The War of Resistance

Chapter 785: counterattack blocked

"Boom," a flare from the Japanese army suddenly shot into the sky, and at the moment when the flare exploded, a group of officers and soldiers of the 337th Brigade were hiding in the ruins below.

"Da da da", several light machine guns of the Japanese army rang out at the same time, so the ruins were blown up into patches of smoke and dust, and the counterattack of the 337 brigade was once again blocked by the Japanese army.

As the competition for Little Bengbu became more and more fierce, there were no intact houses in Little Bengbu. Coupled with the indiscriminate bombing of Japanese aircraft and artillery during the day, the high ruins became shorter, and the short ones turned into piles of gravel, so that now There are no good bunkers available for the Northeast Army to advance.

As soon as the ground became open, the firepower of the Japanese army played a decisive role. The death squad of the Northeast Army originally planned to quickly detour and intersperse from here, posing a threat to the flanks of the Japanese army.

However, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army did not know that the Japanese army had already stared at this place at this time. Instead of staring at this place, a Japanese commander was looking at the ruins in the distance that could still provide some shelter for the attacker.

In his eyes, the officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army are like tiny ants, the worker ants in the ant colony, and he never thought that this group of small "ants" could bring such great damage to his team.

So, he thought, what is the best way to get rid of these worker ants? Of course it leads directly to the ant nest.

Under the light of the flares, his eyes glanced over the ruins that were being beaten into dust and smoke, and then his eyes stopped at a relatively tall ruin behind the ruins.

He determined that that was the "ant's nest" of the Chinese army, and he began to scream loudly. After a few minutes, the three Japanese heavy machine guns that had been placed on the high point suddenly started firing wildly.

In the shocking shooting of the heavy machine gun, the short bursts of the Japanese light machine gun were suppressed and then stopped shooting.

At this time, the soldiers of the 337th Brigade Death Squad who had survived in the ruins in front were surprised.

Surprised, how long is the entire small Bengbu town, can the Japanese army use heavy machine guns?

Heavy machine guns are used to hit targets at a long distance. How far are they from the gunfire emitted by the Japanese heavy machine guns? It's only a hundred meters away, and the Japanese army even fired their heavy machine guns at close range!

This style of play is really crazy, even the veterans of the Northeast Army have never seen such a fight.

Surprise two, the bullets from the Japanese heavy machine guns did not fall into their hiding places, but flew directly over their heads and hit the higher ruins behind them!

How can the penetrating power of a heavy machine gun bullet be comparable to that of a light machine gun or a Type 38 rifle?

When some soldiers of the death squad turned their heads, they saw that some of the low walls in the ruins behind them had been hit with sparks flying everywhere, and finally collapsed with a "boom", and filled with smoke and dust.

However, the Japanese army's offensive was still unfinished, and the sound of "hissing" and "hissing" sounded in the night sky, and then there were mortar shells, and the grenades from the grenades fell on the ruins behind.

"Not good! Get rid of the little devil's heavy machine gun!" shouted the captain of the death squad of the 337th Brigade.

They came out of the taller ruins behind, so how could they not know? There were two full companies of troops hiding in this attack.

Whether it is a mortar or a grenadier, it is a curved weapon, and these death squads have nothing to do.

If it is said that they also have curved fire weapons, then it is very sad, their so-called curved fire weapons are just grenades that he carries with him.

Grenades are used for melee combat, and they can't use them now, so all they can use now are guns.

Under the officer's loud order, dozens of soldiers from the 337th Brigade emerged from their hiding places. The rifles in their hands were of course the three heavy machine guns of the Japanese army.

The bullets from the heavy machine guns still whizzed past their heads, but the bullets hit them behind them and naturally did not threaten them, but it was still the Japanese light machine guns that killed them.

The moment the death squads appeared, the machine guns of the Japanese army, which had already been sparse, became dense again. Most of the death squads who appeared were shot and fell down. In their desperate blow, The three heavy machine guns of the Japanese army were only muted, and after a while, the heavy machine gun rang again. The machine gunner could die, but he could be replaced after he died.

The firepower of the Japanese army was so fierce that few of the shooters who showed up were alive.

"Company commander!" A soldier shouted in the ruins, but there was no echo to answer him.

"Platoon leader! Platoon leader! Old Zhu! Little Hanzi!" The soldier shouted again, but still no one responded to him.

"Are they all dead?" the soldier murmured, a kind of tragic emotion began to spread in his heart.

He reached out and touched his side, the bundle of cluster grenades was still there.

I don't know if he still has a chance to use this, and now he can only think so.

But at this moment, a voice sounded not far from him: "Miao Zhuang! Miao Zhuang!"

"Who?" The soldier asked happily when he heard someone calling his name.

"It's me, Yamdan!" The man replied and crawled over under the cover of the ruins.

"It's just the two of us?" Miao Zhuang recognized the soldier who called himself Yam Egg, and even knew him very well. The two of them were originally in the same platoon.

The original nickname of Yam Egg was Potato, but later, I don’t know which soldier heard that other provinces called Potato Yam Egg, and thought that Yam Egg sounded more playful than Potato, so he changed his name.

"I heard you yelling, isn't it just the two of us left? I said let's run back, right?" Shan Yaodan said.

"How about that? We are death squads!" Miao Zhuang refused.

"The Death Squad also wanted to win the position, so can the two of us take it back? The latter two are not even estimated to have suffered casualties!" Shan Yaodan was very thoughtful.

"Then I won't go back either, I'm going to die when I come out!" Miao Zhuang still refused.

At present, the Northeast Army, not only the Northeast Army, most of the death squads in the Chinese army are not designated, but they say that they will set up death squads and let soldiers sign up voluntarily.

Regardless of whether it is Miao Zhuang or Yam Dan, it is voluntary to sign up.

What is death squad? That is, going out to perform dangerous tasks is equivalent to being dead, dare to die!

In a death squad of hundreds of people, sometimes no more than ten people can survive, and among these ten people, it is the wounded who won the battle and were rescued.

But Miao Zhuang remembers the words of the brigade commander Liu Chengyi, "be proud of death, and be ashamed of life"!

"What is the purpose of death?" Yam Egg asked.

"Of course I died to kill the little devil." Miao Zhuang replied.

"But now you go out and kill a little devil and let me see?" Shan Yaodan said.

Miao Zhuang fell silent.

He came out to kill the little devil, but the problem is that the light and heavy machine guns of the little devil are firing now. If he dares to show up now, he doesn't know whether the bundle of grenades he is carrying will be blown up by the Japanese army, but He knew that if he dared to go out now, he would definitely die! Moreover, even a single Japanese soldier could not be killed, that is no different from suicide!

"You're dead-minded, will die if you go out, and you will definitely not be able to complete the mission, so it's better to withdraw and live.

If there is another death squad next time, then sign up.

It's as if I didn't sign up by myself but was kidnapped by you. "Yamdan said dissatisfied.

In the end, Miao Zhuang was still persuaded by the yam egg, and the two retreated when the sound of Japanese machine gun fire became sparse.

But when they retreated to the ruins that were blown up by the Japanese army, they still stayed.

A company commander there said: "We can't retreat anymore, even if we can't regain the position tonight, then we have to fight in front, and the brigade headquarters is behind!"

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