This Curse Is Just Awesome

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Arrived in Ice City (Part 1)

No life for a night.

The next day.

The sun rises and the light shines.

On the white snowy field, a dazzling light was reflected.

Sitting in the tent, Chen Yu finished the canned food, tidied up briefly, then opened the zipper and walked out.


He clapped his palms vigorously, and Chen Yu stretched his waist and said loudly, "I'm all awake, it's dawn."


Soon, Ma Li and Ma Yan walked out together.

Judging from the spirit of the two, it should have been a long time since they were awake.

Then, BB also got out of the middle tent and waved: "Human adults, good morning."

"Good morning." Ma Li leaned over and stroked **B's little face: "Why do you always call us human adults?"

"Hello, sister." BB quickly changed his words.

"I always feel... this child is different from a normal child." Ma Li frowned and thought deeply.

"For example?" Ma Yan asked on the side.

"For example, why does she wear a sword hilt on her head?"

"Yes..." Ma Yan also noticed this problem, with a serious expression: "It's weird."

"That's not a sword hilt."

Chen Yu stretched out his hand, "choking" and pulled out the sharp sword on BB's head: "It's a sword."

"Oh!" Ma Yan suddenly shook her finger: "This is not surprising."

Ma Li: "...Is this even more weird?!"

"Why?" Ma Yan puzzled: "The sword body is under the hilt. It's normal. There is only one hilt, that's weird."

"Where is your focus?"

"Don't make noise." Chen Yu inserted the sword back and frowned: "It was early in the morning, can you be quiet?"

"Ah..." Ma Li was about to faint: "You put the sword back in..."

"When will the team leave?" Ma Yan asked Chen Yu, "Are we still going to have breakfast?"

Ma Li: " actually inserted the sword back..."

"Leave now." Chen Yu took out a box of canned food from his bag and threw it over: "I will eat this for breakfast. Put away the tent after eating. BB."

"I'm here." BB took a step forward.

Ma Li: "Don't you hurt? With a sword in your head, won't you die?"

"Is my sister awake?"

"No." BB shook his head and looked at the tent in the middle: "My sister is sleeping very well."

"I'll take the tent, go and wake her up, what time is this."

"it is good."

Ma Li: "No one hears me? Hello?"

Putting on his backpack, Chen Yu put the tent down and folded swiftly. Then arrange the tents of Ma Li and Ma Yan.

Only the tent in the middle remained unmoved.

"My lord." BB drilled a head: "Sister is not awake."

"Not awake?" Chen Yu frowned: "Is she wearing a coat."


"Let me see."

With that said, Chen Yu stepped into the tent and saw Chen Siwen head down, motionless.

Chen Yu was silent: "..."

BB is cute: "..."

Chen Yu: "Her do I think she is dead."

BB shook his head: "No, breathing."

Bending over, Chen Yu gently pushed Chen Siwen's shoulder: "Sister? Hey? Wake up?"






Chen Yu: " are so ugly."


Chen Siwen stood up abruptly and slapped Chen Yu on the forehead: "You are ugly."

Chen Yu: "..."

"Ah. What time is it now?" Sitting up, Chen Siwen yawned and looked around: "Dawn?"

"What happened to you just now?"

"What?" Chen Siwen didn't react for a while.

"We called you just now, and you weren't awake."

"Deep sleep. Don't say it. The first time I slept in the wild, I slept really comfortably. I didn't even dream."

"Hey." On the side, the praised BB bowed his head embarrassedly: "Big... adults like it."

"Huh?" Chen Siwen turned her head and looked at BB: "What did you say?"

"No...nothing. Sister, you will sleep well every night from now on."

"Haha." Chen Siwen was happy and stroked **B's head: "I can speak."

"Since you are awake, let's eat." Chen Yu handed out the can: "Go out to eat, I will put the tent away."

"Canned pork again?"

"I still have human flesh."

"...Is JJ Lin the same style?"

"Guo Donglin has the same style."


In the morning, seven o'clock exactly.

The ZTO Express fleet departed on time.

Because the alien beasts along the way have been eliminated by the "forces" in front, the team can increase the speed very quickly.

Sitting in the back row of the led off-road vehicle, Chen Yu looked out the window: "Over there, this is the capital."


In the co-pilot's seat, he rubbed the dog's head on his cheeks and looked to the right side: "Turn in from that fork, it is the direction of the capital. In the past, this place was heavily guarded."

"Now the soldiers are gone."

"Nonsense. The capital is gone." Sucked down a handful of hair on the dog's head and threw it out the window, the beard said with interest: "It was safe last night. It turned out to be your problem."

"Fart, it's obviously your problem." Chen Yu retorted, "Stay away from you and everything will be safe."

"Don't say it's useless. You will go to sleep somewhere else tonight, the farther the better."

"Do you think I would like to sleep with you?"

"I will sleep with the dog now..."


While the two were arguing, the driver suddenly stepped on the brake!

Huo didn't wear a seat belt, and he smashed the windshield with his head.


"Boom boom boom..."

Then, the following vehicles could not brake in time and rear-ended.


He covered his forehead and glared at the driver, furious: "Are you fucking?!"

"Old...Boss..." The driver swallowed and pointed forward nervously.

Huo immediately turned his head and looked at the position of the driver's finger.

A huge beast claw appeared out of thin air tens of meters away.

Straight and sharp nails, violently torn, made the distorted space bigger and bigger.

"Different beast?" Hu squinted his eyes and put down the Husky in his hand.

"This is a'newborn' animal, right?" Chen Yu observed for a moment and asked.

"Yes. You sit in the car, don't move. I'll go down and take a look."


Open and close the door.

Luo Hu got out of the car and walked to the space crack under the nervous gaze of everyone.


Faintly, he could hear the roar of the beast coming from the corner of the space crack.


Level 6 strength erupted, blowing away the snow around him, exposing the cracked asphalt road under his feet.


Put your hands together, the cold light flashes in the eyes of your face and beard.

"Martial Arts-Grasp of the Earth!"


When the voice fell, two ground thorns resembling a snake appeared in the mud on both sides of the road in vain.


The ground thorn rotates, surrounds, and twists, and after rotating a few times in midair, it firmly entangles the claws of the alien beast.


With a roar on his cheeks, his palms slammed hard!


A bear-shaped alien beast over twenty meters in size was immediately dragged out from the crack in the space.


The alien beast hung in the entangled ground thorn, roaring and struggling.

Attempt to break free from the shackles of martial arts.

But the beard will naturally not give it a chance.


The beard puts his hands together again.

On the left side of the road, another thorn burst into the sky!


The sharp tip penetrated into the buttocks of the alien animal, protruding from the top of the head. Tons of blood poured down.

The strange beast was immediately killed.

Step back ten meters to prevent the blood from sticking to your body, and shake your cheeks...


The one-hundred-ton beast corpse was immediately thrown away by the ground stabbing and smashed several hundred meters away.

Chen Yu: "...Awesome."

Today, Chen Yu has a lot of experience against alien beasts.

At a glance, it was a strange beast at the 4th level.

It was so easily resolved.

Although he can also kill the fourth and fifth level, but only relying on the power of the full BUFF and BB long sword. It's completely different from the "actual" combat power of Luojihu.


Pushing the car door, Chen Yu stepped across a pool of blood on the ground and walked to the crack in the space to look inside.

"Boy, don't get too close." Luo Chi Hu stretched out his hand to stop Chen Yu.


"This thing, you can understand it as a monster refresh point in the game. Uncertainty will suddenly pop out of one."

"The strange beast... did it come out from here?"

"Yes." Hu Jinhu nodded, took out two cigarettes, and handed one to Chen Yu: "Exotic animals don't reproduce and mate, they all come from this kind of space crack."

Chen Yu took the cigarette, took out the lighter to light each other, and took a deep breath: "When will this thing disappear?"

"It won't disappear for a while. We can only go around. Made... a headache."

"I rarely encounter this situation, right?"

"Rarely?" Hu curled his lips: "I have been traveling north and south for decades. This is the first time I have seen it."

"Inside..." Chen Yu probed cautiously: "What's there?"

"I don't know." The beard flicked the soot: "Many scientific research teams all over the world want to figure out what drones, wired and wireless cameras, and even level 8 warriors have entered."

"No result?"

"No result. According to the martial arts, that 8th-level martial artist died within a few seconds of entering."

"..." Chen Yu had a toothache.

"Since then, no one wants to study this thing." He sucked the last wisp of cigarettes, flicked his cigarette butts on his cheeks, and beckoned back: "All, spread out, go around."


The drivers pressed the car whistle at the same time.

After that, we started to move forward in an orderly manner.

The space crack is on the right side of the road.

The convoy can only drive on the left.

Fortunately, the road was wide enough, and after a short while, all vehicles passed smoothly.

"Do you still want to watch? Go away."

Pat Chen Yu's shoulder, Hu walked away quickly.

Chen Yu stood there and paused for half a minute, staring straight at the crack in the space.


"How the **** was born."


The convoy, start again.

With the experience of the sudden appearance of the "monster spawning point", the speed of each car has been reduced a lot without the need for a beard to command.

And it turns out that this is very correct.

Because on the following road, until the afternoon, the team encountered two more "space cracks" incidents.

A total of 3 strange beasts were drilled!

Seeing this situation, Lu Hu made a decisive decision and immediately ordered the convoy to camp on the spot and stop driving.

"Not leaving?" Chen Yu asked.

"Don't leave." Hu raised his head and glanced at the sky: "The sky is not dark, and the line of sight must be blocked. The cracks in the space are transparent and easy to hit. Wait until tomorrow morning."

"The arrival time in Ice City will be delayed."

"No. We ran very fast yesterday."

With that said, Luo Jihu took out a box from the trunk of the off-road vehicle and handed it to Chen Yu: "Take it."

"What's this?" Chen Yu took it suspiciously, "Fuck, it's a bit heavy."

"Arms. When you go out to sleep, take self-defense."

Chen Yu: "..."

Beard's expression is serious: "In one day, I have encountered strange beasts three times. This can't be a coincidence. In the past, this kind of thing only appeared before the beast tide."

"Is there going to be a beast tide nearby?" Chen Yu was startled.

"No." Hu shook his head: "The alien beast channel that appeared before the tide of beasts, there will be hundreds of alien beasts drilling out, especially dense. The cracks we encountered, drilled one or two and disappeared. It should not be a beast wave."

"Is that so?" Chen Yu thoughtfully.

"Well. In short, the world is getting more and more abnormal. In the past, I thought that although humans would be extinct, they would not be extinct in my generation. Now it seems..."

After sighing, he didn't say anything, turned his head and walked away.


Chen Yu shook the box, feeling complicated, and left silently.

ten minutes later.

A group of five people moved away from the convoy and stopped by a dense forest.

"It's early for the team to camp today." Ma Li raised her wrist, revealing her Rolex watch.

"Yes. That captain was frightened." Ma Yan also raised her hand, revealing her four Rolexes.

"Cut. Show off wealth."

As Chen Siwen unfolded the tent, she murmured, "Is it great to have money..."

"Here." After hearing this, Ma Yan came over, took off a piece, and handed it to Chen Siwen: "Here you are."

Chen Siwen: "...Mom."

Ma Yan: "Don't, it's too big."

Chen Siwen: "Brother and sister. What do you think of my brother? Tell you a secret, he can beat him overnight..."


Chen Yu expressionlessly, drew the long sword on top of BB's head.

Chen Siwen: " know."

"I understand, I understand." Ma Yan licked her lips, took off two more pieces, and took them to Chen Siwen: "I'll give them all to you. I don't like that I have them at home."

"I like it! Of course I like it. Actually, I have no interest in Rolex. It's mainly from your younger brother and sister, and your sister likes it."

Chen Yu: "Why do you have to point your face?"

"Brother Yu, I gave you the last piece." Ma Yan took off the last Rolex: "The most expensive one."

Chen Yu: "...Have you brought your household registration?"


At night, the moon is like a hook.

The winter in the north is dry and cold.

A gust of wind mixed with snowflakes passed by, and only the noise of tree branches swayed between the sky and the earth.


Suddenly, the tent where Chen Yu was in was pulled apart.

Ma Li poked her head in: "Brother Yu?"

Chen Yu in the sleeping bag looked up, expressionless: "What are you doing?"

"I... my aunt is gone."

"Oh." Chen Yu nodded: "Sorry."

Ma Li: "..."

"Please pull the tent up and don't let the strange air in, thank you."


The zipper was closed and Ma Li slipped.

But after a while, Chen Yu just lay down, and Ma Yan got in again.

"Brother Yu?"

Chen Yu: "..."

Ma Yan: "I sleep alone, it's cold."

Chen Yu: "Oh, then your pee is hot in the bed."

Ma Yan: "..."


After closing the zipper, Ma Yan also retreated.

At the same time in the tent next to it.

BB slowly retracted his fist.

She looked at Chen Siwen, who had passed out, with a look of satisfaction: "Serving adults, this is what Rongguang Robot should do..."




But at this moment, faintly, a low and strange sound came.

The concentrated BB immediately turned his head and looked to the west.

Her gaze penetrated through the tent, through Chen Yu's clothing, body, through the jungle, through the snow and dust in the sky, and saw the blurry black shadow that was coming here.

"That is……"

The alarm in BB's heart was instantly full.


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