The War of Resistance

Chapter 660: 1 kicked grenade

Shang Zhen and his group surrounded him from all sides.

The way Wang Laomao and the others entered the village was behind the ancestral hall. When they approached cautiously, they dared not move because they were on the opposite side or on the side of the Japanese army.

It's not like they didn't dare to move, they didn't dare to go up at all. The Japanese and puppet soldiers were not blind, so it didn't mean that Old Mao Wang and the others could freely poke their heads in the gaps between the houses.

However, Shang Zhen and the others entered from the front of the ancestral hall, and they happened to avoid the eyes of the Japanese army.

It's just that no one thought that Ju Hongxia, who was acting with the team, was extremely courageous.

She was singled out, and when some puppet soldiers saw her, they regarded her as an ordinary person in the village, and instead drove her into the crowd.

A female soldier who is a policeman is very courageous. Of course, she didn't expect Shang Zhen to bring someone to show up, but she understood that Old Mao Wang and the others just owed a chance, a chance to attract the attention of the Japanese puppet army, so She stepped forward.

So inadvertently, a woman like her fired the first shot in this battle, and then the old hat Shang Zhenwang and the others showed up and shot at the Japanese army.

Just shoot again, who really dares to shoot the bullets at the vital points of the Japanese and puppet troops?

In that case, even if all the Japanese and puppet troops could be killed, the common people would suffer heavy casualties.

Although when Shang Zhen and the others were together, they never made any explicit proposals, but they knew with the simplest consciousness that they were the Chinese army.

What is the Chinese army? The Chinese army is the Chinese army, so how can Japanese devils kill Chinese people and they follow suit?

Therefore, Shang Zhen's habitual method of relying on firepower to launch a sudden attack was also compromised. They only knocked down half of the forty or fifty puppet troops that day.

But so what? When Shang Zhen and the others charged forward with their guns, the puppet soldiers were terrified. They turned around and wanted to go into the alley, but collided with ordinary people running around, and some puppet soldiers simply knelt on the ground. The gun was raised on the ground.

The puppet army has no combat effectiveness, but it does not mean that the remaining Japanese army will surrender.

Those two Japanese soldiers crashed into the crowd of ordinary people, and each stabbed two ordinary people with their rifles, but at this time, I don't know which ordinary people shouted "Fuck these two Japanese soldiers!" Pile them on the two Japanese soldiers!

The two Japanese soldiers had guns in their hands, but they suffered because they crashed into the crowd.

The 38-style rifle used by the Japanese army has a total length of more than 1.6 meters after the bayonet is installed, which is taller than the average Japanese soldier. It’s fine to stab a crowd with such a long gun, but I want to do it again. It is impossible to turn the muzzle of the gun!

Just because the common people are crowded together, how can it be possible to get rid of them in a hurry?

Although the common people couldn't figure out where Shang Zhen and the others, who were all dressed in civilian clothes and held guns, came from, but who was with whom?

Since someone shouted "Fuck these two Japanese soldiers", the civilians behind the two Japanese soldiers really piled up, their feet couldn't be stretched out, but their arms, heads and teeth became "weapons" !

So when the common people rushed up, the two Japanese soldiers were directly hit to the ground by the crowd, and then formed two "crowds" on the ground, and then the two Japanese soldiers issued an inhuman the sound of screams.

Those ordinary people picked their noses and eyes with their fists, and even a middle-aged man outside the crowd kicked a Japanese soldier in the crotch fiercely.

It was only a matter of time before the two Japanese soldiers were tortured to death.

But at this time, Shang Zhen and the others had already confronted the remaining Japanese soldiers.

The Japanese soldiers were good at fighting with bayonets, not to mention that the Japanese soldiers who attacked Nanjing this time were elite soldiers in the standing division.

However, the Japanese army was wrong. Although Shang Zhen and the others were dressed as civilians, they were all veterans.

The smartest among ordinary people is called a genius, but what a veteran is, a veteran is a soldier.

Which soldiers will abandon their strengths and choose their weaknesses to fight the Japanese army with bayonets? No matter how high their bayonet fighting skills are, they will never fight the Japanese army. But most of them are flower organs and box cannons.

So when those Japanese soldiers rushed forward with their guns, the guns in Shang Zhen's hands rang out at the same time, but their muzzles were all pointing obliquely at the ground.

At the moment when the gunshots rang out, the Japanese soldiers either "thumped" to the ground or "thumped" to their knees.

It was impossible for Shang Zhen and the others to shoot their guns flat, which would accidentally injure the people. It was still the same as before, they used their guns to "pinch" the legs of the Japanese soldiers!

"Damn it!" Amidst the gunshots, someone yelled and rushed forward, and then the **** of the rifle in his hand smashed **** the head of a Japanese soldier.

A person who is in a hurry has a lot of strength, not to mention that the person who swings the **** of the gun is the strongest among Shang Zhen's group, that is Hu Zhuzi.

When Hu Zhuzi put his gun down, although he didn't have the effect of smashing a watermelon with a blunt weapon, it still cracked the Japanese soldier's head.

The blood from the **** of the gun sprayed directly onto Hu Zhuzi's face, but Hu Zhuzi still ignored it, and then he kicked a round grenade on the ground flying out with his feet.

It turned out that the Japanese soldier had just found out the grenade when he saw that there was no hope of fighting the bayonet, but Hu Zhuzi saw it.

Just as the Japanese soldier pulled out the pin, Hu Zhuzi's gun **** was knocked down!

No matter how tough Hu Zhuzi was, he was a veteran. He was afraid that the grenade would explode and hurt others, so he kicked the grenade away in a hurry.

It's just that at this moment, how can other people care about the grenade that flew out? The few closest to the Japanese soldiers who fell on the ground also rushed up, and the butts of their guns were also smashed down.

After all, a battle ended with these Japanese soldiers being smashed out of their brains.

It was only then that Shang Zhen and the others noticed that the two Japanese soldiers who had rushed into the crowd were beyond recognition, and there were several civilians who fell together with them, and one of them had his intestines leaked out. It was stabbed in by the Japanese bayonet and then dragged out to stab the belly open!

So far, the battle has come to an end.

"Ask the captives, why are the little devils chasing so hard?" Shang Zhen didn't care to tell Wang Laomao what happened after we separated, he wanted to understand why at this time, these Japanese troops had to stay on the outskirts even if they couldn't enter any big cities. Go around these villages.

As soon as Shang Zhen made arrangements, the soldiers naturally began to ask those puppet soldiers who knelt on the ground and surrendered.

But at this moment, Qin Chuan suddenly yelled: "Hey (ái), that boy, hold on to that thing and don't move!"

Following Qin Chuan's shout, Shang Zhen and the others heard the reputation, and saw a half-sized boy holding a grenade in his hand!

At this time, Qin Chuan ran over, and when he took the grenade from the middle-aged man, he realized that the pin on the grenade was only a little bit inserted.

The grenade of the Japanese army is all fixed there by the pin. If there is no pin, the grenade will fall to the ground and explode as long as the fuze is touched.

At this time, no matter whether the soldiers or the common people did not disperse, if the grenade exploded, the casualties would be another one.

"Where did you pick it up?" Qin Chuan carefully inserted the pin back and fastened it again before asking the half-baby.

"I picked it up there." The half-grown man didn't understand what was going on, but he also realized that he had almost caused a catastrophe.

"The other end?" Qin Chuan was At this time, Old Mao Wang suddenly cursed: "Hu Zhuzi, you are a bully who is just playing and throwing. You were fine, but you **** almost threw this A grenade kicked off!"

It turned out that this grenade was the one kicked out by Hu Zhuzi in a hurry.

In the end, by mistake, he was picked up by that half-sized boy.

In fact, Hu Zhuzi can't be blamed for this matter, the situation was indeed critical at that time.

But even though Hu Zhuzi is a tiger, he couldn't understand this matter, so he retorted against Old Mao Wang very unconvinced: "Don't brag, you're okay with girls, try kicking a grenade, you have the ability ?"

"F*ck!" Old Mao Wang was speechless after being stunned by Hu Zhuzi, and was furious.

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