The War of Resistance

Chapter 786: accidental gunshot

"It seems to be bright outside." When the sun was shining, a soldier in a room said in a low voice.

When he said this, he was lying on a big kang that was still warm, twisting his neck and looking at the dim light of the window, and his companions were crowded around him.

"Don't talk about it, sleep for a while, isn't it bright?" said a companion next to him on the right.

After finishing speaking, the companion turned over unconsciously and directly pressed his thick legs on him.

"Hey, I said you're a bully, you're as strong as a mule, take your legs away!" The soldier said after waking up first, or the first thing he said after waking up. That was Bai Zhan, and the one pressing him with his thigh was Hu Zhuzi.

"Slow down, why are you swollen after pressing you for a while? I don't press ordinary people!" Hu Zhuzi said disapprovingly.

"Your grandma has such a leg, it makes me sick to think of two old men hugging each other!" Bai Zhan cursed angrily.

But this time, Bai Zhan's voice became even louder.

There was another soldier's voice, it was someone sitting up and watching what happened to Bai Zhan.

And the voice of entering the tiger's pillar came again: "You are the master, I am a pure boy."

Hu Zhuzi's words made the soldiers who were listening to what happened burst into laughter, and a new day began amidst such laughter.

At the same time, on the kang in another room not far away, Shang Zhen lightly pushed Gao Yuyan who was leaning on his arms, and he also sat up.

"Did you wake up early?" Gao Swift asked leisurely.

So Shang Zhen felt as if he had done something wrong.

However, that was really as if, not really doing anything wrong.

What did you say? Right time, right place, right person, right emotion to do the right thing.

Shang Zhen led his soldiers to fight the Japanese army the night before, and he didn't sleep during the day. He was also exhausted. He didn't have many of the above-mentioned suitable elements, so what could he do?

It was also because of this that Gao Yuyan really took him to sleep on this kang for the whole night.

The ancients in China said that Liu Xiahui would not be chaotic while sitting in his arms, but that was not the case for Yu Shangzhen. Whether it is chaotic or not, it is a matter of when people are full and idle, but for them For these soldiers, survival is the most important thing after all.

Shang Zhen, who came down from the battlefield, was exhausted, his clothes were filthy, and there were even bloodstains of the enemy or himself, and the face of the kang that had just been burned was full of sand particles. ?

As for the fact that in the end the two of them fell asleep in order to hug each other for warmth, no matter whether he stretched out his arms to hug Gao Yuyan, or Gao Yuyan took the initiative to get into his arms, then forget it, and Shang Zhen will treat it as the original Gao Yuyan with a sprained ankle. I just hugged him and ran for my life.

In order to reduce the feeling of guilt in his heart, Shang Zhen even thought, if the soldiers in the three eastern provinces are still fighting against the Japanese and were thrown into the ice and snow by the devils and dare not start a fire, then they have to lean together to keep warm!

Here, Shang Zhen consciously ignored that people leaned against each other to keep warm, instead of hugging Gao Swift like him on this hot kang to keep warm.

"Are you silent?" Gao Yuyan scolded.

"I woke up several times in the middle of the night." Shang Zhen glanced at Gao Yuyan's shining eyes looking at him and hurriedly avoided his gaze and replied.

"Ah?" Gao Yuyan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then she felt shy.

If Shang Zhen said so, then Shang Zhen should know that he slept with his arms around him in the middle of the night.

It's just that she never knew what Shang Zhen would say in the next moment, because Shang Zhen then said: "Last night I heard gunshots and explosions in the distance, and I don't know what's going on ahead. "

Shang Zhen's words made Gao Yuyan confused again.

Shang Zhen didn't sleep well, but he was more concerned about the battle situation.

Shang Zhen and the others fought all night the night before yesterday, but she, Gao Yuyan, had slept through it, not to mention she knew that she was still sleeping with Shang Zhen's arms and pillows.

In the darkness last night, she could even feel Shang Zhen's strong breathing, and she even pressed her face up while Shang Zhen was asleep.

When her face touched the tip of Shang Zhen's chin, she felt Shang Zhen's stubble piercing her face, so at that moment Gao Swift felt both pain and happiness.

Because of this, Gao Yu didn't sleep well, and because she didn't sleep well, she also noticed that the explosion outside was closer than usual.

"Okay, I have to go out and have a look. After Zhang Luo eats, we can see how the situation is going." Shang Zhen pressed his hands on the face of the kang and slipped out, and at this time, as a soldier, he naturally wouldn't forget He picked up the gun and ammunition bag placed under the window.

Gao Yuyan stared blankly at the back of Shang Zhen going out in a hurry, and suddenly had mixed feelings.

She suddenly thought, what kind of strange woman should Shang Zhen's sweetheart be? Why does Shang Zhen never forget her?

But Gao Yuyan was thinking about it when she heard a "crack" gunshot outside.

At this gunshot, Gao Yuyan couldn't help shivering.

Who cares whether you did it on purpose or not, people are very sensitive to gunshots after staying in a war environment for a long time, not to mention that Gao Swift has heard a lot of gunshots since she was rescued by Shang Zhen.

For the gunshots, she was instinctively afraid the first time or two times, but after hearing it a lot, she also knew that the gunshots meant the beginning of the battle.

After she shivered for a while, she instinctively jumped to the ground and began to touch the gun.

She also has a gun, but it's not a box cannon, but a **** box from the Japanese army that Shang Zhen and the others gave her.

Self defense as a woman is always needed.

And at this gunshot, an ordinary woman like Gao Yuyan reacted, so what about soldiers like Shang Zhen?

Shang Zhen, who had already left the house, grasped the box cannon in his hands with a single movement of his hand in the cold morning light, rubbed the top of the gun to fire, and then rushed to the door of this small courtyard to listen.

At the same time, the soldiers who were talking nonsense in the room almost all rolled over and fell to the ground with the same movement. Their rifles were all standing neatly by the wall.

People like Shang Zhen and the others are usually talkative and disciplined, but they must not be ambiguous about the war.

Just because they had attacked the Japanese army, they naturally understood how important it is to keep calm and peaceful in the event of a surprise attack and develop a good habit of preparing for war!

The soldiers took guns and bullet boxes one by one and ran towards the outer They couldn't figure out what was going on with the gunshot, but if the Japanese army came, they would be blocked in the house again You must know that Shang Zhen didn't even arrange a guard post because he was too tired yesterday and was in the rear again!

It was Qiu Bo who rushed out of the house the fastest because he slept on the kang, which was the closest to the door.

But the moment he rushed out of the house, he faintly heard a woman's scream, and the direction of that scream was the small courtyard where Chu Tian and his female student lived.

At that moment, Qiu Bo's head "buzzed", he pulled the bolt of the gun, put the rifle on his shoulder, and rushed towards the small courtyard.

There are two "homes" in that small courtyard, and it's not just Chu Tian and the female student, but Wang Laomao and Ju Hongxia are also in the house opposite Chu Tian and Su Ya's residence.

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