Huang An paid online and called for rent

Everyone took three taxis and went straight to Ito-Yokodo, there were so many strange shelters, of course, there was no danger, and the road was unimpeded.

In front of the Ito-Yo Onido shopping mall

Jiang Feng showed the VIP card to the security guard——

Black VVIP rating

Item No.: 99999

The security captain glanced at it, trembled, and respectfully invited Jiang Feng to enter, and then immediately reported it.

“Attention of all departments-”

“Xiaogongzi has appeared in our mall!”

“Everyone be cautious in their words and deeds, be smart in their brains, don’t say things they shouldn’t say, and don’t provoke the little prince.”

“The Department received …”

“Logistics received…”

“The marketing department received…”

“Sales received…”

All departments immediately took action, through the walkie-talkie, ordered all employees to work conscientiously in the best condition.

The beautiful sales director personally came to receive ——

“Mr. Jiang, welcome to Ito-Yoghost, I am the sales director of this mall, you can call me Xiao Liu.”

“Welcome to this mall!”

“Everyone, please feel free to visit-”

Sales Director? Huang An, Huang Sister-in-law, Xu Yang, Nie Ye, they were all taken aback, Brother Feng’s face was so big?

The director of Ito-Yoghost Hall personally received!

This identity is also too awesome, right?

They were shocked.

Only Gao Muqing knew that Jiang Feng’s grandparents were the big guys who wanted to buy copies of the community casually!

Jiang Feng smiled slightly and responded politely:

“Director Liu, don’t bother.”

“I’m just here to buy some groceries.”

“Prepare me a few boxes of weird cotton towels, fairy goose down silk quilts, high-definition TVs, bathroom supplies, etc.”

The beauty director bowed slightly and nodded:

“Yes, Mr. Jiang, get ready right away!”

“Is there anything else you need?”

Jiang Feng thought for a while, looked at the others and asked, “What do you guys have to buy?” You’re welcome, I’ll swipe the card. ”

Groove! The trench is inhumane~

This is Ito-Yokodo.

Everyone quickly waved their hands: “No, no, I don’t have anything I want to buy, just shop around.”

“Yes, yes, Brother Feng, you’re welcome!”

Jiang Feng said indifferently: “It’s you guys who are polite, there’s no need, if you have anything you like, just choose it yourself~”

It’s just a shopping mall in a fourth- and fifth-tier city, and there is no real high-end thing at all, just take it.

Moreover, there is really no shortage of money at home~

This mall is just a small project in the family business, grandparents’ industry, commercial real estate part, dozens of large districts, tens of thousands of small areas, not worth mentioning, what is polite?

As long as they are obedient, money is small!

And yet

The crowd very firmly refused to agree:

“No need, I really don’t want to buy it!”

Just kidding!

Buying a random pair of socks costs thousands of coins.

How to buy it?

are all honest people, honest and weird, unwilling to accept this kind of gift, Jiang Feng can’t help, arrange it yourself~

“Sister-in-law Huang, this set of cosmetics is for you.”

“Brother An, you want this suit~”

“Buy your son a PXP console!”

“Ban Hua, what do you think of this dress?”

Jiang Feng bought them all things, and the average was tens of thousands of coins, which was just a small meaning, it was nothing.

However, the crowd was surprised and delighted

“Eh, Brother Feng, how good is this~”

“Thank you Brother Feng, you are so generous!”

“How embarrassing we are~”

“Thank you Brother Feng!”

“Thank you, Uncle!”

“Uncle Jiang Feng is really too arrogant~”

Huang An’s son and sister-in-law also patted the horse: “My family’s old Huang can follow Xiaojiang, it’s really time to run.”

“Yes, yes, Sansheng is fortunate, fate!”

Jiang Feng smiled and said, “Everyone is polite.”

The scene was quite harmonious, harmonious and pleasant, and sales director Liu Yu also followed to introduce and enliven the atmosphere.

Laughter echoed in the mall.

In the corner not far away, the terrifying player Zhao Ting quietly saw this scene, and her heart was shocked.

Weird has such a good relationship with humans?

These humans are also thrillers?


Lying groove Nima, how is this possible, human players are not strangely killed, even if the ancestral tomb is green smoke.

You tell me, someone is better with weirdness?

Like a family, but still touted strangely?

When pigs fly!

The sales director of his own copy was actually respectful and polite to the young man, completely free of the cruelty, cold-bloodedness, and mercilessness of torturing them.


Isn’t the same version of the thriller game you play with others? Am I playing fake thriller?


Zhao Ting was stunned, a little doubtful of life~

She silently noted down Jiang Feng’s awesome image.

Jiang Feng also saw Zhao Ting and was slightly surprised, he really didn’t expect that Ito-Yo Ghost Hall was also a copy of the horror game.

After buying something

The beauty director sent a luxury car to send Jiang Feng to them.

[Rolls-Royce Ghost].

【Bentley Tomb Shang】

【Mercedes-Benz S4000 luxury business vehicle】

“Mr. Jiang, please go slowly!”

“Welcome to next visit!”

Three luxury cars, carrying Jiang Feng, Xu Yang, and Huang An, returned to the other side of the garden and drove directly inside.

Li Hao and Zhou Kai were sweeping the floor and touching fish at the door.

Seeing Jiang Feng, they walked down from the car——


The mentality exploded instantly, and the expression was unbelievable!

“I lose your mother, Jiang Feng dares to make a copy?”

“I got into a luxury car…”


Welcome to the National Day 7-day long holiday and read books and enjoy reading! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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