Time passed, and it was the day when "The Wandering Earth" was about to be released.

Yesterday, the global box office data of "Apostle of Doom 2" can be said to be fairly stable, with 46 million US dollars.

In other words, the total box office of this movie is close to 100 million US dollars.

From the perspective of momentum, the second part of the "Apostle of Doom" series is better than the first part.

If he hadn't missed out on a movie market as big as Huaxia, he would probably have a chance to stay on the list and break into the top 100 in movie history.

But now, it's a little bit hanging.

Director Jeffrey, however, feels there is hope.

This kind of film released around the world sometimes has a magical effect of flowers blooming on the other side.

Just like the latest "Transformers" on the earth, the box office in North America is actually very low, and it is incomparable with other well-known big IPs, but in China and other places, they still achieved good box office results.

In fact, many Hollywood films would have lost money if they hadn't had a counterattack from China's box office.

Today, there are still several countries and regions that have not released "Apostle of Doom 2" simultaneously for the first time.

The Indian market is also among them.

Director Jie feels that there is still a chance to make his film history famous!

Director Jeffrey heaved a sigh of relief at the impressive global box office results. He was a little bit depressed a few days ago, but now he has completely stabilized.

Now, he is just waiting for "The Wandering Earth" to hit the street.

In fact, after the release of "Apostle of Doom 1", many sci-fi directors in China threatened to overcome it and produce better local sci-fi works!

Under the overwhelming publicity, it even aroused the patriotism of many viewers, and ran into the theater to pay for the movie.

However, after watching the movie one by one, they all fell into deep confusion.

"Am I being used?"

He shot such a pile of shit, how dare he challenge others? Don't you know that you're taking pictures of shit?

After being repeatedly tossed about by so many bad sci-fi movies, many Chinese audiences were ignited.

What the fuck, while deceiving domestic audiences, defrauding money by inciting emotions, while throwing embarrassment abroad?

If it is said that "The Wandering Earth" was not written by Luo Mo, I am afraid that many viewers are resistant and unwilling to go to the theater to watch it in the first place.

Of course, based on distrust of domestic sci-fi, there are indeed some viewers who don't even buy Luo Mo's account, insisting that they have to wait and see first.

Spending money is a trivial matter, but spending money to find guilt is disgusting!

At this moment, several Chinese viewers confidently bought today's movie tickets for "The Wandering Earth".

The leader is Huo Yuan, who leaves sadness to readers and happiness to himself.

This time, like last time, he brought Yao Yu, Cao Tong and others to the cinema together.

Cao Tong, a literary master in a wheelchair, was originally not interested in science fiction movies.

Not only is he not interested in China's sci-fi films, he is not interested in most sci-fi films.

But Huo Yuan doesn't care if he is willing or not?

Our literary squad is dispatched in groups, you must come!

—— "You have to fit in"!

Isn't it easy to "kidnap" a person in a wheelchair?

Along the way, Huo Yuan also vowed: "The movie must be good, my daughter-in-law and I guarantee it!"

Yes, as Mrs. Zhong Lin's father-in-law, he asked Zhong Lin specifically, is Luo Mo's new movie good?

As the team leader of the review department, she definitely wouldn't spoil it, but she personally still thinks that the movie is very good-looking, and strongly recommends Huo Yuan to watch it in the cinema.

At the beginning, these literary bigwigs went to the theater to watch "Let the Bullets Fly" together, and then publicly praised them vigorously, which can be said to have lifted this movie up a lot!

The word-of-mouth of the movie has thus increased slightly.

Many people on the Internet just like to be different and sing against everyone.

Many people said that "Let the Bullets Fly" has connotations, but he wanted to say that it didn't.

"I think "Let the Bullets Fly" has no connotation!"

"But Huo Yuan, Yao Yu and the others said that this movie has a lot of content!"

The counterattack suddenly became stronger.

After arriving at the cinema, Huo Yuan pushed the wheelchair with a smile.

He is rushing to do this matter, and no one else can push it, hehe, I like to push it!

He just likes to see Cao Tong sitting in the wheelchair he pushed, and then on some uneven ground, being shocked and terrified.

After a few old men wearing masks checked in, they took their seats in the most spacious last row in the theater, which was more convenient for supporting Cao Tong.

As we all know, the last row of many theaters is specially set up for lovers.

Huo Yuan smiled and raised his hand: "I'm a couple with Cao Tong!"

Cao Tong: "..."

Are twisted melons really that sweet?

Now, some students are already on summer vacation.

These students sitting in the theater may never have dreamed that the authors listed in the must-read list by their Chinese teacher are sitting in the same theater as them at this moment.

——Still in the couple seat.

At this time, it was two ten in the afternoon.

The cinema hall was full of people.

Luo Mo's movies now have such influence.

Not to mention the prime time at night, it is often full in the afternoon.

Huo Yuan heard the two young people in the front row still discussing.

"Will it look good? Domestic sci-fi movies are very boring." The boy said.

"It's okay, I can look at Luo Mo's handsome face for two hours, if you can't help it, go to sleep first." The girlfriend comforted softly.

Huo Yuan was delighted to hear that.

Two minutes later, the lights in the theater went out.

The first thing to appear on the big screen is naturally [Dragon Label], which is the public screening license from the audit department.

At the beginning of the movie, there is a scene of the earth at night, and then there is the sound of the waves.

"Quick, quick, look, it's Jupiter!" A man's soft voice sounded: "The largest planet in the solar system."

"Dad, there is an eye on Jupiter." A child's voice sounded.

"That's a big storm on Jupiter," the man explained.

At this moment, he is taking his son to watch the starry sky with a telescope by the sea.

"What is a storm?" the boy asked.

"Jupiter is like a big balloon, 90% of which is hydrogen gas." The man said.

The boy seemed to have a strong thirst for knowledge, so he turned his head and asked the old man sitting beside him, "Grandpa, what is hydrogen gas?"

"What is hydrogen gas?" Grandpa Han Ziang asked with a smile.

The man touched the boy's head and said, "Father is driving the fuel for the big rocket."

"Hydrogen is the fuel for Dad to drive the big rocket!" The little boy went to teach his grandfather science.

Huo Yuan and the others only felt that this scene was quite warm.

The man's gentle voice sounded again: "Liu Qi, one day, when you can see Jupiter without a telescope, Dad will come back."

"Where are you going?" the boy Liu Qi asked.

"Dad is going to perform a mission, the most important mission in the world." The man said.

Obviously, this section is to explain the background of the story.

The audience began to look forward to it.

Obviously, the mission this man is talking about is probably the so-called Wandering Earth Project in the trailer!

When the boy Liu Qi fell asleep, Liu Qi's father, Liu Peiqiang, said to Han Ziang, "After I leave, you will be Liu Qi's sole guardian. There is no need to draw lots, and you can directly obtain the qualification to live in the dungeon."

"This is also the only way to keep both you and Liu Qi alive." Liu Peiqiang said, "This is the only way."

"Okay, don't talk about it." The old man solemnly grasped the hanging tag that Liu Peiqiang handed over, and his voice was low.

"Dad, I'm sorry." Liu Peiqiang said to his father-in-law with self-blame in his eyes.

Huo Yuan and the others are very clear that the content here is actually to explain the background of the characters. Liu Qi is estimated to be the character played by Luo Mo. His mother is gone, and his father is on a mission. He will be raised by his grandfather alone.

At this time, the camera gave the sea a close-up.

The scene that can be seen in the distance is not the familiar sea at all.

In the distance, something that looks like a metal city can be seen.

The narration began to appear, and began to explain the world background in the movie.

"Initially, no one paid attention to the disaster."

"It's just a wildfire."

The picture then changed to a scene of wildfires.

"A drought."

The screen turned into a thousand miles away.

"The extinction of a species."

The picture changed to a rotting animal carcass.

"The disappearance of a city."

The picture changes to a chaotic city.


"Until this catastrophe, everyone was involved."

The content of this narration made Huo Yuan and the others' eyes shine.

"It's very interesting!"

"Well written."

Here, it is actually satirizing human nature.

Immediately afterwards, the background music changed, and the narrator continued.

"The sun is rapidly aging and continues to expand. In a hundred years, the sun will expand to engulf the entire earth."

"Three hundred years from now, the solar system will cease to exist."

In fact, it can be seen from the previous content that the story takes place in the future world, not the present.

This kind of post-apocalyptic setting about the sun is actually not new.

The sun is about to break, referred to as the sun is broken.

In many foreign science fiction movies or science fiction novels, the reason why humans immigrated to other planets is because the sun is rapidly aging and expanding, and the current planet is no longer viable.

To be honest, it's a bit routine.

I just hope that Luo Mo can put new wine in old bottles and come up with something new?

The narration continued.

"In the face of this catastrophe, humanity has shown unprecedented solidarity."

"In order to allow more people to survive, the coalition government decided to push the entire earth away from the solar system and fly to a new home 4.2 light years away."

"This grand and lengthy human immigration plan is named - Wandering Earth Project."

For a moment, the audience who had those thoughts in front of them couldn't help being slightly astonished.

"Isn't everyone going to live in an alien world?"

"Damn it, it's actually pushing the earth out of the solar system!"

"Mom! I feel a little awesome!"

Huo Yuan and the others looked at each other while listening to the background of the story.

"How do you say it?" Huo Yuan asked Cao Tong.

Cao Tong looked at the big screen with a smile on his face.

He is a very emotional person, and his evaluation is: "I already think this is a very romantic movie."

Yes, it is clear that the movie is explaining a disaster and the resistance of human beings.

But Cao Tong chose to use the word "romantic".

Huo Yuan, who is also a big name in the literary world, not only didn't think he used the wrong words, but also thought he said it very well.

Now, he also feels that this will be a magnificent and romantic movie!

the reason is simple.

It is a sci-fi movie in line with Chinese feelings.

Chinese people have different feelings for home, hometown, and motherland.

We care about our homeland, and have our own nostalgia and cherishment.

We are a nation with roots.

Perhaps, most of the works created in the way of thinking of people in many countries are all human beings abandoning their own planets and immigrating to alien planets.

But what about the Chinese?

--Gold silver nest nest as their own kennel.

As long as there is a way, we will not abandon our homeland and our native land.

On Earth, many viewers nicknamed the movie [Little Broken Ball] at that time.

Because this earth is really... a bit broken.

But so what?

We will still choose to take the little broken ball... to wander!

We are willing to fight for home.

Always willing!

In the movie, the narration continues, explaining what the Wandering Earth Project is.

"Humanity has exhausted all resources to build ten thousand planetary engines on the surface of the earth."

"Provide power for the earth to fly out of the solar system."

As soon as the picture changed, the voice also changed to the female voice in the news report.

"Each propulsion engine up to eleven kilometers."

"A total of 150 trillion tons of thrust will be provided to the Earth."

Liu Peiqiang then appeared in the screen, saluting to the camera with many navigators.

In the news report, the female voice is still saying:

"The Navigator International Space Station will be officially completed at the beginning of this month."

"Our country selected 311 super pilots and 709 mechanical engineers."

Liu Peiqiang sat in the rocket, wearing a space suit, and flew into space with the rocket.

The deep male voice of the narrator sounded again and continued the introduction.

"At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of the earth voyage."

"The coalition government assembled the global space force, and it took 30 years to build the Navigator International Space Station."

"The Navigator International Space Station will accompany the earth at a relative position of 100,000 kilometers, providing early warning, navigation, and communication support for the earth."

During the narration, images of space and the space station appeared.

The audience in the theater wore 3D glasses and watched the special effects in the movie. They only felt that the shocking picture was not inferior to Hollywood blockbusters.

"Damn it, it's indeed a film that wasted money!"

"Visually it's still very satisfying."

"I've put my heart and soul into it, but the domestic special effects have indeed developed pretty well in the past few years!"

After explaining the space station, the narration explained that the earth's environment was gradually deteriorating, and people began to live in the underground city.

"Until the earth reaches its new home, this will be the only refuge for mankind."

"So far, human beings, this tiny group born in the solar system, have embarked on a journey of... wandering for 2,500 years."

As soon as this narration came out, a large number of audience members in the theater were frightened again.

But it's right to think about it, it's a galaxy 4.2 light-years away.

Such a long distance, isn't it a long journey?

However, 2500 years of wandering journey, this number is really shocking.

Huo Yuan and Cao Tong also felt that the entire Wandering Earth project was shocking, and the time span alone was incredible.

However, the more this is the case, the more they feel that this is a really Chinese film!

Because this is a nation with many unique characteristics.

Look at the fairy tales.

Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains, Jingwei Reclaims Seas...

Look at the reality, we build the Great Wall, open canals...

We have done a lot of long-term and long-span things.

We seem to have different things in our bones.

This nation is stubborn, resolute, and persistent!

In other words, perhaps only this kind of nation that has stood in the world for 5,000 years can dare to imagine such a grand plan for 2,500 years.

In 2500, for many peoples, there is no such concept of time.

How many generations will it take to complete this plan?

But so what?

But so what?

Because we Chinese people have our own thinking, that is...

——Children and grandchildren are endless!

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