The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 522: have eaten

The enemy was very jealous when they met. All the calmness just now was an illusion, it was the tranquility before the tsunami.

The purple potato essence swung the big knife, and each knife slashed towards Leon's key point. From time to time, there would be a burst of light on his gloves, and he used the power of gems to fight against Leon.

Leon didn't keep his hands at all, he scolded him without delaying his hands, the crowbar in his left hand and the knife in the right hand, and the frost also flew with the flames, roaring and blood flying.

A knife was pressed on Leon's shoulder, and the purple potato essence himself was pierced by Leon's arm with the Edman alloy knife, and he didn't care, saying anything would kill Leon.

Not far away, General Deathblade, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground just now, secretly got up. Although the battle of Thanos never allowed others to intervene, he could no longer control so much at this time.

He could see that Thanos didn't seem to have an advantage when fighting the masked guy.

Thanos saw General Deadblade get up, but he didn't make a sound to stop his subordinate.

The plan is about to take shape, and the principle is not principled. It seems that it is not so important at this time.

Thanos knew that General Dead Blade stood up, and Leon naturally knew that, but now his weapon was locked, and it seemed that there was no way to get out.


The dead blade general held his peerless blade flat and charged from behind Leon.

In terms of sharpness, General Deathblade did not feel that the weapon in his hand would lose to anyone's weapon.

As long as he stabs Leon, let him be a body made by Zhenjin, and he will die!

"Give it to you!"

Leon suddenly sent his hand, letting the crowbar and Edman's alloy long knife in his hand be supported by Thanos' muscles and big knife, and retreated.

Leon, who lost his weapon, was also free at the same time. He suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared behind General Dead Blade.

Reaching out his hand and gently pushing up his mask, Leon revealed his bizarre heavy makeup, and his blood-red lips curled into an exaggerated arc. On the top are Leon's unsmiling eyes.

"You really... will cause trouble for people..."

The index finger was in the shape of a pistol, and lightly touched the back of the dead blade general. Like a good brother, Leon used the other arm around his shoulder from behind and hugged him.

"Don't move. Oh, digging, Mo Xin will go all the way!"

Two explosive holes popped out of General Deathblade's chest. Leon gently pushed him away and turned his body gracefully to prevent the blood from falling on him.

"...ha... uh..."

General Deathblade didn't die like this. He turned his head with difficulty, holding the trembling tip of the spear, still pointing at Leon's chest.

"You're not dead, do you want to be the protagonist?"

Pulling back the hand of the mask, Leon grinned again, dodged the long gun thrown by the other party, and took off the mask directly.

"You go to hell, you are not allowed to say that you were killed by a person with a green instant noodles head, did you hear that?"

The tree roots on the ground rolled up the peerless blade, grew, curled up, and handed it to Leon's hand.

Leon stared at the gloomy purple potato essence and smiled: "Next, I'm going to turn his head off.

One, two... tah tah! ! "

With a golf ball-like motion, Leon knocked off General Dead Blade's head. It rolled and rolled and landed at Thanos' feet.

"Yes!! Wuhu!!"

Like a professional magician, Leon held the long handle end of the peerless blade and showed it to the "audience" around him. Then, he pressed it and pressed it into his other palm.

The peerless blade disappeared into Leon's palm piece by piece, and finally disappeared completely with his clapping.

"Tata! Awesome! That's how I stole ham sausages when I was a kid! This is my secret!

Ah... I miss it... I used to be able to buy a lot of things for two dollars.

Not anymore. They are under surveillance. "

Leon took off his windbreaker, folded it neatly, smoothed the folds, and threw the clothes on the tree with a flick of his hand, hanging there in a mess.

While slowly rolling up his sleeves, he gently said to Thanos: "Excuse me, are you willing to cooperate with me and perform the next magic.

I'll turn you into Lady Death's toilet! "

Purple Sweet Potato Essence's answer is the tearing of the earth after the yellow light flickers, and the space is distorted.

"Oh, it looks like you don't want to. Then I'll...

Had to force you to be willing! ! "

After speaking, Leon suddenly disappeared, and when Zishu Jing was waiting, he appeared in front of the sentinel who had just opened his eyes, and punched his nose bridge and vestibule at a speed of 200 punches per second. Free medical beauty.

The sentinel was very satisfied with Lyon's service, and fell asleep again with a sweet smile.


On the battlefield at this time, apart from Leon and Purple Potato Essence, only Proxima Centauri remained awake.

He took out a kunai from the space and threw it.

"Take this and stab that big bald head three times. I'll let you go.

I only count three


Proxima Midnight bit his lip and bent over to pick up the broken iron piece.


It's really just an ordinary piece of broken iron.

This is killing me!


Looking up at his master, Proxima Dark Night saw a pair of dark pupils that were as deep as the sea.

"Two and a half..."

Made! Fight!


Proxima Dark Night threw Kuai to Thanos with all her might, and at the same time pounced towards Thanos with her three-pointed spear, but after running two steps, she suddenly turned around and rushed towards the station. Lyon on the side.

"Three!... Hehe. You, choosing to die on my side is indeed a well-knowing choice!"

Blowing out a breath, the magic spear that turned into electric current froze into ice cubes in the air and fell to the ground. In a huge ice cube, he still maintained a ferocious expression and a look of shock and fear, and the dark night Proxima Centauri also exited the stage. .

"Children's tricks..."

Purple Sweet Potato Essence walked towards Leon, who was poking ice with an iron plate.

"Eh? Aren't you afraid I'll step on your toes?"

The fingers popped out, and an afterimage was suddenly drawn, and the dense pills were like a horizontal torrential rain, hitting the purple potato essence.

The explosion sounded almost instantly, and it was directly connected into a piece. In a burst of smoke, the big knife of the purple potato essence spun out and slashed against Leon's lower face.

In the smoke and dust, the purple potato essence with a strong purple light erupted in his hand, jumped high, and punched Leon with a punch.

"Why don't I hide!"

The Eight Gates Dunjia opened instantly, and Leon's fist also turned black, with a faint golden light.

Bang! !

The fists of the two people collided, and the violent explosion of air waves swept everything around them, and the huge sound directly woke up the sleeping people in the palace.

They got up quickly, and before they could ask the question, the sound from the outside rang one after another, and many people's ears were shaken with blood, so they could only clench their teeth and hold their ears tightly.

The ground began to vibrate, and the pillars of the palace were swaying. It seemed that two suns were colliding outside. The dazzling and intense light kept flashing. The instantaneous high temperature even burned the trees at the entrance of the palace.

Invisible female Susan held up the protective shield to help everyone resist the sound, and Doctor Strange used magic to quickly lead everyone to the distance.

When they came out of the round door of space, they happened to see the scene of the collapse of the palace in the distance.

Black Panther shook his head. His family has a big business, of course he doesn't feel bad about this, he just thinks...

"A battle of this there really anything we can do to help..."

Sol stared straight at the other side without speaking. Captain Marvel looked calm and received calmly, "You can't participate."

He raised his eyebrows slightly: "I can still do it."

Black Panther could only helplessly smile.

This is all, big man...


Leon and Zishujing have no weapons, but what Zishujing does not have are cutting tools, and he still has gloves on his hands.

The purple potato essence has been strengthened in physical energy, and Leon has been releasing a steady stream of spiritual attacks.

Spit out a huge dark red fireball, and the purple sweet potato essence escaped.

"You're a spare tire!"

The ultra-high temperature heat rays in the eyes swept across, and the purple potato essence resisted it with the power of gems.

"Dead Servant is so ugly, she won't choose you!"

[Mind Seal: Zong Yan], Leon gave Zishu Jing a wedding photo of Death and Deadpool, which reflected in his mind.

"You don't deserve her to wash her hair and go out!"

"Guess what Deadpool is eating now?!"

"She's wearing the clothes you want to see and walking into places you've never been with her with Deadpool!"

"The goddess you lick is someone else's licking dog!"


Words and sentences, swords, spears, swords and halberds.

The purple potato essence only felt that her temples were about to explode, her heart was beating so violently that her teeth were about to shatter.

At this time, the purple sweet potato essence regretted a little.

He regretted himself, why did he come to earth.


"not enough!"

"Don't say any more!"

"Just say it, say it!"

The blood vessels in Zishujing's forehead exploded, the three-color gemstones in his hand were all bright, and his entire body was visually distorted. The edge position looked like it was fogged, exuding an erratic, hazy light.

"Exploding this? Huh?!"

Before Leon could finish speaking, the purple potato essence rushed up and punched Leon like a storm, each punch carrying the power of three gems.

Although Leon lived in the sun for a while, he couldn't stand the power of the three gems. He was beaten back and forth, pressed into the ground, and driven to the sky...

When Leon spit out the third mouthful of blood with golden spots, the purple potato essence finally began to lose strength. A head hammer hit Leon, and he also fell into the deep pit below.

The battle between the two has completely destroyed the former Wakanda, and even the terrain has been permanently changed.

"Ha...hahaha...ahhhhh! You are so...good!"

Leon wiped the blood from his mouth, stood up from the pit, looked at the purple sweet potato essence who was also staring at him, smiled and applauded.

There was no smile on the purple sweet potato essence's face, he walked slowly towards Leon, the gem in his hand lighted up slightly again: "You just die like this!"

"Fortunately you only have three."

Leon was still smiling: "I'll give you another magic trick!"

Put your hands together and slowly open.

A small blue stone appeared in Leon's palm.

The one that has been kept in Leon's hands: the space ah... It's a beautiful thing to use the power of the gem...

Do you want to.

Come here to get it. "

Leon picked up the space gem and threw it into his mouth.


" tastes good."

He took the space gem and ate it.

(Ps: This operation has been guessed by someone before.

Another: DC's information is still being supplemented. How about writing One Piece in the next book? →_→)

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