The War of Resistance

Chapter 400: 1 love story

More than 20 lives were exchanged for a Northeast Army coat, and Chai Hongze finally narrowly escaped.

At least that's what he thought. He knew that there were at most two people on the other side, but his marksmanship was too accurate.

Now his mind is still full of looking back and seeing his subordinates being shot and falling down!

Then, how could he not be depressed!

Chai Hongze still forgot to check the overcoat due to his depressed mood, while the person who was traveling in the mountains at this time was in a much more depressed mood than him.

"Ma Gan'er, I'm so stupid, I'm sorry." That person was lying on Shang Zhen's back for Shang Zhen to carry, but she was apologizing because she was Leng Xiaozhi.

"Ah." Shang Zhen put his arms around Leng Xiaozhi's thigh and sighed helplessly, then bowed his waist again and then raised up, lifting Leng Xiaozhi up on tiptoe.

"Hey." Leng Xiaozhi was unprepared, and tightened her hands around Shang Zhen's neck.

If Leng Xiaozhi sprained her ankle, it was an unintentional mistake, but this time she made another mistake.

She forgot the photo that said "Forever" that she asked for from Shang Zhen in her coat pocket, and the coat was left in place as a bait.

It was more than half an hour after Shang Zhen took her to the distant mountains, that Leng Xiaozhi thought of this question.

And when she talked about it with Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen left her and ran back.

Isn't this a big problem? He planned to go back to the Northeast Army after Shang Zhen sent him off, but she left Shang Zhen's photo in her coat pocket.

It's just that Shang Zhen came back not long after, empty-handed, and the overcoat has undoubtedly been taken by the military special agent!

In this way, Shang Zhen will be exposed, so how can Shang Zhen return to the Northeast Army, and why can't he be arrested by the military special agents?

"Why don't you follow me and join the Red Army, so we can always be together." Leng Xiaozhi said.

"How can I do that? I have a bunch of brothers." Shang Zhen retorted.

"Oh." Leng Xiaozhi could only continue to sigh and then said unwillingly, "Don't you want to be with me forever?"

But what he got was Shang Zhen's silence.

Leng Xiaozhi is already a little familiar with Shang Zhen's reticent temper, but she made a mistake first and Shang Zhen didn't speak, what should I do?

Leng Xiaozhi, who was already lying on Shang Zhen's body, suddenly poked his head forward.

If someone doesn't make a statement, then look at their face, is it normal? Or do you have a face like a big donkey?

It's just that when she made such a move on Shang Zhen, Shang Zhen screamed as soon as he was pressed down by him, and at this moment Leng Xiaozhi's head was already looking ahead, and he really saw Shang Zhen's side face.

Although she couldn't see everything, just before Shang Zhen called out, she saw that the corner of Shang Zhen's mouth seemed to be grinning, um, is he smiling?

"Aha, you? You're dishonest without your back!" Shang Zhen said.

"I'm not mistaken, were you laughing just now?" Leng Xiaozhi ignored Shang Zhen's question and asked instead.

"I'm almost mad at you, how can I laugh?" Shang Zhen replied, but there was clearly a smile in his voice.

"No, you're obviously smiling!" Leng Xiaozhi firmly believed in her own judgment.

At this time, Shang Zhen had already said faintly: "You said you want to spend the rest of your life with me, is this considered a beauty trick, or a private life?" Then he laughed out loud.

To be honest, Shang Zhen can't figure out what love is, and he doesn't have the concept of love. He just thinks that Leng Xiaozhi looks like a little sister for fun.

"It's not a beauty trick, you are so poor, what am I trying to do to you? If you make a private life, you will have a private life, and you can love freely in the new era!" Leng Xiaozhi said.

"Ha." Shang Zhen laughed, "Who do you think is a child? You say that if you say that you have a private life, you will have a private life, lying on someone like a scumbag and sticking plasters!

Besides, I just don’t have as much ink as you do, so if photos are counted as tokens, the photos you gave me are still there, but you have lost all the photos I gave you. Without a token, it’s no private life! "

"Oops! Oops!" Leng Xiaozhi yelled while lying on Shang Zhen's body, she didn't expect Shang Zhen to say that, and what he said made sense, who told me to lose the photos!

"I'll carry you back to you, you can't have any thoughts in your heart, you have no tokens, and you are a troublesome woman, you said you will live a lifetime!" Shang Zhen still has plausible words, but he still has that imaginary love in his mind. The round shadow of the thick waist and buttocks.

It's no wonder that Shang Zhen's idea of ​​a future daughter-in-law was instilled in him by his mother since he was a child.

His mother is short and tall, but his father is tall and slender, so he will follow his father.

Environment determines aesthetics.

When Yang Yuhuan used to be fat, and when Zhao Feiyan regarded thinness as beauty, Shang Zhen's aesthetic vision was still that of a countryman, which was based on being able to have more children and being able to do farm work as the standard.

But no matter how stupid Shang Zhen is, he will never reveal the image of the woman he imagined.

Besides, Chu Tian advertised that he is Leng Xiaozhi's fiancé everywhere, if he and Leng Xiaozhi get along well, why doesn't he feel like being a company commander?

But at this moment, Shang Zhen felt that Leng Xiaozhi on his body had moved again, and just when he was about to say "Be more honest", he felt a sudden chill on the right side of his cheek.

And just this time, Shang Zhen stood still in the cold winter with Leng Xiaozhi on his back!

He couldn't believe it, but the coldness on that cheek still seemed to exist, it wasn't an illusion at all!

"Why don't you have a token, this time I have it, I put a poke in your face, this time you are mine, if you don't marry me, I will not marry you!" Leng Xiao, who was still lying on Shang Zhen's back, She was shy and self-satisfied, seeing Shang Zhen standing there without moving, she simply pressed her face against Shang Zhen's again, but this time she pressed her own face and Shang Zhen's cheek together.

As a result, Shang Zhen became more and more at a loss, he was both shocked and moved, he seemed to see the imaginary country goddess with thick waist and round **** waving goodbye to him, walking further and further away.

"You are stupid! You can hold me on your back, don't throw me off!" Leng Xiaozhi was on Shang Zhen's body, feeling that Shang Zhen's hand was a little loose.

"Oh." At this time, Shang Zhen woke up like a dream, and then tipped Leng Xiaozhi up again.

"Aren't you touched?" Although it was cold winter, Leng Xiaozhi took the initiative to kiss Shang Zhen, and felt that her face was burning. In order to hide her shyness, she launched an "offensive" again.

"Dare to move! If you don't move, you will freeze to death!" Shang Zhen said at this moment, and walked forward with Leng Xiaozhi on his back.

"Oh, did I ask you if you were moved?" Leng Xiaozhi said coquettishly.

"Damn cold What are you moved by?" Shang Zhen replied, neither can it be said that Shang Zhen has a high EQ, nor can it be said that he has a low EQ.

The right time, the right place, and the right person are not bad, but the weather is almost too f*ckingly cold!

If someone kissed me today, what would it feel like, other than being cold or cold.

"Ha! Why are you so heartless? I've said it all, promise you three lives and three generations, you don't marry me, you don't say anything!" Leng Xiaozhi said casually, but she didn't expect that she mustered up Courage's enthusiasm was shattered by Shang Zhen and the weather!

"Okay, okay!" Shang Zhen is not stupid after all, he can only say helplessly, "If you don't marry me, I won't marry you! Unless I die!"

"It's terrible to be uneducated. What do you think you're talking about?" Leng Xiaozhi said dissatisfiedly, but Shang Zhen agreed to her after all, and she actually lay down on Shang Zhen's body again, Put your own face on Shang Zhen's.

"It's really helpless to meet a bad guy." Shang Zhen sighed, and then walked forward with Leng Xiaozhi on his back.

"It deserves it! Who told you to save my life three times, no! Four times! I'm willing to let it go." Leng Xiaozhi didn't mind Shang Zhen's attitude.

In this way, a young soldier walked in the cold winter mountains with a woman on his back that he didn't know whether he liked or disliked.

As for the sweetness of love, Shang Zhen couldn't explain it clearly, but in the years to come, when he was alone, he would often think of the cold "poke" on his face in that cold winter, just like people in later generations The so-called first love.

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