Sure enough, thriller games are not fight-and-kill.

It’s about people!

At this moment, Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran deeply realized that this sentence made too sense….

Brother Maple is awesome!

Brother Maple YYDS

Maple V587

Several people watched Brother Fengxiu operate with adoration.

“Sister Nan, these are my friends, please help arrange the arrangement!” Jiang Feng pointed at Xu Yang and them.

He also gestured to them with his eyes, drawing the tiger according to the cat.

Xu Yang quickly took out a few tricky coins and handed them over:

“Sister Nan, please take more care!”

Seeing that there were still tricky coins, Jiang Nan responded enthusiastically with joy: “Good, good, good to say, what’s your name?”

“My name is Xu Yang!”

“Well, Xiao Xu, you also go to the security department.”

“Thank you, Sister Nan!”

Jiang Nan put the money away with a smile: “You’re welcome, you are Xiaojiang’s friend, that is my friend.”

“Go ahead~”

Nie Ye and they lined up one by one to continue giving gifts.

“Hello Sister Nan, my name is Nie Ye.”

“Good, good, good!”

“Hello Sister Nan, my name is Jia Haoran.”

“Good, good, good!”

“Hello Sister Nan, my name is Zhang Wen.”

“Good, good, good!”

After receiving several people’s tricky coins in a row, hundreds per person, no one was stupid enough to surpass Jiang Feng, and Jiang Nan was also very satisfied.

Holding five or six thousand coins, eyebrows and smiles, I really didn’t expect the players in the first round to be so rich, hehe~

She waved her hand and arranged it very face-saving:

“You all go to the security department!”

“Work with Brother Xiaojiang, do a good job, as long as you don’t make trouble, I will help you pass the first round.”

“Don’t worry~”

After collecting so many tricky coins from several months’ salary, Jiang Nan also generously promised to take people’s money to eliminate disasters for others.

Xu Yang and they all nodded in surprise:

“Thank you, Sister Nan!”

“Thank you, Sister Nan!”

Looking at Jiang Feng’s laughter here, Wu Guowei’s face was ugly, he felt that his sense of superiority was trampled on, and his self-esteem was trampled on the ground and rubbed fiercely.

Emotions of anger, reluctance, and hatred welled up.


He has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem!



Hehe, these things are a fart, if you don’t get it right, you will be unlucky, is it time to think about this?


Mentally retarded!

After Jiang Nan arranged Jiang Feng’s work, he continued to look at the people behind, the first being deputy squad leader Sun Hui.

Sun Hui trembled, and his heart was panicked!

looked at Jiang Feng.

Signaling him to take the initiative to lend some tricky money to himself.

Help me talk about it again.

However, Jiang Feng turned a blind eye, hehe, he would lend her a trick coin? If you think about it, it’s impossible!

Xu Yang was even more gloating to see the liveliness….

Jia Haoran their yin and yang strange mockery:

“We’re all critics~”

“Our tricky coins are all counterfeit money~”

“Who said Brother Feng was a liar?”

“Eh~We regret it~”

Jia Haoran and their fierce slap in the face, merciless mockery, kneeling and licking the class president’s classmates were extremely remorseful in their hearts, and they couldn’t wait to pump their own hundred big mouths.

Make your mouth!

Make you silly!

Let you talk nonsense!

Who would have thought that Jiang Feng’s tricky coin was real, this is not scientific at all, is it unreasonable? It’s a dog.

Sun Hui’s frightened Zhiwu——

“Sister Nan… I… I don’t have money for the time being… Can I make up for you when I have money? I mean what I say! ”

Hearing that she had no money, Jiang Nan’s face changed instantly.

Turning your face is faster than turning a book!

The gaze was mocking, cold, gloomy, and the expression was contemptuous and fierce and murderous, which cooled the surrounding air.

Spooky and terrifying!

“Hmph, shut up, you are a waste and poor, you also deserve to be called Sister Nan? Do you think you have a future? Giggle~”

“Little fool, you have no future!”

“Wait for death~”

Jiang Nan’s eyes were murderous, greedy, and infiltrating, and he wrote on the folder: “You go to the community service center, responsible for door-to-door service for residents and solving various needs.”

“Accumulate three bad reviews and you’re done.”


Sun Hui shivered, and her sense of fear skyrocketed.

I was so frightened that I swayed.

Jiang Nan’s murderous aura is super terrifying, and he just talked and laughed with Jiang Feng, completely different, two extremes!

How enthusiastic they are for Jiang Feng.

Just how cruel and terrifying it was to her.

The students who obeyed the command of the class cadre were all frightened, miserable, and regretted to the point of vomiting blood.

Nima, this treatment is a world of difference!


It was too unfair to be weird to Jiang Feng and their pleasant face, but to themselves cruel and terrifying.

A few thousand coins, as for this?

If only he had defected to Jiang Feng earlier….


Seeing Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran pass inside, everyone was envious, and they were afraid of losing their souls.

Jiang Nan coldly separated them:

“Yang Xiaoman, the cleaning team takes out the garbage!”

“Bai Xiaofeng, community service center!”

“Wu Guowei, hand out leaflets at the gate!”

The squad leader, Wu Guowei, was sent to the gate of the community to sell leaflets for the house, and he was closer to Jiang Feng.

The security department bathroom is also at the gate~


When it was the turn of Ban Hua (Study Committee) Gao Muqing, Jiang Nan looked at her face and figure, and looked back at Jiang Feng——

The eyes signaled: Do you want this girl?

Jiang Feng shrugged his shoulders and shook his head casually.

Jiang Nan sneered regretfully: “It’s a pity, such a beautiful little girl has not been favored by the Xiaojiang brothers!”

“You can only be sent to the community service center.”


Gao Muqing trembled, pursed his mouth, and lowered his head in despair, although there was a chance to resurrect, but what about the next time?

She glanced at Jiang Feng and them with afterlight.

He let out a long sigh with a wry smile.

I didn’t expect it~

If before, alas, forget it, there is no way, he is a class cadre, and he would not have fallen to Jiang Feng before.

Now I am not qualified to let people help!


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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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