The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 521: I am your dear!

Purple sweet potato essence, purple sweet potato essence...

Leon was thinking about it, and he began to worry about the fearful purple potato essence from the time he crossed here.

It turned out that Leon thought that when he saw him, he would be filled with righteous indignation, curse, and even turn his head and run away.

He has imagined more than once what it will be like when he meets the purple sweet potato essence. I thought of everything, but I didn't think that I would be so calm, so...

"Wow, that's disgusting, what's the sense of seeing an old friend after a long absence, seeing each other again after a long absence, eh~~~~!"

Before Leon could do anything, he muttered to himself, rubbing his arms frantically with both hands, as if he had seen something unsightly and disgusting.

On the other hand, Purple Sweet Potato Essence is more like a player who challenges the big boss of the final level.

His eyebrows were low, and he waited.


The low but clear voice reached Leon's ears, and he didn't find it strange.

In the original plot, although the purple potato essence has never been to the earth, he can say the name of Iron Man at once.

His understanding of the earth is definitely deeper than everyone imagines.

"Yo, you've heard of me. Mr. Thanos."

The two real generals in the formation chatted like no one else.

Purple Sweet Potato Jing chuckled, put the big knife on the ground, buckled the metal helmet on it, and sat on a fallen tree.

"I used to think that you would be on my side."

The purple potato essence looked at Leon and said, "I don't know too much about you.

You seem to have no sympathy for humans. "

The purple potato essence stared at Leon's eyes, or, in other words, stared at the mask that was constantly swimming and deforming on Leon's mask, and grimace appeared from time to time, as if to see through his heart and his soul.

"You are used to dividing people into good and bad. What you are best at is destruction. You are more capable of slaughtering your kind than any inhabitant of any planet I have ever seen.

You, you know exactly what I'm talking about. killed a lot of people, Leon.

What were you thinking at those times. "

Leon didn't expect Purple Sweet Potato Essence, the little-eyed guy without eyebrows, to play a heart attack.

He put his hands in his pockets calmly, and Leon's mask could not see any real expressions. He just walked forward step by step, slowly and slowly approaching the purple sweet potato essence.

"Oh, I was thinking at the time...

Alas...if only this dead guy had a purple head. Hahahahaha! "

Thanos was not annoyed, he stood up with a smile, picked up his helmet from the tyrant's broadsword and buckled it on his head, pulled out the knife stuck in the ground, and approached Leon step by step.

"Give it up, Leon. You know I'm right. Look at what those so-called intelligent beings do.

If they are not contained, the universe will sooner or later sink into its demise.

Join me, Leon. I can do it faster than you kill one by one.

You know, like... like this. "

The purple potato essence stood still, raised her gloved left hand, and snapped her fingers.

The red light flashed on the back of the glove, and Leon saw countless pictures in a trance, those killing, destroying, polluting...

It flashed in front of his eyes like a slideshow, and at the same time, the whispers of purple sweet potato essence sounded in his mind.

"This special code... as expected of you..."

Leon also stood still, nodding his head and applauding: "I really have you. Licking and licking, even myself believe that my true love is invincible, it is moving, the whole world should be for you. Great love gives way.

You've watched too much braid drama! "

Leon moved his fingers up and down, and a flickering gold coin slid up and down his fingertips.

"Listen to the jb thing you said, you believe it... well, whether I believe it or not, you do believe it.

What, death promises you that as long as you kill those people, she will take care of you with you? Happy clap? "

Leon wiped out the smile on the face of the purple potato essence with a single word, the corners of his mouth slowly sank, and his eyes gradually became sullen. Just as the purple potato essence was about to ask a question sharply, Leon interrupted his spellcasting with a high-pitched voice. Process.

"Stop licking it! She's eating spicy strips with my brother Deadpool."

"I kill you!!!"

"Look at the special code who kills who!"

Leon flew the gold coin into the air: "I prepared a gift for you. Thank me! This gold coin can only be used this time, and I have been reluctant to use it. I have kept it for you until now!"

【The last gold coin on the altar】

This gold coin is Lyon's first golden prop. In Lyon's medical career, it brought a lot of laughter and healing to him and the patients he was treated.

However, as the number of times of use increases, and as Leon becomes richer and richer, he becomes stronger and stronger, and the enemy becomes stronger and stronger, and the loss of this gold coin is also increasing.

So far, it is estimated that it can only be used once.

This time, Lyon specially kept it and prepared it for purple sweet potato essence.

With a bang, Leon threw a super large gold nugget as a sacrifice for using this gold coin.

Where did he scavenge... pick them up.

Accumulated so much money for this day.

The more gold sacrificed, the stronger the **** Leon can become. Plus, this thing seems to always lean towards the goddess uncontrollably...

The gold turned into powder and disappeared, and the gold coin was completely shattered and turned into powder.

A black wind swirled around Leon's body, and the black wind dissipated in the dubbing of Leon's own singing of Balala Little Devil's Transformation Song.

Leon, turned into a shabby cloak with a scythe in the palm of his bones... God.

"Oh~! My cub, come to the dead mother, my mother loves you...

What the hell! How could you even cut me off! Does she usually see you without these bones? "

Purple Sweet Potato Jing's eyes were red, he felt that he was being mocked by Leon, even humiliated, insulted!

The helmet fell to the ground, and the purple sweet potato essence rushed up to be a random slash!

Leon's transformation, of course, will not have the powerful power of the real goddess of death. Due to the tallness of the opponent, Leon is a little unstable even to maintain this form, let alone exert his power.

However, Leon just didn't want to lift this state, he would rather hide in embarrassment than admit defeat, and at the same time, his mouth was never idle.

"I know you may not want to come with me, but what if I wear black silk?"

"My divine power, but I borrowed it from her like a fake~"

"You don't have enough soul for half of your life as a dowry, my mother can't let me pass!"



A burst of white's transformation dissipated.

It seems that death does not want to be drawn out of divine power.

"Hey hey hey! Exactly! Enough of the jokes, let's get down to business!"

No longer dodging, Leon set up the holy sword of physics with one hand to block the slashing of the purple potato essence, raised his fist and gave the purple potato essence a blow on the nose.

"Ha... but there will be more than this blood... Are you ready, purple sweet potato essence!

I'm going to send you to find your bones and get married! ! "

(Ps: Add updates for zephyr1664, the leader of the alliance. If you can't make updates, you will finish the book ahead of schedule.

There is also a normal update at night. )

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