The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 497 - Tea Party

The lively, warm, sophisticated family had another side. Foxy, deviousness which Aarvi didn't want to assume wrongly, "What's going on?" Aarvi's mellow confused voice sounded.

Karsen, who came out of the study, asked the same question to know what was happening, "What is going on without me?"

Jordan focused on the canes to pick the strong ones so Connor had to respond in amusement, "Sister-in-law is going out to have some fun!"Â

Aarvi: "..." Her intuition was getting stronger.

Karsen gave a quick thought to deduce Connor's words before asking, "Those irritating so-called socialite ladies tea party?" His words and expression showed his irksomeness.Â

It irritates him because all they do is gossip behind others' backs and they change sides as easily as changing dress. If one is wealthy, they would welcome them to the club else they would look down on them. And most of them were jobless women who needed attention or a topic to pass time or gloat on somebody. One who would be busy with work, ambition, goals would mind their work.

Megan doesn't hang out with them, since she was going, Karsen was sure she was going to slap someone in the face. Who? He looked at Aarvi and realized it might be Maisie Burnett. He quickly messaged his assistant to send Maisie's picture and information to Megan.

Aarvi: "..."

Maisie Burnett hardly misses those tea parties to be recognized well by the rich society. Considering the storm going on about 'Aarvi Evans, The youngest President of Skylar,' Maisie would definitely be there.

When Karsen looked up from his mobile, he chuckled looking at Aarvi wonderstruck, "I told you, we have faced troubles too."

Aarvi turned to him, Jordan and Connor glanced at him before her. Yes, they had suffered a lot to save the Rivas hospital from other influential companies trying to poach. They had gone to the extent of selling the properties so that Rivas hospitals don't get commercialized for the other companies in the name of improvement.Â

While Megan, Aaron's mother, and his grandmother were taking care of the hospital, it took the hard work, the dedication of Jordan, Karsen to build Rivas Industries just so that they could protect their chain of hospitals. Later they got to know, just having a backing company isn't enough but having a strong foothold was a must.

Connor was there to help them but Jordan didn't let him leave the military hospital so that if the Rivas family really lost everything one day, his job wouldn't be affected and they would have a stable source of income.

During that time, they had faced people who tried to manipulate them into giving up, bribing them, backstabbing, and whatnot. They knew being kind all the time just brings trouble. One should be able to stand for themselves against the odds.

Karsen continued, "We are kind and silent, that doesn't mean, we bear the attack and don't fight back."

Aarvi: ('¯â›'¯â‚’'¯â›'¯)

Connor and Jordan joined Karsen, "Welcome to the family."

Aarvi felt they were just like Aaron. Scratch that, Aaron was like them. A smile bloomed on her face as she admired the family, especially the father and his sons, "You guys are so cool!" She exclaimed.

The three men chuckled at her words. They adored her. When the hospital was in trouble, they had each other for moral support but she was all alone, became strong, and started to fight alone.Â

"Don't forget to invite your brother to the party." Jordan reminded her about Zain. Since he was the only family she was considering, he thought to meet him. About Hayden Kelly, they will see it as the time flows.

Karsen went to arrange the car and instruct the driver for Megan. He wanted to make sure about the safety as Leon finds women as weak ends.

Connor took Aarvi upstairs to rest for some time and change into comfortable wear. "Don't be a guest anymore. Feel at home." He rubbed her head and let her rest.

Aarvi laid on Aaron's bed, looking at the ceiling. Feeling blissful, a tear rolled out her eyes thinking of the Rivas family. She smiled to herself before she thought about what Megan might do at the tea party.Â


At the Oasis Clubhouse

The Oasis was a high-end clubhouse with numerous services for socialites to spend their money. The building of the clubhouse was majestic following the aesthetics of the medieval age palace. It looked like a castle, straight out of a fairytale. Hence every corner of the clubhouse spoke of luxury.

A white Maybach stopped in front of the main entrance. The valet of the clubhouse opened the backdoor for Megan to alight from the car. Megan was wearing an elegant cap-sleeved dress that reached her mid-calf. Her hair was tied in a stylish bun with a fascinator1 crowning her head. The tea party was in the late afternoon, on the lawn of the Oasis, near the golf course. So she had dressed accordingly.Â

The valet greeted her with a bow, "Madam Rivas, welcome to the Oasis." Most of the high-end venue employees will be updated about the members of the upper class so it wasn't surprising to know Megan's identity was well known.

She just smiled at him in courtesy as she walked towards the entrance holding a clutch. The manager of the clubhouse reached the entrance. He welcomed Megan formally, he was the son of the owner so he behaved modestly.Â

He walked her in as he asked, "I presume, Madam Rivas is here for the Tea Party. Correct me if I am wrong?" She had made no reservation so it was an easy guess.

Megan faintly nodded, "You are absolutely right."

The manager pointed towards the door that was at the other end, "Please let me guide you'¦ This way please."

Megan thanked him as she went inside followed by a woman bodyguard behind her.

Megan could already hear the ladies' chatter, exclamations, and laughter. Even though she couldn't make out their conversation, the words 'Evans' were obvious.

'Dreaming of My Gigglemug? It will remain a dream.' She scoffed in her mind and a graceful smile stayed on her face.

How she hates them. When the Rivas family was on the brink of losing the Rivas hospital, she was very young in her early twenties, newly married for three months, she had seen these women snickering at her. Then they tried to be chummy but she wasn't reachable anymore.Â

When she took a right turn and saw the ladies, she could see them exaggerating their expressions and actions in the name of elegance. She knew most of them were pretending which was easy to irk her.

As soon as a few ladies noticed Megan walking towards them, they gasped, "Oh my god! Isn't she Madam Rivas?"Â

"Yeah, Yeah'¦ She is Madam Rivas."

"Megan is so beautiful!"

"She looks just the same."

The praises went on. Maisie Burnett who was earning the compliments on her looks, figure, and finely aged lady was jealous instantly. She couldn't stop but turn to have a look at Megan.

Well, both were gorgeous ladies, however, Megan wasn't jealous of anybody due to anything but Maisie was jealous of her. The looks, wealth, huge mansion in an estate, steadily expanding company, handsome and smart husband'¦ Everything.

As soon as Ava Kelly returned, Maisie had started planning the wedding so she didn't know Ava knew the Rivas family, not just Shawn. Since Shawn never reproached them for Ava like Dax, she was confident Megan wouldn't know anything about her.

It was the first time she was meeting and seeing Megan directly. So she started thinking about the chances of getting close to her.Â

'Should I tell Madam Rivas that Jinx and Shawn Rivas were friends?' She thought it could open a conversation between them.

Anyhow she shook her head in mind, 'That Jinx just ruins my life. I have to get close to Madam Rivas by myself.' She straightened her back, put on a gentle smile, and looked at Megan as she recalled the compliments to flatter Megan.

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