh my God~”

“Huangquan mud nourishing series cosmetics?”

“It’s so expensive!”

“Hey yo, brother Xiaojiang, sister doesn’t know what to say, thank you so much, giggle~”

“In the future, if you have something to do, just come to me.”

“Whatever you can.”

“Sister will never shirk!”

She swore her promise and looked at Huang An, who nodded secretly, what a big guy~

There is a Ito-Yo Onido VVIP VIP card

Personal reception by the sales director

Throw a lot of money

The proper big guy is more powerful than expected, and after Jiang Nan knew this, he was almost scared into a cold sweat.

Jiang Feng greeted casually and warmly:

“You’re welcome, let’s eat hot pot together at noon!”

“Good, good, good, thank you brother Xiaojiang, sister, I like to eat spicy the most, I am a hot pot true love powder.”

Jiang Nan also went to help deal with the preparation of the hot pot.

Jiang Feng is more leisurely!

Directing the weirds on the side.

The scene is stunning.

Is this a thriller game?

Or a food show?

High-grade thunder beef rolls, turkey lamb rolls, mille-feuille, bezoar throat, tuna… The portions of meat are very generous!


At the entrance of the community, a small figure appeared.

Ocean blue hair

Big eyes

Two tiny furry ears

Loli looks, very cute two-dimensional style, wearing a small white skirt, and a big tail exposed.

Furry brown… Squirrel tail?

Looks a bit like Bichochar.

If there is no big tail and small ears….

With a red strap tied around his waist and a crooked bow tied behind him, his eyes are cute and pitiful.

“This is a squirrel spirit?”

“It’s so cute~”

Jiang Feng’s eyes lit up, his eyes were heartbroken, and he had a feeling of being cute, and he had very healing properties when he looked at it.

Little Loli looked at Huang An and asked timidly

“Uncle Security.”

“Can I go in and see my friend?”

“It’s a chinchilla…”


Huang An was about to refuse, when he felt a killing intent, and he looked back and saw Jiang Feng smiling.

He almost withered in fright, and quickly nodded:

“Yes, yes, can…”

“You go in~”

“In the future, come if you want, got it?”

Little Lori’s already big eyes widened, shining, incredulous.

Today, the security uncle did not refuse himself?

Before, this uncle was very impatient….

Why would you agree today?

She tilted her head, puzzled, but still smiled happily and thanked loudly: “Thank you, uncle security, you are really a good uncle!”

Huang An: “…………” (silence).

What a fart!

It was obviously the big guy next to him, and he threatened me.

Forget it….

Rich young masters like compassion flooding!


Little Lori picked up the cloth bag about the size of her, got up happily, and happily ran to the gate.

Jiang Feng looked at her and asked with interest:

“Little friend, what are you resisting?”

“This, this is the nuts, vegetables, mushrooms I brought from the mountains, brother, do you want it?” With a restrained and apprehensive look, he looked at Jiang Feng timidly.

Jiang Feng spoke mildly, afraid to scare her:

“Is this for your friend?”

“Well, we’re going to sell these and help the chinchilla pay for the property, she has no money for fear of being kicked out.”

The rat replied obediently without any scheming.

Huang An: ????? (Confused).




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