Hearing Xu Yang, they mocked themselves.

Wu Guowei gritted his teeth and raised his eyebrows:

“Fart! Am I wrong? You scum really don’t know that thriller games have to follow the rules? ”

“There is a temper, you don’t listen to the weird!”

“Then I admire your guts.”

“Hmph, I’m afraid you don’t dare.”

He pretended to instigate, instigate, and provoke the generals, but he was despised by Xu Yang and them, and it was impossible to be fooled.

“Inferior agitation method,-you!”

“Others obey the weird is forced to helpless.”

“You’re so proactive.”

“Isn’t this trying to be a traitor?”

“Wu Guowei, could it be that your grandfather is a traitor, your grandfather is a second dog, and the old uncle has been a translator for the little devil?”

Everyone laughed, and Wu Guowei jumped like thunder.

It’s a pity

The wonderful scolding battle was interrupted by Jiang Feng waving his hand:


“Here it comes!”

Everyone’s backs were cold, and they were silent, watching the scene in front of them gradually become clear, and their sense of fear soared wildly.

Gloomy dim sky

Mist wafts in all directions

Gloomy, cold, yin air filled the world, visibility was less than 100 meters, and the tall buildings on all sides were gray.

Loomingly, this is a large community!

Dozens of floors of old high-rise buildings

Ground floor store

High-rise residential

Fitness equipment creaking in the garden


Guard’s room

The structure is similar to that of ordinary communities, with a large area and low grade, and belongs to a medium-end large residential community.

Although it is relatively old, the configuration is OK!

Moreover, there are still real estate shops for sale.

Because the building banner reads –

[Wangpu for sale, golden location of the garden community on the other side, thriller copy, priced at 3,000 coins/m2 (from)].

【Existing house price 1000 coins/m2 (from)】

Except for Jiang Feng, everyone else could not see clearly, there was no trick in the body, and they could not see through the haze formed by the yin qi.

Moreover, ordinary people will feel uncomfortable!

Amplify fear

Consumption of body temperature

Xu Yang and they have a trace of the tricky power brought by the smoke, they are barely affected, and they can see far away.

Jiang Feng is now at the Wandering Soul level, which has no effect at all!

He was the first to see something strange approaching——

Uniform beauty in high heels weird?

Black silk glasses

Holding a folder in his hand

It’s kind of beautiful

He admired intently, secretly commenting, and was noticed by Xu Yang, and asked nervously:

“Brother Feng, what did you find?”

Jiang Feng: “Good news and bad news.”

“Bad… What’s the bad news? ”

Jiang Feng: “A powerful weird is coming!”

“Well… What about the good news? ”

Jiang Feng: “It’s a beautiful beauty weird!”

All:????? (Confused).

Xu Yang: “………” (speechless).

Big brother, when are you still joking, you are really not afraid, right? Thriller games are so scary~

You, this, simply do not take weirdness as a cadre!

Sure enough

Soon a beautiful woman came over strangely.

His eyes looked at everyone greedily and contemptuously, and when he saw Jiang Feng, he was slightly stunned and faintly surprised.

However, I didn’t pay much attention to it.

She asked coldly:

“You guys are the first round players? Hehe, I didn’t expect our neighborhood to be selected by the thriller game and become a copy. ”

“Human player services are available for a long time!”

“It’s such a blessing…”

“My name is Jiang Nan, the chief of the property personnel section of the community, all of you are assigned by me, I advise you to give up~”

“Don’t struggle, let me eat it.”

“Because, as long as you make mistakes, sooner or later you will all be killed and eaten, and it is better to cheap sister me.”

“Hey, hey, hey~”

Being strangely intimidated at close range, Jiang Feng smiled slightly, but the others were stunned, panicked, and their faces were bloodless.

Including Wu Guowei, he also shrank back in fear.

Xu Yang, Nie Ye, and Jia Haoran gathered around Jiang Feng nervously, forcibly staying awake.

No one spoke.

No one is the first bird.

“Nobody wants to give up? What a pity! Jiang Nan’s face was full of regret and he let out a long sigh playfully.

She opened the folder and coldly announced: “In that case, then I will start assigning jobs…”

“Who to start~”

“Let me think about it!”

“Who should the security post be assigned to?”

Jiang Nan skillfully hinted, however, thinking about it, what benefits can these first-round players squeeze?


She shook her head slightly and chuckled twice in self-deprecation.

Forget it~

I was about to arrange it casually, but I saw ——

The only player in the crowd with a trick level took out a stack of trick coins from his bag, all of which were 100-dollar bills.

The banknote exudes trickery and is definitely the real thing!

Jiang Nan was stunned

The face was full of disbelief

Grass, Nima, more than his own two months’ salary, how can this first round of players have tricky coins?

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!

Is the game buggy so serious?

No, no, perhaps, this person has a background!

She was stunned….

Jiang Feng counted out a thousand coins (ten bills), looked at Jiang Nan with a smile, raised his eyebrows, and Jiang Nan instantly understood.

Hehe, what about him, has something to do with me?

It’s good to be able to earn extra money~

Her face changed, from cloudy to sunny, and she came to Jiang Feng’s side with a smile, accepted the coin, put it in the folder, and greeted Yan Yueshi warmly:

“Little brother, what’s your name?”

“Hello Sister Nan, my name is Jiang Feng!”

“Oh, Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, found it, Xiao Jiang, don’t worry, sister will arrange the safest position for you, well, go to the security department to work~”

Jiang Nan swore with a smile and introduced: “The work of the security department is easy, simple, and powerful, and the security captain Huang An has a good personality and will not bully you.”

“As long as you take care of your colleagues a little.”

“Everyone must keep you safe.”

“Give you a good review every day!”

“Task evaluation S is also easy, right?”


Jiang Feng nodded in satisfaction, and took out a few more tricky coins and handed them to Jiang Nan: “Then thank Sister Nan, and then ask Sister Nan to help and talk to Captain Huang.”

Jiang Nan smiled even more and hammered his shoulder.

“Brother Xiaojiang!”

“Your sister is going to criticize you like this!”

“Just a few words, how can my sister collect your money, next time it can’t be like this~”

The mouth said no, but the action was very honest, quickly took the trick coin, and said generously again:

“Don’t worry~”

“Sister will personally take you over later!”

“Let Lao Huang take care of you, oh, by the way, don’t call him Captain Huang, call him Brother An, it’s more cordial.”

She and Jiang Feng had a happy exchange.

Stunned the other players….

Can’t believe your eyes!



How is this possible? That’s impossible!


Human players and murderous weirdness, can they talk like this when they meet for the first time? Could it be that Jiang Feng’s tricky coin was real?

The trick coin is real….

The trick is real!

Hahahahahaha (Cao Cao laughs), impossible, absolutely impossible, Jiang Feng really has tricky coins, really tricky coins!

The students were dumbfounded and looked at each other.

Remorse in my heart….

Is it still a description?

Jia Haoran said to himself: “People love the world?”

Xu Yang: “Oh~~~”

Nie Ye: “Oh~~~”

Xu Yang and a few of them lit up in front of them, and suddenly realized, this is called human affection

, understand, understand, understand….


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