The War of Resistance

Chapter 422: murder

Old Mao Wang bowed his head in front of Shang Zhen in a rare way, while the other soldiers were also silent, and Shang Zhen was also speechless looking at the afterglow of the setting sun in the distance.

It must be admitted that Wang Laomao is actually a person who cares about face-saving, but it is such a person who loves face-saving, and he also admitted his mistake to Shang Zhen just now.

His original words were "I'm too greedy, originally Wang Dali didn't need to die."

Although Hou Kanshan had already explained for Wang Laomao, saying that Wang Laomao only asked everyone to shoot one round of bullets, but Wang Dali loaded a new magazine and fired another round. During the second shuttle, the bullets counterattacked by the Japanese army were concentrated.

Wang Dali joined Shang Zhen and his group later, that is to say, he was selected by Shang Zhen and his group when they were in the seventh brigade.

When Shang Zhen and the others picked people, they naturally picked those soldiers who were still bloody.

And after joining Shang Zhen and his group, those new soldiers performed really well under the leadership of Shang Zhen and the others.

It is precisely because of this that Old Mao Wang feels guilty.

What can Shang Zhen complain about Old Mao Wang? Wang Laomao's style of play cannot be said to be wrong, he has already comforted Wang Laomao.

But even after being comforted, Shang Zhen still felt sad for Wang Dali, after all Wang Dali was the first comrade killed since they joined the battle.

"Okay, there is no one who survives a war, maybe one day it will be our turn!

Beating a devil to death is better than being a slave to the devil, or in other words, dying like a wimp without even having a chance to shoot.

Let's go, now is the time for us to avenge Dali. "Shang Zhen said.

So everyone stood up and followed the young guide.

Although it is said that this guide was captured by Wang Laomao and he was dissatisfied because Wang Laomao ate a cucumber seed from his family, but after seeing the cruelty of the battlefield, he finally understood that a cucumber is worth a life. How far is the distance in the middle, and he also decided to continue to be a guide for Shang Zhen and the others.

Although one soldier was killed in battle, according to Wang Laomao's observation, his style of attack was effective. Most of them emptied the magazine within a minute. With their current marksmanship, they knocked down several soldiers. Ten Japanese soldiers should not be a problem.

Then it is absolutely impossible for this Japanese army to retreat quickly.

Because the casualties of the Japanese army would be relatively large, Shang Zhen and the others ran farther in order to worry about the Japanese army's retaliation.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen and the others heard faint gunshots.

"What's the matter? Who is the little devil fighting again?" Hu Zhuzi muttered, but most of the people were listening.

The gunshots were not intense, but only sparse.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen's expression changed, and he suddenly asked the guide, "Is there any village nearby?"

When Shang Zhen asked such a question, the guide's expression also changed, and he suddenly said loudly: "Oh my god, it's not good, our village!"

The young guide, Sa Yazi, ran forward, and Shang Zhen and the others exchanged glances, and then followed suit.

After running for nearly two miles, they saw black smoke rising from the dark blue sky.

The smoke from kitchen cooking in the countryside is white, that’s because the burning is all wheat straw or straw, and the black smoke of that color in the countryside can only be caused by the burning of the house.

"It's broken! The little devil is slaughtering the village again!" shouted the little dustpan.

Everyone quickened their pace and ran forward desperately, and just after they ran for more than a mile, they saw in the fading twilight that dozens of houses in front of them were already lit.

"Hey! My **** Japanese!" The young guide yelled, and he ran even faster, but at this moment, Shang Zhen, who was running side by side with him, jumped forward and stretched out his hand Grabbed his shoulders and dragged him.

"Hold him, it's too late!" Shang Zhen said.

A soldier stepped forward and grabbed the guide who was still trying to run forward.

No matter how hard the young guide struggled, he couldn't resist these well-trained soldiers. In the end, he was pushed to the ground by several soldiers, and finally shouted "let go of me" in vain.

"What's the use of letting go of you? Are you going to die?" Old Mao Wang said angrily.

At this time, Shang Zhen ignored the young guide, but he ran forward again, but he only ran for more than a hundred meters, then hid behind a tree by the roadside, took out his binoculars and looked forward. Observe.

Old Mao Wang and the soldiers chased after him, and looked at Shang Zhen's expression from behind Shang Zhen, but Shang Zhen had no expression.

Everyone knows that the eyes are the window to the soul, they can't see Shang Zhen's eyes, but how can they judge what Shang Zhen sees?

Shang Zhen observed for a full two minutes before putting down the telescope.

When Shang Zhen turned his head, he saw that everyone was looking at him.

"It's useless to go up now, and there are not many people left in the village unless they are all killed by the devils.

The devil will live in this village tonight, but we can't go forward now, because the devil has sentries. "Shang Zhen said it calmly, at least on the surface.

After hearing what Shang Zhen said, everyone looked at the young guide again.

That one was about the same age as Shang Zhen, and the young man looked at Shang Zhen in a daze, but now he stopped struggling, maybe he lost his strength after struggling.

"Let's all have something to eat, and we'll talk about the night's affairs in the evening." Shang Zhen ordered, since Shang Zhen and the others rushed forward to meet the enemy this time, they naturally came out with dry food.

Shang Zhen's statement made everyone quiet, but no one took out dry food.

Originally, they fought well this time, and everyone was in a good mood. Anyway, they also caused damage to the Japanese army back and forth.

But who would have thought that one of them was killed in battle, and now the Japanese army who was dragged by them rushed into this village nearby, so the people in this village would be unlucky.

"What's your name?" Shang Zhen asked the young guide.

"Guo Baoyou." The young guide replied.

"Who are there in your family?" Shang Zhen asked again.

After Guo Baoyou looked at Shang Zhen for a while, he shook his shoulders, and Shang Zhen waved his hand to signal the soldiers to let him go.

To everyone's surprise, after Guo Baoyou was released by the soldiers, he sat on the ground with one buttocks, and then lay down on his back.

"Hmph." He snorted first, and then said, "There is no one in my family, except my elder brother!"

Guo Baoyou's attitude made Shang Zhen and the others feel strange.

"Then you don't have any other relatives?" Qian Chuaner asked from the side.

"I don't have any relatives in this village. Anyone's life is better than mine. If they are all killed by the Japanese, it will save me seeing their life well, and I will be jealous." Guo Baoyou stared at him with big eyes. Said while looking at the deep blue sky.

What he said was so strange that even though the soldiers who looked down at him didn't speak, they felt that this kid was too cold-blooded!

But at this time Guo Baoyou went on to say: "Old Mrs. Wang was killed by the I still owe his family a broken pot, so I don't have to pay it back.

Erya and his whole family were killed by the Japanese, originally I fell in love with Erya, and she also fell in love with me, but after all his father forced her to marry Qu San'er.

It would be better if Lao Ma's family was exterminated, or when can I pay off the favor I owed to his family?

It's not bad that the old guy of the old horse head is dead. Don't worry about it, I grew up eating a lot of food. "

Guo Baoyou's words stunned everyone.

What is eating hundreds of rice? It means that a person has been an orphan since he was a child, without father or mother, and the whole village will give one child to the east family today and one child to the west family tomorrow, and they will be raised in this way.

Since Guo Baoyou grew up eating a lot of food, then he shouldn't have this attitude. Could it be that this kid is an animal who doesn't know half or half?

Everyone was wondering, but at this moment, Guo Baoyou suddenly burst into tears with a "wow", shouting: "Didn't you also die? Give me his gun, and I will take revenge!"

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