The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 496 - The Double Celebration

For each passing second in grave silence, Aarvi could feel her erratic heart slowly numbing. She was losing hope of having a family or was she being too expectant? Anyway, she knew she would overcome this too and live on.

But 'will this affect me and Aaron too?' She didn't want to be the reason for the disturbance in the Rivas family.

The perfect family image in her head felt like an exaggeration and fantasy just written on the books and displayed in the drama. But in reality, you will be supported if you are filial and obedient. If you aren't good enough, one should be ready to have their own life of struggle.

Clenching her fist, Aarvi breathed slowly. She hadn't cried, thankfully. The moisture in her eyes would dry up soon so she stood up still having the serene smile. She thought to let them talk without troubling them.

Connor stood up with her and held her arm quickly if in case she tries to leave. He quickly yelled at the rest to bring them out of their thoughts, "Where have you all lost?"

The blank, sharp gazes of the three focused back at Aarvi. Megan rushed up to Aarvi and enveloped her in a tight hug. She desperately tried to soothe Aarvi by rubbing her back. "It's all over. Forget your parents, you have us. They don't deserve a child and don't have the right to have you."

Aarvi had stiffened unknowingly thinking that Megan was going to slap her just like her mother, Maisie Burnett. She slowly relaxed as she glanced at Connor. He smiled at her before he sat down.

"Outsider is an outsider, how could parents do that with a child?" Jordan showed his annoyance to the Kelly family.

Karsen gritted his teeth, "That Leon Harmon." Karsen had doubted Leon's intention at the celebration party three years back when Leon had repeatedly tried to speak with Ava Kelly aka Aarvi. Karsen had even given heads up to Hayden that he should protect Aarvi. He hadn't expected Hayden's way of protection was to marry her off.

Since he got to know the real faces of Shane Kelly and Maisie Burnett, he could only think as Hayden wanted to save her from her parents. But shouldn't Hayden check the background of the Hays family?

Meanwhile, Jordan was thinking if Aarvi's memories were not disturbed, if he had listened to teenager Aaron's worries, Aarvi would have definitely been with Aaron. He was angry at himself too and more than that, the Kelly family infuriated him. A family who should have protected and cared for a daughter had treated her worse than anybody else could.

Karsen addressed Aarvi's real worry, "Aarvi, we have also faced problems to have this life. Difficulties, obstacles aren't new to us so don't worry about us. We will be careful and don't be a burden in your way." He knew it was important for her to end what she had started.

Jordan clutched the cane's head thinking about Leon. He couldn't believe there was still none to stop him. "If not the law, somebody should clean the pest. Aarvi, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask us." He showed his support.

Connor breathed in relief, he had shown his support to Aarvi a long back. Knowing the complete back story, he commended her endurance, resolution, and strong personality. The Ava Kelly to Aarvi Evans transformation wasn't easy and he was glad she hadn't lost herself between all these.

Aarvi couldn't describe how she felt hearing them. They indeed felt bad for the suffering she had been through but they didn't pity her when they looked at her. Instead, they showed their support to her and tried to make her feel better.

She didn't even know when she had wrapped her arms around Megan who was emotional. Megan looked back at Aarvi whose eyes were still moist. She had noticed Leon or anybody else didn't affect Aarvi as much as her parents did to her. Her hand cupped Aarvi's face and said firmly, "They aren't fit to be parents. Don't waste your emotions and tears on them. They don't deserve it."

Aarvi hummed in acceptance before they all settled back to the couch. They had only one condition, her safety first over everything. Aarvi accepted all their concerns with a smile on her face. She was far crafty than what they were thinking of her to be.

Jordan, who thought for a few minutes, asked everyone's opinion, "What do you guys think of Aarvi and Aaron's engagement on my birthday?" Aarvi had told them she would be attending as Aaron's girlfriend. If she stays with the Rivas family everybody would ask about her identity and mainly Jordan wanted to provide her a protection shield named Rivas.

Megan suddenly remembered the uproar in the socialite circle to know about Evans. She chuckled, "Everyone is thinking to get or befriend or trick President Evans. We should make GiggleMug officially ours quickly." She liked Jordan's idea.

The four had their eyes on Aarvi who shook her head, causing their shoulders to fall. They didn't doubt Aarvi and Aaron's relationship, they thought she might not want to reveal her identity because of her plans.

Then their eyes brightened when they heard Aarvi say, "I have no issues." The engagement was just a formality whereas she had already haunted Aaron with marriage questions. If that's what Rivas family plans, then her identity, and face would be public earlier than expected.

Karsen was first to react as he stood up in the excitement of a double celebration, "That's great. I will make rearrangements quickly." He went towards study.

Jordan nodded without showing much of a reaction. He was still thinking of Aarvi's pathetic biological parents, he sternly passed a few words to Aarvi, "I am seeing that Kelly couple. I am not accepting any rebuff on it."

Aarvi chuckled. It was hard to believe they were acting so quickly and wanted to handle her parents on her behalf, "I have no objection."

She wanted to torment her parents but it wasn't easy for her to come up with anything. Sometimes she felt her plan might be easy on them compared to what she had been through. Another time, she thought she might go too hard on them as it was an undeniable fact that they were her biological parents. And that made her feel uneasy so she was still considering her plans for them.

Jordan rubbed his palms in anticipation. He used to be bored in the house so he was happy he could put her parents in place as Aarvi still had a soft corner for the relationship. He actually admired how she had respect for the relationship.

His hands were itching to beat somebody. He checked his cane. "I won't take this. Connor, get me that lion-headed cane."

Aarvi and Megan didn't know whether to laugh or not, realizing Jordan had plans to beat Shane Kelly. Connor put the whole cane stand in front of Jordan and even gave suggestions, leaving the ladies speechless.

Aarvi was hearing Connor speak about the different wood quality so she was hearing them when Megan excitedly stood up, "Dad, I won't be here for tea and I will be back soon." There was excitement in her tone.

Aarvi looked at Megan in confusion. Connor was the first to let out a chuckle shaking his head in resignation understanding Megan's intention.

Jordan nodded with a cunning smile on his face, "Don't forget to have fun, Megan." Aarvi sensed the underlying meaning behind his words.

Megan winked at Aarvi and quickly went upstairs to get ready. What was Megan's plan that made her so thrilled?

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