The War of Resistance

Chapter 423: Those mysteries that have been obliterated by history.

It was getting dark at night, and this small village called Liujianao still had a choking smell of smoke.

And there are still residual charcoal fires in the ruins that have not been burned out. When the wind blows over the charcoal fires, it will become red, and after the wind passes, it will become dim again, just like the fire of life is extinguished.

When it was getting dark, people in the distance heard Liujianao's gunshots only rarely.

But the sparseness of the gunshots does not mean that there are few people who died in Liujianao.

More than 40 households in the village with a population of nearly 200 have been killed by the Japanese army, most of them were stabbed to death by the Japanese army with bayonets.

As for why the other half were not killed by the Japanese army, it was because the Japanese army needed someone to help them carry the wounded, so those men who did not resist were locked up in several houses by them, locked the doors and took a look outside.

Most of the Japanese soldiers have already fallen asleep in the house, but there are also Japanese sentries in the darkness in the distance.

They have been bothered and frightened by the small number of Chinese troops.

The Japanese army is not stupid.

They failed to return to the large army in time when it was still dawn, so they could also imagine that the small army might attack again.

So how could they have fewer sentries? There are not only fixed whistles, but also bright and dark whistles.

It was very late at night, but the village was not peaceful.

The unquiet sounds were not made by the villagers who were still alive. The dead would naturally not make a sound after they were dead, but the living were frightened by the brutality of the Japanese army, so who dared to make a sound.

It was the wounded of the Japanese army who made the sound.

Dozens of wounded Japanese soldiers could not sleep in the room, and they naturally groaned.

In such a state, even though there was a group of Chinese soldiers staring at the village in the dark, how could they attack the Japanese army? Is it still harassment? If this is the case, wouldn't those innocent Chinese people die in vain?

Time passed bit by bit.

The Japanese sentinels who had been running around for a day were also very sleepy, but when they thought that their squadron of the Imperial Japanese Army was wounded by such a Chinese squad, the sense of responsibility made those Japanese sentries force I became more vigilant.

At this time, in a woodshed in Liujianao that had not been burned by the Japanese army, a man sat up.

It was a young woman.

She can no longer be described as disheveled, just because the clothes on her body are gone, because the invaders were scattered when they inflicted **** on her.

She felt pain all over her body, and the pain reminded her of the humiliation and injury she had suffered from both mentally and physically.

Now she has no desire to live anymore, her whole family is dead, including her one-year-old son.

She pressed the ground with her hands and stood up slowly enduring the heart-piercing pain.

She wanted to die, but she didn't want to die here.

She didn't want to die naked like that in front of those robbers.

It's just that when she held the door frame and saw the house in the night, she thought of the ferocious faces of those robbers.

It is said that character determines destiny, and she was originally a submissive woman.

She married Qu San'er only because her father would not let her marry Guo Baoyou, whom she liked.

However, just as she was imagining the faces of those beasts, a feeling called revenge suddenly arose.

Isn't it just death? Then why don't you do something you want to do before you die? And this thing is revenge.

So, in this dark night, the wounded Japanese soldiers were groaning, the uninjured Japanese soldiers were sleeping, the Japanese sentries outside the village were vigilantly watching the movement outside the village, and the group of Chinese soldiers had already started to move. To see if they can get into this village occupied by the Japanese army, they need blood to pay.

But at this moment, a naked young woman started to stagger around the village.

She used wooden bars to hold up the door of the house where the Japanese soldiers slept and the door of the house where the wounded Japanese soldiers lived.

She piled arm after arm of wheat straw on the firewood stack next to the house and piled them outside the house where the Japanese soldiers slept.

During this process, she completely forgot that the firewood had pricked her skin, how could this little pain be greater than the pain caused by those invaders and robbers?

Finally, she found a section of burning charcoal from a burnt ruin.

She carefully took the charcoal and went to the pile of wheat straw she had piled up in front of the house, and then she stuck the charcoal fire to the pile of wheat straw and blew it up.

A little flame appeared like this, and then the little fire became a big fire, and then. The whole pile of straw burned, and the flames turned into fiery snakes and rushed up the house.

"Hahaha", at this moment the woman laughed hysterically. She grabbed a handful of burning straw and ran to another house.

This time the fire was lit, and the fire started much faster, and in the blink of an eye, it was the fire on the house again!

In a small village with only a few dozen households, how can there be any big families built with bricks and stones?

A big family would never settle in such a village.

So, in the blink of an eye, the whole village was in flames, and the Japanese army was finally awakened!

"***, ***" a Japanese soldier shouted.

They never imagined that it was a woman who was abused by them who set fire to the house, and what they thought was that the Chinese army they were chasing and killing came to kill them.

No one wanted to be burned to death inside, so the Japanese army went to open the door, but the door was pushed up by wooden bars from the outside, how could the Japanese army rush out in such a hurry.

So doors and windows were smashed, and the invaders who were still invincible before dark finally rushed out of the doors and windows in a panic.

At this moment, there was a "pop" gunshot, and the naked young woman who was looking at the fire and laughing fell under the gun, and she was discovered by the Japanese army.

However, the matter is not over yet.

The Japanese army really shouldn't have fired this shot, just because it seemed that their shot was an order to start a certain battle. At this time, more intensive gunshots suddenly sounded from outside the village!

Countless bullets dragged a faint red line and shot into the village from the Under the reflection of the burning fire, the Japanese soldiers who were rushing out of the house became the ones being shot live target!

It was Shang Zhen and the others who shot!

Shang Zhen was leading people to explore the village. Of course he knew that the Japanese army would have sentries at the entrance of the village, but Shang Zhen was determined to take revenge on the Japanese army regardless of casualties.

But at this moment, the village suddenly caught fire for no apparent reason.

How could Shang Zhen and the others care how the fire started? The Japanese army under the fire just became the target of their shooting.

At the same time, Qiu Bo led a few people and did not shoot into the village. They kept shooting and aimed at the entrance of the village.

Suddenly, there was a "pop" gunshot, and the red line of the bullet shot towards the position exposed by Shang Zhen and the others. It was the Japanese sentinel who started to fight back.

But almost at the same time, at the moment when the Japanese sentry guns fired, there was a "he he" sounded by the flower mechanism. What are Qiu Bo and the others waiting for? They are looking at the Japanese sentinels who must exist in the darkness but they don't know where they are hiding!

But Qiu Bo and the others only shot by one person. They couldn't all reveal their positions. God knows how many sentries the Japanese army put at the entrance of the village!

A battle was fought like this, but in the end Shang Zhen and the others did not rush into the village. An hour later, the gunfire stopped, and no Japanese troops rushed out of the burning house.

Of course there were those who were not killed, but those who dared to rush out were mostly killed, and those who did not rush out must have been burned to death.

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