Based on this stubborn romance unique to Chinese people, Huo Yuan, Cao Tong and others became more serious about watching this movie.

A writer like Huo Yuan who likes to write about reality is well aware of some characteristics of Chinese people.

We value bloodlines and inheritance.

Such a nation also tends to pay more attention to the future.

Many people are willing to take the initiative to undertake something for future generations.

And in this country, there is often no shortage of people with righteous hearts.

Like Liu Qi's father, Liu Peiqiang, who may live in the space station forever, and has the future of mankind on his shoulders, but he still has no hesitation, doesn't he?

With this kind of thinking of "[children and grandchildren are endless]", even if the whole wandering plan lasts for 2500 years, so what?

Our blood, one day, will come to a new home!

In the movie, Liu Peiqiang told Liu Qi: "Dad will fly into the sky and become a star, watching you all the time."

"Dad, will you really become a star?" Little Liu Qi asked.

"That's right, from now on, you only need to count, three, two, one, look up... and you will see Dad." Liu Peiqiang said to Liu Qi gently.

Here, it is actually a kind of standing flag, and it also paves the way for the subsequent plot.

When the conversation between the father and son was over, a very spectacular picture appeared.

The title of the film "The Wandering Earth" emerged, and behind the huge title was a whole planet.

One half of it is almost shrouded in darkness, and the other half has the light released by the planetary engine.

The earth is moving forward in the universe, and the light of the planetary engine is like a gorgeous tail.

In this scene, the voice of the narrator emerges.

First in Chinese: "Goodbye, solar system."

Then, there are the languages ​​of one country after another.

One language after another appeared, and under the rendering of the background music, everyone wore 3D glasses and felt the immersive scene in front of them, which was really shocking.

The high-quality special effects allow everyone to intuitively feel the magnificence of the [Wandering Earth Project]!

It makes people feel the insignificant human beings, their struggle and unyielding before the end!

A large number of languages ​​came together, and finally turned into Liu Qi's childish voice.

A childish voice said, "Goodbye, Solar System!"

Huo Yuan felt that there was a child's voice at the end, the design was really great!



The movie has only lasted for more than six minutes, and the entire audience is already immersed in the movie.

The title alone makes people feel that this is a very hard science fiction.

It seems to be different from the domestic science fiction I watched before.

Of course, there seems to be some differences between him and Hollywood-style sci-fi.

At this moment, Huo Yuan heard the exchange of the young couple in front again.

Before, didn't a girl say that no matter how ugly the movie was, she could still watch it for two hours relying on Luo Mo's good looks.

With divergent thoughts, the girl said to her boyfriend, "What about the moon?"

"Yeah, what about the moon?"

The seemingly ridiculous dialogue actually reflects a kind of Chinese romance.

In our culture - the moon is not just the moon.

When Huo Yuan heard this, he didn't think it was ridiculous.

On the contrary, he thinks that the Chinese people in the movie are thinking that there will be no moon from now on, so many people will have complicated feelings, right?

On the big screen, after the four characters of "The Wandering Earth" disappeared, the timeline came 17 years later.

The picture focuses on a room, and the TV in the room is broadcasting news.

The content of the news informs everyone that a group of astronauts have successfully completed their missions and are about to return.

Liu Peiqiang's photo also appeared on the TV.

After the TV was artificially turned off, the screen was aimed at a figure from behind.

Judging by the clothes and the various machines on the table, he looks a bit like a repairman.

The adult Liu Qi played by Luo Mo met the audience on the big screen.

He sat in the room, and after a few seconds, he suddenly looked up at a photo.

It was a photo of a family of three.

But Liu Peiqiang's face was blackened.

A simple detail is tantamount to telling the audience that Liu Qi, who lost his father's company since he was a child, has a feeling of resentment towards Liu Peiqiang.

He picked up a pen and wrote a few words on the paper.

"Grandpa, I still decided to go, don't read, Liu Qi."

He walked to the mirror and slightly lowered the brim of his hat.

"She showed up without makeup, but she looks quite manly." The girl sitting in front said again softly.

The image of the characters in the movie must be in line with the content. Luo Mo does not have such a heavy idol burden. It is impossible to wear full makeup in this type of movie, with fair skin and tender hair. , and maybe dye your hair.

A lot of traffic small fresh meat is indeed sprayed in this regard, and it deserves it.

Such a character image will make the whole movie unconvincing.

When the screen changed, it came to Han Duoduo again. Han Duoduo was teaching in school.

She is the adopted child of Liu Qi's grandfather, Han Ziang, and can be regarded as Liu Qi's younger sister, but her surname is Han after Han Ziang.

What surprised everyone was: "Haha, the school uniforms in the future will be the same as ours now!"

"It's also the blue and white stripes? Ugly enough!"

"Okay, I'm mentally balanced!"

According to the character design of the film, Han Duoduo is actually a junior high school student.

But fortunately, sister Ding Xiaoyu is immature enough to not make people feel that she is a drama, and everyone believes that she is underage.

It's just that this Han Duoduo doesn't look like a standard good girl. She is still chewing bubble gum in class, and she is always looking around, and she is still spinning her pen.

"Squad leader, tell me, what is your hope?" the teacher asked.

The squad leader sitting in front of Han Duoduo got up, shook his head, his tone was like a young adult reciting a poem, almost breaking his voice, and said:

"Hope is something as precious as a diamond in our age."

"Hope is the only way we can go home!"

Han Duoduo sat in the back, speechless expression on his face.

In the end, she was named by the teacher and asked her to talk about it too.

"I don't understand anything." Han Duoduo said, "I just want to go outside and have a look."

Huo Yuan and Cao Tong looked at each other and smiled.

For the two big names in the literary world, it can be seen immediately that this is also a foreshadowing, or in other words, there will definitely be growth of characters in the future.

Now this little girl said that she didn't understand [Hope], she just wanted to see the outside world.

The next moment, Liu Qi played tricks outside and turned off the electricity.

As he walked into the classroom quickly, he whistled at Han Duoduo a few times and took her away from the school.

Judging from the previous content, the two should find a way to go to the outside world.

According to Huo Yuan's personal analysis, he felt that Liu Qi wanted to go outside for a good reason.

——It must be related to Liu Peiqiang.

Han Duoduo didn't know, maybe it was a child's mind?

After going to the street, Han Duoduo picked up a snack and looked at it, and said, "Hey! Durian-flavored dried earthworms!"

"Huh~~~~~" Many audience members in the theater made such voices, and they felt goosebumps just thinking about it.

It is worth mentioning that Han Duoduo has always called Liu Qi by the word "hukou". In fact, this nickname is to split his "Qi" character into Hukou.

Han Duoduo also stole grandpa's [car card], which is an indispensable item for their trip.

In the restaurant, Liu Qi also ordered a glass of juice for his sister, but the one he asked for was a large one.

But what the boss brought up was put in a test tube, only a little bit bigger.

At this moment, Liu Qi noticed that there were team members wearing exoskeleton protective suits gathering outside. He keenly expressed that something might have happened outside, why don't you go out of the dungeon today?

But Han Duoduo refused, because she escaped with great difficulty and turned into a monster.

Liu Qi clenched his fist, he really wanted to punch a monster.

Dante Xiaoyu's face, how can he do it?

The two brothers and sisters wanted to go out, and they had to find a way to get a protective suit. Liu Qi told Han Duoduo not to talk too much later, but in the end something went wrong.

After a lot of tossing, they finally ran out and took the elevator from the underground city to the surface.

The elevator went from the underground city to the ground, and it had to go up five kilometers.

When the elevator came to the surface, through the glass, Liu Qi and Han Duoduo, who ran out for the first time, looked outside blankly.

What they saw was - the frozen capital city!

The audience looked at the frozen capital and each landmark building, and each of them let out a voice of admiration.

Everything is realistic and shocking!

You know, they are watching a movie in a movie theater in the capital right now.

Therefore, the frozen city in front of them can bring them stronger visual shock and spiritual impact!

When the elevator door opened, ice and snow poured in instantly.

The audience wore 3D glasses and felt that these things were all over their faces.

The money Luo Mo spent on special effects was at least 70% to 80% higher than the cost on earth, and the effect must be excellent.

This immersive feeling made many people shout in their hearts: "Mom!"

Liu Qi and Han Duoduo stood outside, looking at the huge planetary engine, and were obviously shocked by the sight in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, they began to look for grandpa's transport vehicle, and then used Han Ziang's truck card to successfully open the transport vehicle.

As soon as the car was started, an electronic female voice came.

"Han Ziang, senior driver, BJ Third District Traffic Committee reminds you: there are thousands of roads, and safety comes first. Irregular driving will bring tears to your loved ones."

This is how the classic lines in the movie appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Qi showed a wave of his poor driving skills.

During the driving of the transport vehicle, Han Duoduo kept making "wow" sounds, while Liu Qi gave her various science popularizations. In fact, he was also popularizing science to the audience in this form.

The picture began to rise from their car to the sky, gradually giving a panoramic view of the place.

Until it rose to an altitude of 10,000 meters, everyone saw the complete planetary engine.

In the passionate background music, everyone can clearly feel how small a person's body is, but how great the power of human beings is!

This scene may not be enough, the camera is still zooming up, allowing everyone to see the moving earth, and then see the huge space station in the distance.

In this magnificent form, the scene was switched to Liu Peiqiang in the space station.

"This long shot is so fucking cool!" Many viewers said in their hearts.

Liu Peiqiang who was lying on the bed got up, and he could actually see the giant Jupiter through the window!

After he put on the earphones, there was an electronic notification sound: "Simultaneous interpretation is online."

Immediately afterwards, an arm made of fine hairs handed over a bottle of wine: "Dude, happy retirement!"

The astronauts of the fighting nation said strongly to Liu Pei.

Liu Peiqiang rejected the Russian astronaut's kindness, but he still insisted on putting the wine in Liu Peiqiang's space suit.

It seems that it is only a detail of friendship, but it is actually an ambush. This bottle of wine will be of great use later!

Liu Peiqiang started the handover and went through the leave procedures.

The voice of artificial intelligence came out:

"Liu Peiqiang's resignation and handover procedures are completed."

"Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang, as of today, you have been dormant for twelve years and three days, and you have been on duty for five years and fourteen days. Thank you for your hard work in the past seventeen years. Congratulations, you can leave your post and go home tomorrow!"

Colleagues around began to applaud him one after another. Liu Peiqiang saluted with a smile and hugged his Russian friend.

This friend of the fighting nation will work here for another three years.

At this moment, a close-up of the earth and Jupiter outside.

The voice of artificial intelligence sounded again.

"Sudden surge in Jupiter's gravity detected."

"Earth's orbit is affected by Jupiter's gravity, and it has deviated by 9.23 degrees. The probability of earth-wood collision has increased. Data is being collected and analyzed."

The audience is very clear - the big event is coming!

The picture came to Liu Qi's side. Liu Qi said that when he arrived at the supply station, he asked Han Duoduo to go back first, so as to save his grandfather from worrying.

Han Duoduo taunted him: "Come on, your father will definitely arrest you when he comes back."

Liu Qi said confidently: "Come on! I'm only a genius for a day, who can catch me?"

The police siren sounded, and the proud Liu Qi raised his chin, and instantly said, "Damn it! Check the car!"

The big screen of the movie theater went black in a second, and then there was the sound of iron doors closing.

Here Luo Mo also made changes to the plot.

While he was talking about who can catch me, there was music playing in the car.

Naturally, you have to listen to the self-driving Divine Comedy "Once Upon a Time" when driving!

"This is my grandfather's favorite song when driving. The singer seems to be called... Luo Mo."

This episode is also enriching the personality of [Grandpa born in the 90s] Han Ziang.

After all, the background of the story is the future world, but people of his generation must love Luo Mo's songs.

As a result, as soon as the phrase "[I once dreamed of walking the world with a sword]" came out, the singing stopped abruptly the next moment.

——Liu Qi was arrested.



The air in the cinema hall was filled with cheerful atmosphere.

The audience still likes the routine of hitting the face at the speed of light.

When the lights came back on, the two young girls had already been detained, and they were being questioned with strong light shining on them.

"How did you get in?" someone asked.

"Illegal, driving in violation of regulations." Liu Qi said.

"Violation? You are stealing!"

"It wasn't stolen, it was borrowed, and the card belonged to my grandfather." Liu Qi raised his hand to shade it.

"Fart! The car is the public property of the coalition government, do you think your grandpa can borrow it?" the man said angrily.

It wasn't until the prison guards started knocking on the iron railings with their batons that everyone realized that it was the "neighbor" who was detained next door, deliberately teasing the two brothers and sisters.

The words of the previous inquiry were also made by him with a flashlight.

Interestingly, this "neighbor" who is fluent in Chinese is actually of mixed race.

"My name is Tim, my father is from Beijing, and my mother is from Melbourne, a Sino-Australian joint venture." He introduced himself with a strong Beijing accent.

When shaking hands, Liu Qi broke him violently to relieve his grievances!

As soon as the screen changed, it came to Han Ziang.

The first thing everyone saw was a few hazy and sexy backs dancing with their hips twisted.

The dance music is charming, the hips are swaying, and it is vaguely known that there are not many fabrics.

Although the picture is blurry, the professional old colorists can still see that they are wearing the kind of panties that can only be seen by opening the buttocks.

And why is the picture blurred like a mosaic?

Because this is what Han Ziang sees with VR glasses, and only he can see it clearly.

He was still slapping his buttocks in the air, and made a slapping sound, and said in his mouth: "Disobedient! Disobedient!"

There was an almost unified voice in the hearts of the male audience: "I want to buy it!!!"

Maybe the female audience... My wife wants it too!

You guys can watch the hot girls dance, we can't see the abs hunk?

At this moment, a policeman brought the school teacher to Han Ziang.

Han Ziang, played by Luo Chun, immediately took off his glasses and argued: "I report this VR glasses with my real name, which has seriously affected the health of our teenagers!"

Hey, our post-90s generation is different!

The teacher told him that Han Duoduo was missing.

The policeman asked him, "Is Liu Qi your grandson?"


"He went to Shan-dong," said the policeman.

"Huh?" Han Ziang was dumbfounded.

A few hours later, he went to the place where Liu Qi was detained to find people.

He started giving gifts to the prison guards, and what he brought out were... dried earthworms from old age.

There was another unified voice in the theater: "Hey~~~~~~"

Even if the earthworms are dry, they are still old!

Luo Mo, your imagination is very good!

Seeing that the prison guard was not accommodating, he took out another box.

"This is a good thing. The girls I have saved for 50 years are all in it." He took out a VR glasses set.

——"We born in the 1990s reported Director Luo Mo with our real names and refused to admit that we were old!" "

"Okay!" The prison guard looked at him, leaned back, and said, "Let's do this again!"

The screen changed.

——Han Ziang was also arrested.

The audience couldn't help laughing out loud again.

In the smile, there is also the voice of the audience: "Prison guard Shushu, if you don't want it, you can actually give it to me!"

The detained Han Ziang was still watching the video of [Shaking Le], shaking his legs while doing it.

Liu Qi nodded at him: "Stop shaking, old man."

— impolite.

Then, of course, I was beaten.

While beating Liu Qi, he said, "What an old thing! Crack! Can I be here without you? Crack! How old is he and he ran away from home! Crack!"

"That's your dear father, where can you hide, it's so dangerous outside!"

This episode is part of the reason for telling the audience that Liu Qi ran out.

The neighbor's Chinese-Australian mixed-race Tim, even came to talk: "Education is good, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer..."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Liu Qi punched the wall.

The next moment, the wall... cracked open!

Liu Qi, a second-year middle school boy, glanced at his fist in disbelief.

Han Ziang said, "An earthquake?"

The screen switched to the dungeon in the capital, and the city actually began to collapse!

In the prison, the prison guard wearing VR glasses hurriedly came to open the door while fastening his belt.

Good guy, didn't you say yes and don't watch it?

You bitch! Must show me too!

Unexpectedly, before the prison guards could successfully open the door, part of the wall collapsed, and the iron fence fell down together.

The prison guard died, and the VR glasses were broken.

Liu Qi and others escaped by chance.

On the space station, the artificial intelligence made a sound.

"Warning, the planetary engine unit is faulty. The number is one hundred and twenty-one."

In the next second, it immediately said: "Data correction, 1112 seats."

After another second, it said again: "Data correction, 3319 seats."

This form of reporting, the script design is actually very clever.

That tense feeling came to my face in an instant!

——The problem is serious!

Affected by the sudden increase of Jupiter's gravity, the Earth's thrust is halved. According to artificial intelligence calculations, the Earth will hit Jupiter in 37 hours, 4 minutes and 12 seconds!

Liu Qi and the others were temporarily out of trouble thanks to the superb driving skills of the senior driver Han Ziang.

The old driver is really awesome.

In the transport vehicle, voices began to sound.

"The coalition government has mobilized at the highest level and notified the global combat readiness forces. Affected by Jupiter's gravity, a total of 4,771 engines around the world have shut down. In order to avoid collisions between the ground and the wood, all ministries can set off according to the No. 3 emergency plan!"

"Be sure to restart all failed engines within 36 hours!"

Different languages, the same words are spoken all over the world.

"This failure is related to the life and death of 3.5 billion people. The priority of the target is above everything else, regardless of the cost!"

The feeling of tension came instantly, and that epic feeling was also created in the ice and snow.

The audience knew that the main task was coming.

On the space station, the artificial intelligence began to ask everyone to enter the sleep mode collectively, and it is time to turn on the low power consumption mode.

Liu Peiqiang took the opportunity to call the artificial intelligence [MOSS], communicated with Han Ziang's vehicle, and told them to go to the nearest shelter during the call.

Cao Tong was a little puzzled: "It's so dangerous, why do the people on the space station go into hibernation? Shouldn't they cooperate with this crisis and launch a rescue?"

Huo Yuan looked solemn, and said: "I guess it could be... the people on the space station, in fact, besides flying with them, they are also part of the fire of human beings. When everyone enters dormancy, they are actually keeping the fire of humanity, abandoning the earth, and sailing alone?"

Cao Tong opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a while, he thought Huo Yuan's idea was not bad.

During the global rescue, the vehicle Liu Qi and the others were in was requisitioned by Captain Wang Lei played by Zhou Tong and their soldiers.

The audience looked at the exoskeleton armor of Wang Lei and others, thinking: "It's really handsome!"

"It looks very heavy."

"Didn't the crew say it was made for real, not special effects? I really want to steal it!"

"Does Luo Mo keep a pair at home?"

"What's the use of being handsome? You don't have to wear diapers, and farting doesn't mean you stink!"

If Zhou Tong knew the aspirations of the audience, he would definitely yell: "It's hard to get over shit, right?"

But in fact, there are really two sets of this exoskeleton armor in Luo Mo's house, one for men and one for women.

It is said that a real man has to be a mech!

Maybe someday I can play it.

Inside the space station, artificial intelligence [MOSS] urged Liu Peiqiang to enter a dormant state.

But he was worried about Liu Qi, so he asked [MOSS] to locate them again, only to find that they had gone to the Devil's City again, instead of going to the nearest shelter.

Liu Peiqiang applied for a call again and spoke directly to Wang Lei, asking him to resettle the civilians.

Wang Lei said that he would do this, but Han Ziang is a senior driver and he will be requisitioned.

Liu Qi listened to their phone calls and said that the car could drive by himself, so he could let his grandfather go.

It was obvious that Liu Qi cared about him even though he called him an old man.

Han Ziang immediately let out a very post-90s voice: "Hehe."

"You're going to fuck!"

Liu Peiqiang also said: "Lieutenant Wang Lei, he is still a child, he is not good enough..."

"What qualifications do you have to make decisions for me!" Liu Qi interrupted, and said through gritted teeth, "My mother's death was your decision back then!"

"Liu Qi, what are you talking about?" Han Ziang said sternly.

"What did I say wrong!" Liu Qi roared.

The reason why the relationship between father and son is bad, this plot also gives the answer.

As soon as the movie started, there was a flash of Liu Qi's mother wearing a ventilator in the hospital.

The actual situation is that although Liu Peiqiang has made outstanding contributions, his children can be qualified to enter the dungeon, but only one guardian is allowed to accompany them.

Liu Qi's mother's illness could no longer last, and there were only a few days left.

Looks like it's already a vegetable.

Her life is also painful and tortured.

In the end, Liu Peiqiang made a decision and chose to give up treatment.

Only in this way can both Han Ziang and Liu Qi enter the dungeon and survive.

The entire call was cut off during the second earthquake.

The Asian and Pacific plates are broken!

Inside the space station, the voice of artificial intelligence sounded again.

"The earth's atmosphere has experienced severe disturbances, and the global disaster loss assessment is over."

"The accompanying flight operation is terminated."

"The space station is loading evacuation procedures."

Liu Peiqiang, who had not yet entered dormancy, was startled instantly.

Evacuate! ?

He began to ask [MOSS] to help him contact the coalition government, but the artificial intelligence was forcing him to sleep.

"[MOSS] Open the hatch! Open the hatch! You are defecting!" Liu Peiqiang said.

In a rotating shot, the audience seems to be in space, losing gravity, and the whole person is floating and turning in the air.

In this psychedelic picture, the regional gate of the dormant area is completely closed!

"You seem to have guessed right?" Cao Tong glanced at Huo Yuan.

Huo Yuan smiled triumphantly, at this time he had to answer silently, to show that this was just a trivial matter and not worth mentioning.

In the movie hall, a large number of audiences are thinking: "What to do! What to do!"

This shows that they have already seen it all, and put all their emotions into it.

This is not a very new experience in watching movies.

But when watching domestic sci-fi movies, this kind of experience... is really fresh!

(ps: Ask for a monthly pass.)

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