The War of Resistance

Chapter 399: show weakness

"At most, what are the two of them afraid of? There is another injured one, and if caught, there will be a big reward!" Chai Hongze, who was hiding behind the front of the car, shouted.

Under his yelling, the spies under him raised their guns and moved forward.

It's no wonder that the spies of the military command were afraid, but they were killed and injured more than a dozen by this group of "thugs" last night.

This time Chai Hongze brought two trucks out, the one was going back to transport the wounded and corpses, but he chased down with the rest of the people.

The horse has no night grass and no fat, Chai Hongze decided to fight for his own future no matter what.

He was able to catch up, of course, because of the footprints they found in the snow.

He found two footprints in the snow. One footprint was messy and there would be many people. He really didn't dare to chase after it. The other one was either the footprint of one person or two people.

He didn't dare to chase those with a large number of people, so he would chase those with a small number of people, and according to his professional agent's judgment, the reason why those with a small number of people were mostly alone, that can only mean that they belonged to two people , one of them was injured.

Now he doesn't want to wipe out all these gangsters, even if he catches only one gangster and finds out the Northeast Army behind the scenes, it will definitely be a great achievement.

It's just that it was still dark when he found the small footprint, and none of his men were willing to follow the footprint.

So, when it was about to dawn, he judged the direction of the footprints, got into the car and patrolled the road.

And it was a coincidence that they actually saw fresh footprints walking on the road from the driving car.

Not to mention that this area is no man's land, but it is almost the same. The footprints that appeared at this time must belong to the gangsters, so they stopped to search, and finally his people found out that the snow surface was covered with snow after getting off the road. The traces that people have processed, and following the traces, he finally saw the footprints that entered the bushes!

"You keep an eye on me with your rifles, and don't let those gangsters snipe!" Chai Hongze ordered again.

Using the truck as cover, there were still five spies beside him.

Under the urging of Chai Hongze, more than a dozen spies slowly surrounded the hill with their pistols in hand.

The spies didn't move forward fast, because they had already been frightened by the gangsters.

"This is not our job, let us fight the army, what do you think?" a spy muttered in a low voice.

The reason why he spoke was to relieve the tension in his heart, and now he still has blood on his body, which was on the middle part of his body when he carried the body in the middle of the night.

He was not afraid that his companions would hear the small report with the captain, because everyone had already dispersed, which was naturally to prevent heavy casualties from being attacked by others.

Amidst the tension, the spies finally started to climb the mountain, their eyes kept searching the woods, and they became more nervous just looking at Chai Hongze on the road.

All of them were afraid of the sudden sound of gunshots.

However, in the end, what they were worried about did not happen. When the spies reached the top of the mountain, one of the spies shouted: "Captain, there is no one, they ran away!"

But then another spy shouted: "I saw it, it's there! There's only one person!" Then the pistol in his hand rang.

At this time, Chai Hongze on the road became energetic when he heard that there was only one person on the other side, "Come on! Come on! Catch the living!" Chai Hongze jumped up, and rushed up with the riflemen.

And just as they ran to the foot of the mountain, the people above shouted again: "Hurry up with the rifle, the pistol can't hit it!"

After running panting for a while, when Chai Hongze rushed to the top of the mountain, an agent pointed to the bottom of the mountain and said anxiously: "Captain, did you see that there, he was injured, I think he climbed into the woods!"

Looking in the direction pointed by the subordinate, Chai Hongze saw gray shadows in the bushes about 100 meters ahead. He knew that it was the color of the Northeast Army's coat!

"Come on, don't be afraid, catch the living! There will be rewards!" Chai Hongze shouted again.

But at this moment, seeing that there was really only one person on the other side, Chai Hongze rushed forward in the lead.

The spies also got excited, and they chased forward one by one with their guns in hand.

They are chasing the enemy in the snowy field, there is no way the opponent has any ambushes, there are only two people at most!

If the opponent has more than a dozen strong firepower, let alone these spies, even Chai Hongze will give up.

But the so-called bullying and fearing the hard is a common problem of human beings. Using a dozen of them to hunt down one or two people to win a fortune in life for themselves, they think it is completely worth it!

But this time they didn't besiege anymore, but rushed forward in a swarm of bees in a mess.

Chai Hongze was the fastest runner. As the team leader, he couldn't just shrink back, otherwise, how would he manage his subordinates in the future?

Panting and panting, the wind whistling in the ears, and the cold air entering the nasal cavity felt as if the nose was frozen!

As it got closer, Chai Hongze could already see the gray coat clearly, but the opponent didn't turn his head and didn't shoot.

But just when Chai Hongze was thinking whether he should shoot first, the gunshot rang out suddenly.

Chai Hongze fell to the ground in shock, and at this moment, the sound of gunshots could not be heard in his ears.

Huh? I'm fine!

Chai Hongze turned his head subconsciously, only to see that the subordinates he left behind were being shot one after another and fell down!

This—Chai Hongze was taken aback, but he deserved to be the captain, and his brains turned around really fast. He was going to "make dumplings" for his group!

Otherwise, why would they fight from behind? It was because they were afraid that they would run back again!

Realizing this, Chai Hongze jumped up from the ground like a rabbit, and rushed forward desperately.

At this time, the gunshots were already heard, and he couldn't figure out what was going on, but when he rushed into the bushes, he happened to see the gray coat.

And only then did he realize that he had been The coat was put on the low bush, but there was no one underneath it?

They used that coat as a human when they were far away before, but who would have thought that they used that coat as a bait to lure them into the bait!

At this moment, Chai Hongze was not in the mood to continue the fight. He needed to save his life now, but when he turned around, he saw that the dozen or so men who rushed up with him had already fallen.

Yes, it was down, not on the ground, and the last of his surviving men was pointing a pistol to his left front.

But at this time, he heard the sound of "cracking" gunshots, and Chai Hongze saw blood spattering on the head of that subordinate, and then he also fell down.

Chai Hongze knew that there was a small forest there, and the other party used the coat in front of him as bait and ambushed them!

As a result, his people who rushed to the open area were all wiped out. They fought from behind because they didn't want to keep alive, but he who rushed to the front escaped with his life!

At this time, Chai Hongze no longer had the idea of ​​fighting for a lifetime as a bachelor. As soon as he reached out and grabbed the gray coat, he rolled away to the left.

He needs to save his life.

And the reason why he was still holding on to the coat when he arrived was to have an explanation with the higher-ups, you see! Those who ambushed us were from the Northeast Army, and I even snatched their coats back!

This time Chai Hongze suffered the worst defeat, it would be fine if he played with him to escape the shell, but he came to show his weakness, and then he wanted to catch them all!

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