This Kryptonian is Too Steady

Chapter 260: Visitors from Hell

"What are we following these people for?"

Looking at the six heavily armed men in black and the two large nylon bags in their hands, Lorna was very curious.

"There are two humans in the bag."

Before Saibo could answer, Wanda suddenly opened his eyes, dispersed the scarlet light in his hands, and frowned.

"Kidnapping, vendetta, or cheating."

In this regard, Lorna said that she is no stranger to it: "This kind of thing is too common in Hell's Kitchen, what's so strange?"

According to the statistics of a Kryptonian who did not want to be named, on average, more than 20 people in Hell's Kitchen will not see the sun the next day, and become nameless corpses floating in the Hudson River. Not even a dead body could be found.

"This is no ordinary kidnapping."

Browsing the videos collected by the surveillance cameras he installed in various hidden corners, Saibo said solemnly: "In the past half a month, this group of people has been dispatched in the middle of the night every day, going to the streets to hunt down those little gangsters who are alone, or addicts. The gentleman was forcibly kidnapped to this apartment.

Early the next morning, a large truck will come to transport the kidnapped people away.

In just half a month, they have kidnapped 164 people. "

"so many people?"

Pietro was surprised: "Why didn't anyone call the police, or was it wrong?"

"These people are not ordinary street gangsters, they are all well-trained and prepared.

The equipment in their hands is the active-duty equipment of the special forces of the US Army, and they also exude the iron and blood temperament that can only be experienced in real battlefields. They are veterans who have returned from the Afghan battlefield. "

After quickly browsing the information of this group of people, Cyber ​​frowned more and more tightly: "Their anti-reconnaissance capabilities are extremely strong, and their actions are quite cautious, so they have not been discovered by local forces.

Besides, only a dozen or so people disappear every day, which is really normal for Hell's Kitchen. "

"The other party is the military, or someone from a secret agency?"

Knowing this information, Lorna did not hesitate at all, and directly pinned the cauldron on the US imperial officials.

"Do not."

Shaking his head, denying his girlfriend's guess,

There was a hint of doubt in Saibo's eyes: "It's the New York oil tycoon, the private arm of Earl Gustav."


After going through multiple inspections, entering the apartment, and handing over the nylon bag in his hand to the specialized personnel, Colin led his team members and walked quickly to the lobby on the first floor: "Sir, the mission is completed."

"How many times have I said that, Colin."

In the dim hall, a middle-aged Caucasian man wearing sunglasses and with a hooked nose? Sitting on the main seat said indifferently: "We have left the army long ago? I am no longer your officer, call me 'Marshall'? Or 'Supervisor'."

"Yes, sir."

Without squinting, Colin replied honestly.

"Forget it? Clean it up."

Showing a helpless expression, Marshall drank the last sip of whiskey? Then he turned to the younger brother next to him and said: "This is the last batch of goods? The truck that will transport the 'pigs' will arrive early, and then we will evacuate together. "

'Crack~! '

Before a few people could move, a piercing buzzing sound suddenly exploded in the ears, and the closed metal door in front of the hall kept twisting and deforming. It was torn apart from the middle by an invisible force in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure in a charcoal black tights came slowly from outside the door, stretched out a slender finger, and aimed at everyone in the field: "Unarmed!"

In the next moment, whether it was a gun or a dagger, or a grenade with metal parts and other special equipment? As if they were really under a spell, they flew out of their original owners at the same time? Hovering in the air.


Immediately afterwards, they turned around and surrounded their original owners? Showing their most ferocious side.

"Who are you?"

Even surrounded by dozens of weapons, Marshall's face still maintained its original appearance? He said calmly.

"I should ask that question, Cronin Marshall."

The husky female voice processed by the voice changer came out from the helmet? It was completely indistinguishable from Lorna's voice: "What are you and your master trying to do?"

"Official people?"

After being told of his identity, Marshall's pupils shrank slightly, and he said coldly, "Get rid of her!"

After receiving the order, the figures of the four men in black standing behind Marshall swelled rapidly, and in the blink of an eye they grew into little giants over two meters tall, exuding a strong sulfur smell.

‘Bang bang bang——’ ‘Da da da——’……

In the next moment, all kinds of gunshots rang wildly in the hall, and the guns controlled by invisible forces spat out flames, pouring the bullets in their bodies unreservedly on the group of men in black in front of them.

The moment the other party issued that order, Lorna pulled the trigger without hesitation. Anyway, this group of people has been blacklisted by Alita, and there will be no psychological burden at all to kill them.

But the result was not as expected.

After the gunshots stopped, the ground was already stained red with blood, and a dozen corpses that had been shot into hornet's nests were strewn about, but in the middle of the corpses, five loud voices still stood in place.

"Quick Silver, have the hostages been rescued?"

Looking at the five monsters that were constantly ejecting bullets from their bodies, Lorna's heart trembled, and she said in a low voice.

"Nine of them have been rescued, and there is one left, but there is actually a monster here that cannot be killed."

‘Pietro encountered this monster in front of him? '

Hearing this, Lorna frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

Their original plan was to attract attention from the front by themselves, capture the enemy alive, and let Quicksilver rescue the kidnapped hostages, while the witch stayed outside to prevent the enemy from escaping, or any other changes.

However, unexpectedly, the accident happened on the group of people they were going to deal with.

Flaming goat hooves, dry and cracked skin, orange-yellow vertical pupils, a pair of recurved horns on his forehead, and the lingering sulfurous smell on his body.

Looking at the monster that the guy named Marshall turned into, Lorna unconsciously thought of a legendary creature: "Demon?"


Ripping off his tattered suit, revealing his tan muscles like tumors, Marshall grinned: "You know too much, mortal."

Immediately, with a big wave of his hand, he beckoned his subordinates to rush towards the woman in black in front of him.

"Hey, it's really a demon."

After confirming the other party's true identity, Lorna not only did not show any fear, but smiled slightly: "I want to see, what is the difference between you creatures in myths and legends."

After studying with Saibo for nearly two years, she has completely transformed from a Christian to a staunch agnostic and atheist.

As my boyfriend said, these so-called 'demons' are just creatures with a slightly higher life form than humans, and they are not fundamentally different from the group of Asgardians.

If you are killed, you will die!

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