The War of Resistance

Chapter 659: gun hidden in jacket pocket

The latest website: In the middle of the village is an ancestral hall, the kind of ancestral hall used to worship ancestors.

In order to facilitate worship, there was a large open space in front of the ancestral hall, and most of the people in this village were driven to this open space by the Japanese and puppet troops.

What are the Chinese afraid of?

If the Chinese are afraid of the invaders, then why are there countless patriots who have stepped forward under the bullets of the invaders?

If it is said that the Chinese are afraid of the gods, then why did the gods not bless their own descendants after offering sacrifices to the gods, and then overthrow the gods?

If it is said that the Chinese are afraid of power, then which of the feudal dynasties of the past dynasties collapsed because of peasant uprisings?

Relatively speaking, what Chinese people fear most is their own ancestors. Otherwise, why would later generations say that Chinese people’s beliefs are ancestors when arguing about Chinese beliefs, such as Kuafu Chasing the Sun, Jingwei Tianhai, Yugong Yishan, etc. Wait.

Well, anyway, the dead are the most important, and the ancestral hall, the place where ancestors are worshipped, is the most sacred place.

And now, four people have fallen on the open space in front of the ancestral hall, men, women and children, but they all fell into a pool of blood.

"Don't force the imperial army to kill, the imperial army is kind, as long as you don't resist, you will never kill again!" A puppet army officer was shouting hoarsely.

Some people from the family of the deceased were crying, and those who wanted to resist were forced by the Japanese and puppet soldiers with guns. At the same time, there were people from the village who followed the principle of being a good man and not suffering immediate losses. stop.

It seems that the Japanese and puppet troops really don't want to kill any more people. Otherwise, the massacre would have started long ago, and they would never make a fuss until now.

"Shut up, you **** shut up, I'm going to shoot if you don't shut up again!" The puppet army officer shouted again, and pointed the box cannon in his hand at a crying middle-aged woman.

Frightened by the murderous weapon, the woman finally closed her mouth, but at this moment someone spoke, and it was also a woman.

The common people were forced to huddle together by the weapons of the Japanese puppet army, but at this time the woman squeezed out from the crowd, and then the woman said to the puppet army officer: "Sir, I believe you are right?" You who shoot are also merciful."

Under the circumstances at this moment, who would have thought that the woman would say such words!

And although that woman was also wearing a coarse cotton-padded jacket and trousers, she was half a head taller than ordinary women. Although the clothes were bloated, her fair and pretty face formed a sharp contrast with the **** scene here. Contrast!

In the short moment when she spoke, everyone looked at that woman, and the world was peaceful because of her!

What does this situation look like?

Just like the "Madame Godiva on Horseback", the one who rode around the city naked on a horse in order to exempt the people in the city from taxes, if the contrast is too huge, it will make people jaw-dropping!

Tranquility, so **** tranquility!

However, the tranquility was only for a moment, and then a "pop" gunshot broke this tranquility.

The gunshot came so suddenly, how could the people present have any experience in dealing with the gunshot? Although the gunshot was close at hand, they were still in a state of enlightenment.

And although the vast majority of those Japanese and puppet troops responded, they just didn't figure out where the gunshot came from!

The Japanese army put their rifles on their shoulders in unison, while some puppet soldiers still looked around with their guns!

At this time, the woman and the puppet army officer called "Sir" had already been shot and fell to the ground.

At this time, some puppet soldiers noticed that the woman who had just talked to their officer had her hand inserted obliquely in the pocket of the padded jacket, and they seemed to smell a kind of burnt fabric smell in the air.

Is it her?

Eventually, the Japanese and puppet soldiers raised their guns, but it was really too late. Just after the first gunshot, short shots of "pa", "pa", "he" and "he" followed. The situation was like the platoon guns fired by the Chinese army during an ambush by the Japanese army, but half of the dozens of Japanese and puppet soldiers were shot and fell to the ground!

The Japanese and puppet troops are not stupid. They were suddenly attacked, and the bullets came from all directions. So what is their best choice? That is of course rushing into the crowd, the common people are their ready-made meat shields!

They didn't care whether the people who attacked them cared about the lives of those ordinary people, at least they didn't care. The reason why they didn't continue to kill was only because the Japanese army leading the team had orders.

As a result, a dozen or so Japanese and puppet soldiers rushed towards the crowd on the opposite side with their guns.

Whether it was the Japanese army or the puppet army, the guns were all equipped with bayonets. The people in the village instinctively retreated, but behind them was the ancestral hall, and the gate of the ancestral hall was controlled by General Tie. Where could they go? retreat?

In a critical moment, a hero really appeared, gunshots, "papapa", "he he he", and there was even a short burst!

The Japanese and puppet troops who had just been knocked down were shot, and most of the places they were shot were in their lower limbs. It was because those who besieged the Japanese and puppet troops wanted to avoid harming innocent people as much as possible.

But this time the shooting position of the flower organ was on the roof of the ancestral hall opposite.

The ancestral hall is the tallest building in the village.

The Japanese and puppet troops surrounded hundreds of people in the village in a semi-surrounding shape and blocked the common people outside the ancestral hall. From the roof of the tall ancestral hall, it was the heads that were about to begin to gather.

It is also because of its height that it is possible to distinguish the Japanese and puppet troops outside the common people from an oblique angle after all, so the bullets flying from the upper room of the ancestral hall directly greeted the Japanese and puppet troops on their heads.

So just when several puppet soldiers were about to rush into the crowd, bullets hit their heads.

After hitting the head, there was blood splatter, and then there was a woman's scream in the crowd, it was the blood splashed from the head of a puppet soldier, which splashed exactly on the face of the screaming woman!

It was the puppet soldier who backed away a little bit, his head was hit by several bullets at the same time, wouldn't that still splatter blood?

But in the end, two Japanese soldiers rushed into the crowd, and the moment they rushed into the crowd, the bayonets on their rifles pierced into the bodies of two civilians.

This is not to say that these two Japanese soldiers are eager to kill two civilians before they die and then grab two They don't care about the lives and deaths of Chinese people. If they stabbed their rifles into the bodies of ordinary people They still have to draw their guns. What they need more now is to shoot their guns to protect themselves rather than kill a few insignificant ordinary people.

It is because the crowd is really dense, if they don't use bayonets to stab them, how can they force the people away.

But there is another reason why the two Japanese soldiers were able to rush into the crowd, that is, the Japanese soldiers are too short nowadays.

Because of their short stature, the Japanese soldiers only had to bend down, and the Chinese people in front of them covered them, and the gunmen in the ancestral hall could no longer shoot.

"Rush up and cut these **** alive!" A hoarse and angry shout sounded, it was a middle-aged man whose face was full of wrinkles but whose chin was shaved blue.

He is holding a flower mechanism in his hand, that is Old Wang's hat!

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