This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 261: Common Faults of Extremely Fast People

"Knight, I feel an extremely evil force."

Ignoring the gunshots and flames coming from the apartment building, Wanda frowned, and a red glow gradually emerged from her palm, and said anxiously, "What should I do?"

"Go to support Kuaiyin, Polaris can handle it by herself."


After receiving the reply, Wanda pressed her palms down, and a scarlet light gushed out from her hands. Driven by the chaos magic, her body soared into the air, and quickly floated towards the window on the second floor of the apartment.


not long ago.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this?"

Cursing in a low voice, Pietro felt extremely aggrieved looking at the monster guarding the door of the last hostage.

He was almost able to successfully complete his mission, rescued all the hostages, and went to the frontal battlefield to show his skills.

However, unexpectedly, the guard guarding the door of the last cell was different from the previous ordinary guards knocked unconscious by him, and turned out to be a monster hidden under human skin.

After being punched by him, not only did he not faint, but he directly tore off his disguise and turned into a disgusting monster over two meters tall with lumps of sarcoid-like yellowish-brown muscles and mucus secreting from his body.

"Apply for the Dominator's Gauntlets, knight!"

Looking at his fist wrapped under the battle suit, Pietro made a request to the communicator with a face full of unwillingness.

Although the opponent's speed is far inferior to his, and his physical fitness is only a little worse than his, but his vitality is extremely terrifying.

His normal attack can only cause minor injuries to the opponent, but these minor injuries can be fully recovered within ten seconds.

The most important thing is that in the action just now, because he performed too 'excellently', that bastard directly locked his 'Gauntlet of the Dominator' and took it back.

As a result, he is now bare-handed, and his attack power has dropped by more than one level, unable to cause effective damage to the opponent at all.

"Request dismissal, figure it out yourself."

"Mom Fuck!"


In response to Pietro's scolding, there was an angry roar.

Although it is only a low-level demon at the bottom of hell, it also has self-respect.

This guy actually dared to stand in front of him in a daze like this, seeing himself as air, it was really intolerable!

Immediately, the tawny monster kicked its right leg, crossed half of the room in the blink of an eye, waved its sharp claws that smelled of sulfur, and went straight to the blue figure in front of it.

"Too slow."

Easily dodged the opponent's pounce? Pietro looked normal? He turned into a silver phantom, and took out a military dagger from the unconscious guard next to him.

Then he returned behind the monster? While the opponent was in the 'stiffness' period of the attack? He slashed at the thick neck.


The blade entered the body, making a muffled sound.

But the good times didn't last long? The dagger had only advanced less than one centimeter before it was firmly stuck by the spine under the skin and the surrounding muscles? It couldn't move forward any more.


Looking at the dagger stuck in the neck? Pietro was surprised, and decisively let go and retreated, giving up the plan to continue attacking.


At this time, the monster who was attacked did not react later? With a roar, it frantically shook its head twice, and threw away the dagger stuck in the back of its neck.

Immediately afterwards, the limbs and torso were cracked like huge gaps, and balls of dark green thick mucus full of foul smell were sprayed out in all directions.


Hit by this kind of slime? Whether it is stone or wood? Even metal products, there is a buzz of cold water entering hot oil at the same time?

"This monster is really disgusting."

Flashing past clusters of dark green slime, Pietro looked around at the corroded black potholes? He secretly made up his mind: 'It seems? The only way to do it is to use that trick. '

Ordinary attacks can't break through the defense? The opponent has such a large-scale attack, and he is worried that if he drags on, his mission may end in failure.

However, he is not proficient enough to master this trick, he can only succeed three or four times out of ten times, and he may even hurt himself.

He had broken bones several times during training, but fortunately, his recovery ability was amazing, and with the help of the regeneration cradle, he could recover as before the next day.

However, I can't take care of that much now.

With a thought, Pietro still stood on the spot, but his figure became blurred. From a distance, he seemed to be mosaiced.



The strong wind blew past the monster, followed by a crisp sound of broken bones and a painful howl.

Scratching a scorched mark on the ground, he stopped his figure, clutching his somewhat deformed right palm, Pietro wanted to cry but had no tears.

Although he solved this troublesome monster, he also paid the price of breaking his right palm.


Turning his head to look, he saw a ferocious head slowly sliding down from the tall yellow-brown body, like a ball, hitting the marble floor and jumping twice before stopping.


Breathing out a sigh of relief, Pietro turned around and walked slowly to the still standing monster, raised his right leg, and prepared to give the monster a kick.

At this time, the shock turned abruptly!

The headless body moved violently, clenched a fist with his left hand, and smashed it out like a cannonball, straight for the head of the blue figure in front of him.

Caught off guard, Pietro had no time to activate his ability, and barely raised his arms to block in front of his face.

'Boom! '

Immediately afterwards, he felt a huge force coming, and his body flew upside down uncontrollably, directly collapsing the not-so-thick wall behind him.

Fortunately, the suit provided by Cyber ​​was strong enough to absorb and remove more than 90% of the impact force. Otherwise, he might have to soak in the nutrient solution for another week if he actually suffered this blow.

Even so, Pietro felt like his whole body was falling apart and sore.

Pushing away the sundries on his body, he propped up his body with difficulty, and when he wanted to get up, he found that a shadow had enveloped his head at some point.

"Damn it."

In the next moment, a casserole-sized fist pierced through the air, only 0.01 centimeters away from his forehead.

'Wow! '

In the nick of time, a ball of scarlet light smashed through the tempered glass, passed over the head of the silver-haired youth, and hit the chest of the yellow-brown monster, knocking it out mercilessly, and by the way, saved someone under his feet from being injured. Go to hell.

A woman in a dark red battle suit floated out of the window, surrounded by a scarlet light curtain, and landed steadily in front of the silver-haired young man.

"Why did you do this again, Quicksilver?"

Looking back at her restless brother, the little witch couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I was careless."

Quickly got up, Pietro regretted: "Who knew that this guy would not die if he cut off his head."


Frowning, Wanda once again took the dominant position between the two of them as usual: "Then leave it to me, and you take the remaining hostage out."

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