This Curse Is Just Awesome

Vol 2 Chapter 95: 3 into a foreign land (below)

In a trance, Chen Yu's consciousness appeared in a wide unknown space.

In front of them, there were three resentful spirits trembling in a hug.

Chen Yu was stunned for a long time, and quickly figured out what happened.

Low IQ·When Chen Yu swallowed the Spirit Gathering Orb, he didn't think too much.

Coincidentally, as the beads were isolated from the outside world, without magnesium ions, the adsorption power was no longer, and the three resentful spirits naturally emerged.

And the stomach is inside his body, and the energy is still burning outside the body, and the resentful spirits can only be forced to get into his spirit.

And because consciousness entered the thinking space, martial skills disappeared, and Chen Yu, who had a normal IQ, re-occupied the "high ground."

At this point of thought, Chen Yu's heart is extremely complicated.

"This... unexpectedly reasonable."

Is this the legend, is there a blessing for stupid people?

IQ decreased and luck skyrocketed.

No matter how big a big brother is, he can't be the son of "destiny"...

‘Be cautious in the future. "Chen Yu pondered: "Without the ability to judge above the standard, it is easy to hit the wall. ’

No IQ is not terrible.

No IQ, courage, this is terrible...

He calmed down, and Chen Yu stopped thinking about it. He looked at the three trembling resentful spirits and said, "You guys, what's the matter."

(Ah! It talked to me!)

(The devil talked to me...)

(Mom! I'm dying.)

"Why are you so afraid of me suddenly?"

(Ah! So scary.)

(The devil talked to me...)

(Goodbye mom, I'm going to sail tonight...)

Chen Yu: "..."

Controlling the erratic body, Chen Yu grabbed the resentful spirit on the far left and said coldly, "Want to die?"

(Ah! I don't want to die.)

"Then I ask, you answer."

(Ah! I don’t want to answer.)

"Aren't you the favorite to smoke the human spirit? Why did you run away when you saw me?"

(Ah! What the President told us, you are a demon, stay away from you.)

(Don't talk to the devil!) The resentful spirit in the middle yelled.

(Mom... Mom in the candlelight...) The resentful spirit on the right stretched his neck and sang loudly.

"Shut up, you two!" Chen Yu kicked the two resentful spirits with a left kick and a right whip. Then he carried the first resentful spirit and asked, "Who is the president."


"Don't say ‘ah’, I’ll kill you any more."

(I will not say anymore.)

"Who is the president."

(It is our rescuer and the greatest **** in the universe.)

Chen Yu raised his eyebrows, paused, and continued to ask: "Where is it."

(He is everywhere.)

"Is it your beautifying language? Or is it ubiquitous in an objective sense?"

(It's everywhere. Physically, in reality. Nothing in the universe can escape the eyes of the President.)

"So it has seen my massacre of you, does it tell you to stay away from me?"

(Yes. The president has spotted you as a demon a long time ago.)

"Then why doesn't it solve me? It should protect you?" Chen Yu thoughtfully.


"do not'!"

(The President is very busy, he is everywhere.)

"Since it's everywhere, you should show up and wipe out me, right?"

(...) The resentful spirit was stunned for a moment: (He is everywhere.)

Next, regarding the existence of the "president", Chen Yu asked again from various angles, but the other party seemed to be stuck, only repeating one sentence.

(He is everywhere.)

This made Chen Yu suddenly realize that these seemingly agile and abnormal spirits may not have much wisdom.

It's more like a strong artificial intelligence with 1+1=2.

After pondering for a long time, he changed a set of questions.

"You keep saying that you are human."

(We are human beings.)

"You are human, then what am I."

(You are food.)

"Then you and food speak the same language? Heh." Chen Yu laughed out: "Don't you think it's weird?"

(What's so strange about this? We have been eating for tens of thousands of years.)

When these words fell, Chen Yu's pupils suddenly shrank.

Goose bumps all over.

"what did you say?"


"You... have eaten humans for tens of thousands of years?"


Subconsciously grieving, Chen Yu said in a low voice: "Do you know how long a year is."

(Three hundred and sixty-five days.)

"You have lived... tens of thousands of three hundred and sixty-five days?"

(Yes.) The resentful spirit nodded.

After letting go of the resentful spirit, Chen Yu's brain fell into a rapid rotation.

He didn't know how many years ago the alien land of Bodhi Island appeared.

But to be sure, it is definitely not tens of thousands of years away.

In the real world, the doomsday disaster of mankind is only a century old.


Here comes the problem.

A hundred years ago, the resentful spirit here, who was eating...

Suppressing a chill, Chen Yu looked at the other two resentful spirits, only to find that those two resentful spirits disappeared at some point.


Turning his head violently, he looked at the first one.

But I found that the other party seemed to be crashing, stiff in place, and his eyes widened: (He...he...he knows everything...)

When the words fell, the resentful spirit also disappeared abruptly.

It's as if it never existed.

In the next second, with a flower in front of Chen Yu's eyes, he broke free from the consciousness space and returned to the alien world.

He touched his body and looked up at the night sky.

Layers of cold sweat, seeping from the back for some reason.

"What did I find?"

"I didn't seem to guess anything..."

"But this fear...what's going on..."

The circular galaxy in the sky is still so magnificent.

But Chen Yu looked and watched, but the more he looked, the more he felt like a mouthful of blood, wanting to swallow him and the whole world.

Silent for a long time.

Chen Yu took a cigarette out of his arms, lit it with a slight tremor, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down.

The foreign land of Qingcheng, the foreign land of Bodhi Island, the same human connection...

Based on this information, he originally guessed vaguely that every alien world might be a parallel world left over after the demise of mankind.

But after talking with the resentful spirit today, he discovered that maybe everything is not that simple...

After smoking a cigarette, flick the cigarette butt.

Instead of looking at the stars in the sky, Chen Yu immersed himself in returning along the same path.

And along the way, he never saw a resentful spirit again.


"Chen Yu, I heard you came back late in the morning?"

The next day, in the afternoon.

In the busy disaster area, Zhang Tie walked to Chen Yu and asked.

Chen Yu was taken aback: "Oh, yes."

"Then where did you go last night."

"It's all afternoon, you just want to ask."

"Don't interrupt me. Say, where did you go." Zhang Tie frowned.

"I'm fine, I wandered around."

"Where did you go for a stroll in the middle of the night."

"Red light district."

"Huh? Red light district?" Duan Ye, who was plowing the ground, heard the key words and turned his head sharply.


There was a crisp sound in the neck.

Zhang Tie was startled, his eyes quickly moved to Duan Ye: "Are you...are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I just tried too hard, and my head is a bit hard to come back." Duan Ye tilted his head and stared at Chen Yu: "Don't worry about me, the point is, you went to the red light district last night, why didn't you take me?"

Chen Yu: "..."

"Just like you, I can see it through!" Duan Ye angrily threw down his **** and looked at Zhang Tie: "What are you doing in a daze? You look at the child like this? What's the security guard? I hurt you. Don't you go to the doctor?"


"Hurry up, it hurts, it hurts!"

Zhang Tie hesitated for a moment, then turned and went to the doctor.

Afterwards, Duan Ye's head immediately recovered, and raised his eyebrows proudly: "Brother Yu, how is this Cha Da?"

"Too tacit!" Chen Yu waved his hand: "Perfect."


The two clapped their hands vigorously.

Then, Chen Yu took out the Spirit Gathering Bead from his pocket: "Seeing you behave so well, I will return this bead to you."

"Fuck?" Duan Ye quickly took it: "I thought you were really greedy."

"What do you want. Can I still steal it? How big is my face?"

"Hey, count me. I saved your gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain." Duan Ye stroked the Ju Lingzhu beautifully: "The point is that this thing is expensive, and it's not easy to buy. Huh? Why is it so clean? What?"

"It must be clean." Chen Yu waved his hand: "I have cleaned it many times."

"Be careful! Brother Yu is really particular! Don't say anything." Duan Ye kissed Ju Lingzhu happily, then retracted his pocket and licked his lips: "Go back to the I invite you to dinner. "


Chen Yu refused: "I'm a little nauseous recently, let's talk about it next year..."


ps: Add more updates for the host of the "Little Mulan" friend.

6 chapters are owed, 1 is left, and 5 is left.

Yesterday I asked the big guys to slow down the rewards, and then two leaders, one head, two hall masters came...


I owe 19 chapters, and I thank you all.

Hua Shu Ge

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