This Curse Is Just Awesome

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Unsolvable contradiction

"Boom boom boom..."

With the engine running at full power, the passenger plane slowly lifted off, spinning away from this messy city.

Around the passenger plane, there were also four fighter jets full of air-to-air missiles. Responsible for the protection of the entire voyage.

In the cabin of the passenger plane, including Chen Yu, every student of Beijing University carried a thick parachute. This is to ensure that the passengers have a chance to escape after the plane is attacked by a foreign animal.

In a short while, the passenger plane completed its climb and entered a stable cruise phase.

攫欝攫. Chen Yu immediately stabbed Bahuang Yao next to him: "Yao Er, change position? I'm motion sick."

The girl by the window was taken aback, some reluctantly glanced at the scenery outside the window, and changed her position obediently.


Sitting by the window, Chen Yu loosened the safety buckle of the parachute, and looked at the wavy clouds outside the window, suddenly feeling wide open.

"Brother Yu?" Duan Ye probe on the outside: "Let's change it, let me Kang Kang also chant?"

"Are you thinking about fart? This is the seat next to the window." Chen Yu waved his hand: "I'm just a fool."


Bahuang Yao: "..."

Duan Ye shook his hands and looked at Bahuang Yao: "Divorce him."

"Don't... don't talk nonsense!" The girl's face flushed.

"Chen Yu." At this moment, Zhang Tie's voice came from the front row: "Come here."

厺厽 chasing the text 厺厽. "What are you doing?"

"It's the first time you do a school machine, and I will tell you the precautions."

"What is there to talk about?"

"If you let you come, you will come! Will the parachute be opened? Will the emergency button be pressed? Will the bouncing chair be used?!"

"...Alright." Standing up, Chen Yu bypassed the two teammates and walked to the front row. Don't forget the threatening sentence: "Xiao Yezi, if you dare to grab my seat, you can try."

Duan Ye watched his nose and his heart: "Try and try."

巘戅 chase literary 戅. "Then you will die."

"If you die, you die..."

A foreign student next to the aisle: "?"

Coming to the front row, Chen Yu leaned against him: "Teach it."

"Sit here."

Zhang Tie near the window patted the seat next to him.

After Chen Yu sat down, Zhang Tie began to explain in detail: "This is the parachute's drawstring. This is the insurance. After you pull it open, pull the drawstring and the parachute will open. But don't drive it too early."

Chen Yu: "Yeah."

"This is the eject button. The insurance is on the crew's side. If she doesn't open it, the ejection won't start."

Chen Yu looked up and pointed to the top: "What if there is a ceiling?"

"Don't worry. After the flight attendant opens the insurance, the top of the plane will fall off."

"What should I do if I hit someone?" Chen Yu thought divergent.

"Why do you care about this? You are attacked by strange animals in the wild. There is no one in the wild. Don't interrupt, I will teach you the emergency button..."

Zhang Tie's teaching was extremely detailed, and the simple four steps to escape took more than ten minutes.

After speaking, Chen Yu felt that he could build airplanes.

"It's finished, go back." Unscrew the mineral water and take a sip, Zhang Tie waved his hand: "Attention, flying by plane is not as dangerous as taking a high-speed rail. Keep your mind focused at all times and be prepared to deal with emergencies."

"Is the chance of the plane being killed?" Standing up, Chen Yu asked.

"Very high. Every year there are accidents with school planes."

"This is the school plane?" Chen Yu was surprised.


"That...the four fighters out there..."

"It's also from the school. Is it strange?"

"It's just a university, so powerful? Even fighter jets?"

"You are just entering the school and don't understand." Zhang Tie put down the water bottle and said, "Don't apply the school model of junior high school and high school to college. Let me tell you..."

Zhang Tie stretched out two fingers: "Our country, and even most countries in the world, have two types of violence systems. One is the military. Two is the university."

Chen Yu: "Oh..."

Duan Ye: "Wow..."

Like Duan Ye, Bahuang Yao also poked his head over: "Tie...Tie, there is a family, right?"

"Families, police stations, courier companies, security companies, etc., can be regarded as supplementary power groups." Zhang Tie explained: "From a macro point of view, there are two main forces, the army and the university."

He paused slightly, and seeing that all three of them were listening carefully, he continued to explain: "In the military, ordinary people are the mainstay, with high-tech equipment, forming a considerable fighting force. Proper planning, good command, can explode quite a bit. Terrifying output. The results are outstanding in the elimination of alien beasts."

"However, the restrictions on the composition of the army, the low individual combat power of ordinary people, and the lack of physical strength and mobility make it difficult for them to conduct special operations. There is also no way to restrict high-level warriors, so they cannot be used for public security. They only face differences. The beast shot."

"Of course, the army also has warriors. They formed special forces to make up for their shortcomings."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tie drank again to moisturize his throat.

"After the army is finished, let's talk about universities. First of all, you must have an understanding that in the world of warriors, warriors are power. And universities are units that educate and promote warriors. Then it naturally becomes a violent department. "

"You can only come into contact with me as a security officer, and your vision is still not wide. In universities, the real core is actually the professor group. Every full-time professor has a level of energy that is not lower than level 6. The dean, the committee, and even the powerhouses at level seven or even eight."

"Even if you don't include the warriors who graduate each year but still stay in school, these professors alone can easily resist the existence of the army."

"So..." Zhang Tie recalled the topic and pointed to the plane: "This kind of absolutely violent force has planes and fighter jets. Isn't it normal?"

"Understood." Chen Yu nodded knowingly.

In fact, he fell into the common sense misunderstanding of the real world in his previous life.

In the "normal" society in the previous life, education was only one of the many systems in the country.

In the world of Gaowu, education is a unit with authority over everything.

This led to the power tree of the world, which was deformed from the beginning.

Ordinary people are destined to have no rights.

Because... even the warrior himself has no rights.

To put it an exaggeration, human beings are currently a relationship between billions of "slaves" and a few "slave owners."

When one day, a tenth-level warrior turns out to be born, those former "slave owners" will instantly become "slaves".

攫欝攫. It's like the three bodies encountered by earth civilization...

Trisolaran civilization has encountered a singer...

At this point of thought, Chen Yu suddenly figured out a lot.

The social system of martial artists was born by force.

And from the time of birth, it was a kind of sorrow.

No one, no warrior, can escape.

Therefore, elite governance will never exist.

legal system? legal? balance? It's even more nonsense. These things are limited to the "same race" use of the "same power".

A big warlord can easily kill many people with a gun, but he will also be easily killed by a gun.

Ordinary people and warriors, in the strict sense, are already different "races".

Level 1 warriors and level 2 warriors are also different races.

Level 3 and Level 4...

Level 5 and Level 6...

The gap is getting wider and wider.

This is the leap of life, the sublimation of power.

As the level gets higher and higher, the gap between each level is also widening.

It also explains from the side, why "the punishment is not a martial artist."

Because the law of "earth civilization" cannot restrain the "three-body civilization".

The same goes for ordinary people and warriors.

In the entire Gaowu world, there is no law at all.

厺厽 Yunxuan Pavilion 厺厽. No matter the middle level, the upper level, or the ruling level, they are not "reasonable", "playing with means", "spelling knowledge" or "relying on political achievements."

It depends on the fist.

巘戅 Yunxuan Pavilion yunxua戅. Whoever has a high level is a "slave owner."

A tiger will never surrender to a dog, even if the dog is better than it...

‘A society that is so chaotic...’

Chen Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the weight of his heart, and asked Zhang Tie, "So, the powers of all are all in the university, right?"

"..." Zhang Tie was silent for a moment and said: "Yes."


Chen Yu sat back to his original position, looking at the bright sunshine outside the window, without joy or sorrow.

The superficial peace is just the inertia of once civilization.

Naturally, there is no need to reconcile the series of social contradictions that have arisen.

Because there is no solution at all.

"They" will accompany human beings until they perish...


Volume two, end.

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